Archive for the ‘YoungVitalizer’ Category

Minimally Invasive Facial Plastic Surgery – The YoungVitalizer

Wednesday, July 25th, 2012

Minimally Invasive Facial Plastic Surgery – The YoungVitalizer by Dr. Philip Young of Aesthetic Facial Plastic Surgery in Bellevue: We are starting a new blog category called Minimally Invasive Facial Plastic Surgery. With this subject we would like to talk about the YoungVitalizer the minimally invasive approach to facial rejuvenation. Most of the time when you think about minimally invasive appraoches you think that you might be getting something that is less effective. The purpose of this blog is to say that this is not always true. In fact, when we talk about the YoungVitalizer, is that we think this approach is an improvement to facial rejuvenation over face lifts, mid face lifts, cheek lifts, etc. We think the results you can get with the YoungVitalizer is much better than traditional approaches like face lifting etc. The downtime is much better in many ways, there are no incisions in the face that are needed with the YoungVitalizer, General Anesthesia is not required, discomfort is way less with the YoungVitalizer when compared to facelifts, etc. and other traditional procedures. How is that. Well it has to do with the way that we age. Aging is effected mainly through a volume loss. The YoungVitalizer replaces this loss and shapes your face in a natural way, the way that you aged. This is the reason why the results are better than traditional procedures.

Here is a video of Dr. Young explaining the YoungVitalizer on New Day Northwest:

Thanks for reading and visiting our blog

Dr. Phil Young from Aesthetic Facial Plastic Surgery.

The YoungVitalizer’s positive effects on your skin by Dr. Young of Aesthetic Facial Plastic Surgery

Wednesday, July 11th, 2012

The YoungVitalizer’s positive effects on your skin by Dr. Young of Aesthetic Facial Plastic Surgery: The YoungVitalizer can have very positive effects on your skin by Dr. Young of Aesthetic Facial Plastic SurgeryHow does volumizing help your skin. It took me longer to realize the benefits of volumizing for the skin. But over the years, after showing patients pictures of before and afters, people noticed the improvement of the skin sometimes more than other effects from volumizing. How does it do that. This blog is dedicated to explaining how it works.

1st: The general distention and volumizing of the skin and face, makes the skin more taught. The effect is to have the skin flatter in most areas.

2nd: The stem cells that are brought in with the volumizing heals your skin as well

3rd: The increased distance that the facial muscles are placed away from the skin allows the skin to heal. You have skin cells that are constantly remodeling your skin. This increased separation allows your skin to decrease the skin wrinkles in your skin, etc.

youngvitalizer effect on skin rejuvenation

youngvitalizer effect on skin rejuvenation

Thanks for reading

Our team at Aesthetic Facial Plastic Surgery!

Is there a permanent way of removing the vertical lines in between the eyes and eyebrows?

Thursday, June 9th, 2011

Is there a permanent way of removing the vertical lines in between the eyes and eyebrows? by Dr. Philip Young of Aesthetic Facial Plastic Surgery: Brow lift with muscle excision and / or fat grafting / injections can be a solution for long lasting removal of vertical lines. First of all there is nothing that is permanent. Permanent, IMO, suggests infinity which is not possible.  But longer lasting results, instead of the results that you can achieve with botox toxin is possible.  There are ways to carry out browlifts where you can excise the muscle in between your eyebrows to decrease your ability to frown in this area. I have a live video demonstrating this if you are interested below. Fat injections all throughout the forehead is another option that can be done alone or in conjunction with a browlift and muscle excision. Another better alternative is the YoungVitalizer to treat these lines in between your eyes.

Click here for our Browlift YouTube Playlist

or here for our Brow Lift Before and After Photos.

brow lift with muscle excision before and after

Thanks for reading, Dr Young

Dr Young specializes in Facial Cosmetic and Reconstructive Surgery and is located in Bellevue near Seattle, Washington

Plastic Surgery Face lift Alternative, Older Philosophies, and Newer Alternatives by Dr. Philip Young | Aesthetic Facial Plastic Surgery

Friday, February 25th, 2011

by Dr. Philip Young | Aesthetic Facial Plastic Surgery:
Plastic Surgeons typically approached facial plastic and reconstructive surgery by reducing and excising away tissue. The results often lead to a tighter and unwanted look. These results have made people who have received plastic surgery in the past look like they had something done. The question is why that occurs.

As you age, the process is really dominated by a volume loss in your face (And your whole body for that matter). You lose volume all throughout the face. But what it appears to others though is that your face is dropping or sagging. How does this occur? Well, as you lose volume, the skin and tissues are no longer pushed forward away from the facial skeleton. Without this volume support the tissue, the only way for the tissues to move is down and inferiorly, therefore the sagging. So, in the past, plastic surgeons would see this drooping and would try to correct by lifting and cutting away tissue. This is also compounded by the fact that plastic surgeons were surgeons. What we mean is tht surgeons have been trained all of these years on the art of cutting and surgical procedures. Naturally over time, they had a predisposition to cutting things away. This is the genesis of the reduction philosophy in plastic surgery. See our Introduction video on the YoungVolumizer now called the YoungVitalizer.

young vitalizer introduction video

Why is this approach unatural? There is an easier way to answer this question and we have a great analogy. Your aging is analogous to a grape and it’s change to a raisin over time.  This process of change entails a lot of volume changes. The grape is the volumized version of the raisin. Plastic surgery has traditionally approached facial rejuvenation by making this raisin into a smaller more pulled raisin. They made incisions in the raisin’s wrinkles (from being dried up) and then excised the skin of the grape to make things tighter. As you can start to see, the raisin that has gone through this approach can never really look like the grape it once was without some type of addition to the volume of the raisin.

We are advancing in our understanding of facial rejuvenation and the above ideas are central to this change in thought. Volumizing is playing a major role in this improvement of our approaches.  It began with fillers in the 1990’s and possibly earlier.  The nasolabial folds were the first areas to be volumized in this spirit.  Collagen started the trend where restylane now dominates. This technique then began to be applied to other areas of the face such as the marionette lines (lines inferior to the corner of the mouth), lower eyelid hollows and bags, and the rest of the face. Because of the temporary results that were achieved from restylane (6 months to a year at best), other options began to surface and resurface.  Long acting injectable fillers include radiesse (a natural bone product made up of calcium hydroxyapatite), artefill (methylmethacrylate microspheres), sculptra (poly-L lactic acid).  Most of the results obtained by the longer acting fillers were like restylane but had the potential to last much longer.  What has been found through experience, though, is that the longer acting injectables eventually do lose volume over the course of a year but the actual materials can persist for longer.  How do we make sense of this? Part of the reason why is due to the carrier molecule that becomes absorbed (glycerin, carboxy methocellulose, etc).  With this absorption, the results also wane. Silicone has been used as injectable filler, but the results are variable from good to disastrous.

As I mentioned, other options began to resurface with this new interest in volumizing.  This new idea for more natural results, fat injections began to make a comeback.  The process includes harvesting fat from another part of your body (abodomen most commonly but also hips, waist, side of the legs) and then it is refined and injected into various parts of the face.  The results from fat grafting in the face can be amazing.  The main issue with fat grafting is finding the most optimal technique to achieve the most reliable fat survival results.  Consistency has been a major challenge for plastic surgeons. There are many steps that are taken with fat grafting that can play a role on the fat’s survival.  It has been difficult to study every aspect of this process.  But research is continuing. The plastic surgery community is doing all that it can to find the best alternatives including fat grafting and volumizing the face. In terms of fat grafting, there are many ways to approach this complicated endeavour.  Just as many different artists will draw a face in an infinite amount of varying ways, so too can a plastic surgeon volumize a face in a those infinitesimal ways . The Young Vitalizer is an amazing approach to volumizing the face.

Other alternatives to volumizing the face is the use of facial implants.  Facial implants are most commonly placed in the chin, and cheeks.  Implants for the rest of the face have been used but with less frequency.  Implants, however, require a significant surgical procedure to place them in the face which many people are not excited about. This is one of the reasons that fat grafting has taken such a big part of the stage in natural facial rejuvenation through volumizing.

Thanks for reading, Dr Young

Dr Young specializes in Facial Cosmetic and Reconstructive Surgery and is located in Bellevue near Seattle, Washington

You can smooth these fat collections in the temple with a number of different techniques by Dr. Philip Young | Aesthetic Facial Plastic Surgery

Thursday, February 3rd, 2011

This was a question that I answered for someone that had a lumps and collections in the temple area that was from a fat injection that was done by another surgeon. This is how I answered this question:

You can smooth these fat collections in the temple that happen after fat injections with a number of different techniques.  The options include steroid injections, mesotherapy, microliposuction, direct excision, more fat grafting to add around the lumps to camouflage the fat collections.  Mesotherapy is a way of dissolving the fat with the use of certain agents.  Steroids can be injected into the collection to dissolve it.  Microliposuction is the use of cannulas to accurately suction the collection away.  The last resort is to make an incision right above the collection and excising or taking the fat out directly. My technique that I use is called the YoungVitalizer which is a novel way of volumizing the face using your own tissue. Below is a picture of a temple augmentation with the YoungVitalizer

temple augmentation with youngvitalizer

If you ever want some questions answered you can always Aesthetic Facial Plastic Surgery

Thanks for reading, Dr Young

Dr. Philip Young specializes in Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and is located in Bellevue near Seattle, Washington

More on Brow lifts and the YoungVitalizer by Dr. Philip Young of Bellevue | Seattle:

Thursday, January 14th, 2010

More on Brow lifts and the YoungVitalizer by Dr. Young of Bellevue | Seattle: This is a followup on browlifts done in a natural way.  As I have said before, aging is really a process of losing volume.  The loss of volume in the forehead, temple and around the eyes leads to the eyebrow drooping.  When someone comes in to see me, one question that I always ask is whether they want to look like how they were when they were younger, in terms of where the eyebrow sits, or if they want to look differently.  If a person wants their eyebrow to be more elevated then they ever were, than a browlift through surgery and incisions is probably the best thing for them.  If they want to look more like they were when they were younger then volumizing might be better suited for the person. Here is a picture of a browlift using our incision less technique:

Youngvitalizer incision less browlift

Youngvitalizer incision less browlift

If they want to look how they did when they were younger, volumizing around the eyes, under the eyebrow, above the eyebrow and in the forehead and temple can do amazing things.  The loss of volume in this area allows the brows to fall lower and also the loss of volume under the eyebrow and within the area aroung the eye allows the skin to deflate and this leads to extra skin around the eye.  Usually, historically, plastic surgeons tended to reduce the tissue in the face through facelifts, eyelifts, browlifts, etc.  When you age you change from a grape to a raisin.  Hence surgeons typically made the raisin into a smaller raisin. With this approach, you can look better but you don’t look like the grape and younger in a natural way.

One thing I realized in my approach to volumizing is that one of the most difficult areas to improve is the upper eyelid area and eyebrow area.  The face is essentially part of the whole head.  I know this is like a “duh” answer. But what I mean by this is much more complicated in a three dimensional view and from a beauty perspective.  So really it isn’t a “duh” subject, if you know what I mean.  The face has to be presented to the viewer, most importantly, from the frontal view.  Hence to make a face beautiful from the front, you need to present all the features so that the face is prominently presented to the viewer.  This objective has to be accomplished given that the face is attached to the head that eventually has to proceed backward towards the back of the head.  Why is that important? Well the face has to be volumized in order to push all the elements of the face forward so that when it is seen from the front it appears the best from this vantage point.  Hence volumizing needs to pay attention to this detail.  When one volumizes the face, the lateral parts of the face needs to have more volume to push those elements forward so that from the front they occupy a prominence to present the face beautifully to someone seeing them from the frontal view.

A big question is then presented to surgeons like me.  If we volumize symmetrically in all the areas of the face, won’t you recreate what the person had when they were younger. This could be true so that you wouldn’t have to volumize more of the lateral areas of the face.  But this all depends on the particular person and how they were built.  You see, sometimes beauty is created by soft tissue or hard tissue. If it so happens that a particular person’s beauty is created by hard tissue like bone, they are more likely to hold on to their beauty.  My wife’s family is like that.  Their cheeks are made of bone and not soft tissue.  So you have to determine how much of there bone structure is still present.

How does this apply to browlifting and rejuvenating the eye region? Well you have to determine how their eyebrow is currently shaped and how they were when they were younger and what volume will get them to the past.  I usually find that most people require much more augmentation in the lateral part of the brow. But typically I augment the lateral brow 2-3 times more than the medial part of the brow.  When I volumize I usually also have the tendency to augment so as to lift the eyebrows with more of the augmentation under the brow and above the eyebrow.  See below for an example of augmenting the whole face and especially in relation to this post the eyebrow and the upper eyelid region.  “The YoungVitalizer” procedure was done for this patient below.

Thanks for reading, Dr Young

Dr Young specializes in Facial Cosmetic and Reconstructive Surgery and is located in Bellevue near Seattle, Washingtonea