Archive for the ‘Procedures’ Category

Plastic Surgery Reviews for Dr Philip Young of Seattle | Bellevue

Monday, September 17th, 2012

Plastic Surgery Reviews for Dr. Philip Young of Seattle | Bellevue: We want to continually improve and would like to hear about your Reviews of Dr. Philip Young and Reviews of Aesthetic Facial Plastic Surgery. You can go to this link to fill out reviews and we will do our best to follow up on them: Dr Philip Young Reviews Seattle | Bellevue. You can then write us any time to inquire about your submission. We are happy that you are helping us in that way. We want to be the best! Here is a link to read about testimonials for Dr. Philip Young, Aesthetic Facial Plastic Surgery and its Staff: Seattle Plastic Surgery Testimonials.

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Our team at Aesthetic Facial Plastic Surgery!


New Approach to Acne Scar Treatment by Dr. Philip Young of Bellevue | Seattle:

Friday, September 14th, 2012

New Approach to Acne Scar Treatment by Dr. Philip Young of Bellevue | Seattle called the Acne Scar Vitalizer: I have been treating acne scarring for about 10 years. I have tried excision, subcision, derma rolling, dermabrasion, dermasanding, laser resurfacing with co2 and erbium, intense pulse light, fillers, fat injections, grafting, punch grafting, etc over the last several years here in Seattle | Bellevue. I am a Facial Plastic Surgeon in the Bellevue, Washington Area. I have essentially tried them all and I am always trying to find the best treatment for each particular situation. Through this constant persistence to find ways to get the best results I have come up with some exciting new approaches to acne scarrring. The Acne Scar Vitalizer Treatment is our multilayered approach to acne scarring that we think will really change things for people who have this condition.  With this approach we work deep within your tissues to get your scars to reconstruct. We also add some resurfacing work to work on the superficial layers. The scars are ultimately shocked so that they get reconstructed. You can see an Acne Scar Vitalizer Treatment Photo Diary to learn more about the recovery and see some of the transformation right before your eyes.

Thanks for reading

Our team at Aesthetic Facial Plastic Surgery!


Asian Eyelid Surgery – The Orbicularis Fixation Technique by Dr. Philip Young of Bellevue | Seattle:

Wednesday, September 5th, 2012

Asian Eyelid Surgery – The Orbicularis Fixation Technique by Dr. Philip Young of Bellevue | Seattle: This is important to bring up for many reasons. This technique is quite different from the way 90% of surgeons do this procedure. We use this technique to create the crease and essentially permanent sutures are left in there to help keep your crease much longer lasting. Also the fold works more in a natural way. The technique is called the Orbicularis Fixation Technique for Asian Double Eyelids. The below anatomy will show you what we are talking about. Most surgeons perform the dermal fixation technique where the crease forming sutures are used to grasp the upper eyelid skin incisional edge then the levator muscle and then the lower eyelid incisional edge. These sutures are then taken out 6-7 days later. The crease is then dependent on scar formation to keep the crease. Sometimes this can be good enough, sometimes this can lead to asymmetric results and relaxation and multiple folds. The orbicularis fixation technique is based on the fact that the orbicularis muscle is tightly adherent to the skin of the eyelids. So attachment of this muscle to the levator is just like attaching the skin to the levator. Also with this attachment, the fold acts more natural. Meaning there is not a scar crease for the fold but it is created by the muscle attaching to where the fold should be. You can click here to learn more about Asian Eyelid Surgery.

Mole Removal Costs

Saturday, September 1st, 2012

Mole Removal Costs presented by Dr. Philip Young: How much does it cost to Skin Lesion Mole Removal? Well this depends on how this is being done. Excisional means takes more time for the surgeon and this will cause the pricing to go up. For one mole, it could range between 500-1500 or more. Each additional mole will likely be less like 200-500 for each additional mole. The region or city that you get this done will impact the pricing. The reputation of the surgeon will also affect it as well based on supply and demand forces. If there is anything suspicious with your mole you can get it removed through insurance coverage. But doing this may put you in a situation where the results may not be as good as you are expecting. The surgeon who removes it for possible cancer risks is less concerned about how it looks afterwards. Other obvious reasons dictate what your results will be.

Thanks for reading and visiting our blog

Dr. Young from Aesthetic Facial Plastic Surgery.

Moles: is it a suspicious mole or not

Saturday, September 1st, 2012

Moles – is it a suspicious mole or not by Dr. Philip Young of Bellevue: There are certain things you should look out for in a mole when considering if it is a cancerous mole or not. Most doctors use the acronym ABCD’s. Asymmetry. Is the mole symmetric? If it is there is less chance that the mole is cancerous. Border: Is the border irregular or not. If it is irregular and has uneven boreders or dark spots like moles that have popped up next to it then this is worrisome. Color: If the mole has undergone some recent color changes this is something that you should be more worried about. Diameter: Most people feel that moles that are greater than 1 cm in length are more likely than ones that are not to be more at risk of having something atypical or not as normal. Bleeding from the mole that is spontaneous is not a very good thing to have. Some people feel that itchiness or discomfort can be a worrisome sign as well. So if your mole has some of these characteristics you should consider removing the mole in its entirety to get a full diagnosis with healthy margins. The pathologist needs healthy margins to make a more reliable diagnosis.  Hope this helps! You can read more about Mole | Skin Lesion Removal.

Thanks for reading and visiting our blog

Dr. Young from Aesthetic Facial Plastic Surgery.


Rhinoplasty – Open Technique the one Seattle | Bellevue’s Dr. Philip Young prefers:

Saturday, September 1st, 2012

Rhinoplasty – Open Technique the one Seattle | Bellevue’s Dr. Philip Young prefers: One of the things we do the most is Rhinoplasty here at Aesthetic Facial Plastic Surgery. With rhinoplasty we prefer the open technique. This approach is the best way to perform Rhinoplasty. The open technique refers to the little incision at the bottom of your nose that allows all of the skin of the nose to be lifted up so that you have direct visualization of the structures. Below shows a 2 month before and after of the incision that is at the bottom of the nose between the nostrils. See if you can find it. It is really hard to detect.


Rhinoplasty Open Approach Incision Dr. Philip Young

Rhinoplasty Open Approach Incision Dr. Philip Young

We prefer this technique because we feel it is the most accurate way to perform Rhinoplasty. It is based on the most up to date techniques that are much harder to perform with a closed approach to Rhinoplasty. Below is a before and after picture of a rhinoplasty done with the open technique showing results from an oblique view. Notice how the incisions are really hard to detect and the results are excellent.

rhinoplasty before after

rhinoplasty before after

What are the Pros and Cons:


  • better visualization
  • direct suturing of the nasal tip cartilages
  • easier to perform minute techniques
  • You can see the structures as they actually be – called in situ visualization


  • scar at the columella
  • columella healing issues
  • prolonged tip edema swelling

Thanks for reading and visiting our blog

Dr. Young from Aesthetic Facial Plastic Surgery.

Mole Removal: The best method by Dr. Philip Young of Bellevue

Sunday, August 19th, 2012

Mole Removal: The best method by Dr. Philip Young of Bellevue:

Skin Lesion Mole Removal

I see a lot of people and many times during a day I see the results of different approaches to the removal of moles. Many physicians approach mole removal through cryotherapy. This involves applying liquid nitrogen which freezes and kills the mole. It is hard to control and many times you can be left with a bad scar that can be even bigger than the original mole.  This occurs because the cold temperature spreads and can kill cells and the skin nearby extending the damage and the scar. Shaving the mole off is often practiced by many physician as well. In this situation, a blade / or knife is used to shave the mole off. What is often left is the base of the mole. This allows the mole to grow right back because the base of the mole will contain cells that will repopulate what was shaved off. Excisional Mole Removal is a much superior option. But cutting is always looked upon with some negativity. If done well you can get a great result. See this testimonial on mole removal. The mole removal with a laser is another good option for smaller moles. The co2 laser is used to physically burn through the mole and is good for moles that are smaller than 3-4 mm. Knowing each option and the risks and benefits is important in deciding which option to choose. You can read about the positives and benefits of excision versus co2 laser mole removal. Here is another web page on the recovery after mole excision.

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Check our Dr. Philip Young’s Website at

Laser Mole removal and post procedure after care by Dr. Philip Young Bellevue | Seattle

Sunday, August 19th, 2012

Laser Mole removal and post procedure after care by Dr. Philip Young Bellevue | Seattle: The removal of moles with lasers mostly is done with the co2 laser. This will leave a raw area to heal. The best way to get the most optimal healing is to treat it like any resurfacing. We have a great cO2 laser resurfacing page that has links to help you understand the process. The first couple of days you need to clean the area every 1-2 hours so that no crusting develops and it stays raw and fresh. Contrary to what most people believe, you don’t want a crust there. The crust is actually food for bacteria and it will lead to a lot of inflammation and proliferation of bacteria. This page on Laser Resurfacing Post Recovery Care is more specific on this process.

Thanks for reading and visiting our blog

Dr. Young from Aesthetic Facial Plastic Surgery.

Mole Removal Recovery Diary by Dr. Young of Bellevue’s Aesthetic Facial Plastic Surgery

Sunday, August 19th, 2012

Mole Removal Recovery Diary by Dr. Young of Bellevue’s Aesthetic Facial Plastic Surgery:  Come visit our new page to see the recovery process after excisional mole removal here: Mole Removal Recovery Diary. On this page we will show you what the area and incision look like after the mole has been excised and surgically removed.  An emphasis on incision care is important for the proper healing of the incision. The better you take care of your incision, the less perceptible it will be in the long run. We have a  great wound care and incision care page to help you take care of yourself after Mole Removal through Excision.

This is Mole Removal Recovery Photo Healing Diary


Thanks for reading and visiting our blog

Dr. Young from Aesthetic Facial Plastic Surgery.

Facial Plastic Surgery and Continual Learning by Dr. Phil Young of Aesthetic Facial Plastic Surgery

Sunday, August 19th, 2012

Facial Plastic Surgery and Continual Learning by Dr. Phil Young of Aesthetic Facial Plastic Surgery:  It is obviously important to be dedicated to what you do. My hard working grandfather once told me that during your middle ages you don’t need 8 hours of sleep. He told me that he would routinely get 6 hours of sleep. He lived until he was 90. So If I can live to that age and only sleep 6 hours during my middle ages, that is what I’m going to do. I told myself that I shouldn’t sleep more than 6 hours as along as I have more to learn about Facial Plastic Surgery. Medicine is often called a practice because we are always learning.  So I get up around 5 am everyday even on the weekends to get stuff done. I constantly read about the things that I do to continually improve.  Let us know how we can help you in any way. Here is our Plastic Surgery Contact Page.

Thanks for reading and visiting our blog

Dr. Young from Aesthetic Facial Plastic Surgery.