Archive for the ‘Procedures’ Category

What should I do with an extra fold over one of my eyes after Asian Double Eyelid Blepharoplasty that was done 2 1/2 weeks ago?

Monday, February 8th, 2010

2 1/2 weeks is a little early to judge the results after Asian Double Eyelid Blepharoplasty (Dr Philip Young, Bellevue Washington).  Swelling and inflammation could cause the extra fold that you are noticing by the new eyelid crease.  I would definitely advise you to wait.  You don’t want to do anything right now when there is swelling.  Because if you do something right now, when the swelling dissipates, your results will be different.  Also at this stage your eyes have different swelling and if you try to do something symmetrical right now it will be asymmetrical when the swelling goes down.  I would wait at least 3-6 months before contemplating a revision Asian Double Eyelid Crease Blepharoplasty (Double eyelid crease formation / Asian Eyelid Lift / Asian Eyelid Crease Formation).  Don’t worry things will look better for you over time.  Here is video on Asian Blepharoplasty and Medial epicanthoplasty.

Thanks for reading, Dr Young

Dr Young specializes in Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and is located in Bellevue near Seattle, Washington

Loss of fat around the eyes is not a commonly recognized risk from Rhinoplasty.

Monday, February 8th, 2010

Loss of fat around the eyes is not a commonly recognized risk from Rhinoplasty (Dr Young is in Seattle).  As the other doctors have answered this is not common.  It is a possiblity that some of the vessels around the nose could be affected with aggressive rhinoplasty (nose shaping, nose reshaping, nose plastic surgery, nose cosmetic surgery, rinoplasty, nose job) that could affect the blood flow to the parts of the eyes that are closer to the nose.  This could be the only possible way of losing fat around the eyes.  The other phenomenon that the doctors have mentioned could account for this sensation that you have lossed fat around the eyes.  One is that you tend to notice things more after you have had a procedure. Two, the swelling around the eyes from the rhinoplasty as it goes away could give the person the impression that they have lossed some volume around the eyes.

Hope that helps!

Thanks for reading, Dr Young

Dr Young specializes in Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and is located in Bellevue near Seattle, Washington

Cure and Correction of the Frowning Mouth Can be done with Corner of the lip lifts By Dr. Philip Young Bellevue | Seattle

Sunday, February 7th, 2010

Cure and Correction of the Frowning Mouth Can be done with Corner of the lip lifts By Dr. Philip Young Bellevue | Seattle:

Cure and Correction of the Frowning Mouth (or aging mouth, downturned lips / mouth, sad mouth, downturned corners of the lips / mouth) Can be done with Corner of the lip lifts. Many times a facelift cannot completely correct the nasolabial folds and the marionette lines (puppet lines that curve down from the corner of the mouth.  Also a facelift does not correct the downturned mouth to a great degree.  When this is the case a corner of the lip lift can help the situation.  There are essentially two types of these lifts that can be done.  One is limited to just the corner of the mouth and can help the downturned mouth turn a little upward.  This requires a direct excision of the skin near the corner of the lip.  So one has to accept the possibility of a scar in the corner of the mouth.  These incisions usually heal with great results in near 90% of people.  When there are marionette lines, another type of lift extends the corner of the mouth lip lift to include the marionette lines to improve there appearance.  The other option that can be done for the nasolabial folds is also to excise the lateral portion of the nasolabial fold which contributes to is deepening.  So if you have persistent nasolabial folds, marionette lines, and downturned lips even after a facelift you can undergo these lip lifts and nasolabial excisions to improve the appearance of your mouth. Take a look at the pictures below.  The blue colored areas indicate where you could do excisions to improve the nasolabial folds (blue colored lentiform shape lateral to the nasolabial fold), just the downturned corner of the mouth (smaller blue lentiform pattern), or the downturned corner of the mouth and the marionette fold (larger lentiform or curved blue colored shape):

Thanks for reading, Dr Young

Dr Young specializes in Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and is located in Bellevue near Seattle, Washington

Come visit our website: Aesthetic Facial Plastic Surgery

Frowning Mouth Drawing

Reconstruction for a torn earlobe

Friday, February 5th, 2010

There are  a few ways to repair a torn earlobe (Dr Young is near Seattle, Washington).  A more complicated approach is to used intricate flaps to repair the tear and reconstruct a new ear ring hole.  But this reconstruction is tedious and has a tendency to for more scars and to leave a larger hole that you would like. My preference is to take out the tear and close the earlobe completely followed by a piercing done 2-6 months later when it is all healed.  The only drawback with earlobe repairs are the incision and the scar that it creates. What I do for the incision scar is to carry out a resurfacing during the time of the reconstruction so that when it heals the incision is harder to see.  What I do is after I excise the tear, I carry out some dermasanding to take the top layers of the skin around the incision.  I then close the incision.  In a few weeks to a month the incision is healed over and much harder to see.  The concurrent skin treatment allows the person to have it fixed plus an added scar revision in one sitting.

Thanks for reading, Dr Young

Dr Young specializes in Facial Cosmetic and Reconstructive Surgery and is located in Bellevue near Seattle, Washington

What can fraxel, ipl, chemical peels do to help Acne?

Friday, February 5th, 2010

What can fraxel, ipl, chemical peels do to help Acne?  The patient who asked this question also mentioned that another doctor told him that the scars eventually all reform and recreate the past scars.  What can be done for this patient.

Acne scars (Dr Young Bellevue Washington) can be improved through excisions, resurfacing, fat injections.  It all depends on the type of scar you want to improve.  If there involves a significant difference in the level of the scar you need to improve that mostly by excision.  This is more so with depressed scars.  There are many ways to try to elevate the scars including very strong chemical peels in the depressed scars which will elevate the scars. Subcision is a technique that can be used to incise around the depressed scar releasing the tethering component to allow the scar to rise up to the level of the surrounding skin.  Or just excision which is the better choice because you make the ultimate incision smaller.  Resurfacing after the subcision or excision comes next and this is where the incisions are made to look less noticeable.  Sometimes through acne, scarring is extensive in the subdermal and subcutaneous plane causing large areas to be adhesed to the deeper tissue.  Filler can separate this scarring but the best thing for this is fat injections.  Injecting fat into this large layer of scar will soften the adhesions and allow the skin to become more free.  The extra volume also allows the skin to be taken up more reducing more lines and wrinkles and a coalescence of scars to make larger scars.  Also with the layer of fat, the skin can begin to heal and remodel itself to make the skin look better.

IPL can decrease any vascularity from the acne. Fraxel can shrink some parts of the scar. While chemical peels can remove some of the scars that are more superficial.  But my preference is to excise and then resurface with a co2 laser.  I also consider fat grafting underneath the skin to allow it to heal. I personally don’t think fraxel works well for Acne scars.  IPL can help with the vascularity of the scars if they are new or possibly any pigmentation issues of the scars but that is the most it will do.  Chemical peels can help like any resurfacing but can be limited without changing the depressed or raised nature of the scars.

Here is a live demonstration video of an Acne Treatment Procedure.

Thanks for reading, Dr Young

Dr Young specializes in Facial Cosmetic and Reconstructive Surgery and is located in Bellevue near Seattle, Washington

How do you get rid of the Angry Look?

Friday, February 5th, 2010

How do you get rid of the Angry Look?  But what if you are one that doesn’t want to come in for Botox several times in a year to keep the results. Botox is great, but a browlift or volumizing followed by laser resurfacing are options.  A browlift that pulls up our eyebrows and then with additional work to take out the muscles that are causing that frowning can be an option to improve this furrow.  I think volumizing this area can also be a good option.  Loss of volume in the forehead and in between the eyes can lead to more skin relative to the tissues underneath. This leads to more skin folding and a closer position of the skin to the muscles that are creating the wrinkles.  Volumizing takes up the extra skin and also separates the skin from the muscles more and decreases the muscles effect on the skin, ie wirnkles.  After both a volumizing procedure and a browlift either/or, you can resurface the face to decrease the wrinkles and also to subtly shrink the skin. The YoungVitalizer (Dr Young in Seattle) is a great option for this area.

Thanks for reading, Dr Young

Dr Young specializes in Facial Cosmetic and Reconstructive Surgery and is located in Bellevue near Seattle, Washington

After a facelift you continue to age but you will always look better than a twin that never had it done by Dr. Young of Bellevue

Friday, February 5th, 2010

After a facelift you continue to age but you will always look better than a twin that never had it done by Dr. Young of Bellevue: After a facelift, you continue to age but you will always look better than a twin that never had it done.  Of course, you have to make sure a facelift is what is going to make you look good.  I think that when facelifts are redone more than once, the more you do the more you can look distorted.  When you age with a facelift, some have found that you can have what people call the lateral sweep affect.  This occurs when your face is pulled laterally and what keeps it up is also more lateral and in between the tissues can hang as you age.  What you get is two points that are higher, one lateral and one nearer to the midline of the face creating a Nike type of swoosh appearance.  At some point, you really need volumizing to make your face look younger.  So if a person has had a facelift before and wants to look younger, I usually talk about the YoungVitalizer as an alternative.  This is my technique of volumizing the face.

YoungVitalizer Before After Pictures

YoungVitalizer Before After Pictures

Thanks for reading, Dr Young

Dr Young specializes in Facial Cosmetic and Reconstructive Surgery and is located in Bellevue near Seattle, Washington

Surgery or volumizing. What should I do? by Dr. Philip Young of Bellevue | Seattle

Thursday, February 4th, 2010

Surgery with a Facelift or volumizing. What should I do? by Dr. Philip Young of Bellevue | Seattle: I think ultimately when you talk about facial rejuvenation, at one point you will face this question of whether to undergo surgery to remove extra skin and lift or the other choice of filling up the space to volumize the extra skin and the space around it.  Take for example the eyes.  Traditionally plastic surgery and its surgeons typically took away skin and fat.  That usually improved the situation but often times, in many cases, the person didn’t look younger necessarily.  Aging is predominately a process of losing volume in the face and around the eys and the way to reverse that is to replace this volume.  Here is a pictures of what improvements you can get after volumizing around the eyes: The YoungVitalizer.  I usually say that aging is a process that is analogous of a grape changing into a raisin.  Traditionally plastic surgery would make that raisin into a smaller raisin and not like the younger grape that it once was.  Volumizing returns the person’s face back into the grape it once was.

YoungVitalizer Before After Image

YoungVitalizer Before After Image

So when do you opt for the traditional reductive type of procedures where things are removed such as when you do an eyelift, browlift, facelift and the like? Well it depends on how you looked like when you were young.  If you thought your face was larger than you liked when you were young then some reduction may be necessary. I have a lot of Asian women who used to have much larger faces which they didn’t like.  They like there shape now that it is smaller but they still look aged.  I think some reductive type of procedures for this particular situation may be more necessary.    Reductive type of surgeries are also more indicated when the person gains a lot of weight and changes the face shape from what it was when that person was younger.  In this case as well, reductive type of surgeries would be more beneficial before volumizing.  Ultimately, whatever the face is looking like right now and what changes it needs to reach the ideal is what you would be most beneficial in doing.  I use my theory to find that ideal for people.

Thanks for reading, Dr Young

Dr Young specializes in Facial Cosmetic and Reconstructive Surgery and is located in Bellevue near Seattle, Washington

Botox under the eye can open up the eye

Wednesday, February 3rd, 2010

You can have a little effect of opening up the eyes by injecting botox / dysport (Dr Young’s Bellevue Office) under the lower eyelid.  Usually 2-4 units can be injected 2-3 mm underneath the eyelashes under the eye.  This can have an effect of weakening the eye muscles around the eye to allow the eyelid margin to become lower.  The ultimate effect is to make the eyes look bigger.  This has been found especially true for Asian patients.  Also injecting laterally in the crows feet area, in the lateral part of the eye and in the area that is between the eye can also have a impact in opening the eye.

Thanks for reading, Dr Young

Dr Young specializes in Facial Cosmetic and Reconstructive Surgery and is located in Bellevue near Seattle, Washington

Lateral Brow lift with Botox / Dysport

Wednesday, February 3rd, 2010

This is a blog to discuss how to get a brow lift with Botox / Dysport (Seattle, Washington).  Overtime, aging has a tendency to decrease the volume around our eyes. This leads to a descent of our eyebrows which can lead to the appearance that our eyes are smaller and that we have a stern look.  Also with the decreased volume and skin thickness, our muscles are more likely to exert their actions on our skin.  In essence, our muscles are more likely to create wrinkles the closer they are to our skin.

What also causes are eyebrows to descend is due to the action of the eye muscles around our eye.  The function of our eye muscles is to close the eye.   Over acting eye muscles can actually lead to the eyebrows descending as well.  Through Botox / Dysport, wecan elevate our eyebrows by making the eye muscles around our eyes weaker.  This action can lead to the other muscles in our forehead to have a stronger influence on our eyebrows and hence more effect on lifting up the eyebrows.  Injecting botox / dysport between the eyes and around the sides of the eyes can do this.  Usually the amount of botox you need in between the eyes is around 8-20 units.  On the sides you can put anywhere from 6-15 units on each side to accomplish this.  Pricing of botox ranges from 9-16 dollars per unit with Dysport being a little less expensive.

Importantly the way you inject botox on the sides of the eyes is important for a brow lift.  Typically, I use 6-10 units under the lateral part of the eyebrow to get this lifting affect.

Thanks for reading, Dr Young

Dr Young specializes in Facial Cosmetic and Reconstructive Surgery and is located in Bellevue near Seattle, Washington