Archive for the ‘Procedures’ Category

How much bandaging do you receive after a facelift? by Dr. Philip Young

Tuesday, February 23rd, 2010

How much bandaging do you receive after a facelift? by Dr. Philip Young

Plastic surgeons vary in terms on how much bandaging they do when they do Facelifts  I personally do not like to rely on bandaging to hold the skin down and prevent fluid accumulation.  When your bandages are too tight you can create a situation where your skin doesn’t get blood flow as easily and readily.  This can put your skin at risk for having problems like skin partially not surviving.  I usually use drains to do this, and they have been scientifically proven over many studies to benefit decreasing blood flow although they haven’t been shown to prevent very large accumulations of bleeding which is often called a hematoma.  I believe that drains are a lot better for the healing from a facelift and do minimal bandaging.  I just use a sticky ace wrap that is 4 inches in width and some gauze pads underneath.  I usually say to wrap 24 hours for the first week or two if they can and then to wrap for the first two months at night.  Pressure from the bandaging can help with healing over this time.  You can do this wrapping for a longer time if you have additional swelling.

Here is a video on Facelifting:

I hope that helps.

Thanks for reading, Dr Young

Dr Young specializes in Facial Cosmetic and Reconstructive Surgery and is located in Bellevue near Seattle, Washington

Come visit our website at

What can you use to fill in the hollows of the face?

Monday, February 22nd, 2010

Fillers and Fat injections (Dr Young does Filler in his Bellevue Office!) can fill in the hollows.  Fillers like restylane, radiesse, perlane, juvederm, can fill in small hollows that are smaller than 1cm squared or  a square area about a 1/3 of an inch.  Fat injections are another more longer term possibility.  Sculptra is a filler made up of suture material that when digested by the body forms collagen for a more longer term solution as well.  The YoungVolumizer is my method of volumizing the face and hollows.  I have a great technique that leads to better fat survival and more long term results.

I hope that helps.

Thanks for reading, Dr Young

Dr Young specializes in Facial Cosmetic and Reconstructive Surgery and is located in Bellevue near Seattle, Washington

What is a revision rhinoplasty and how is it different from a regular rhinoplasty?

Monday, February 22nd, 2010

Revision rhinoplasty is a cosmetic nose shaping procedure done after one has already been done before.  A revision rhinoplasty is just a procedure that is done to improve on the rhinoplasty that was done originally. This occurs at a certain rate with all surgeons.  Many surgeons use this as a gauge to determine how facile they are with rhinoplasties.  The lower rate of revision the better. No surgeon has a 0% rate of revision.  If any surgeon tells you that, he is most definitely not telling the whole truth.  Even the very best rhinoplasty surgeons I know, or at least are the deemed the best by their peers, have a revision rate that doesn’t get much lower than 10%.  Rhinoplasty is a very hard procedure and revisions are a necessary part of the process but vital in ensuring the very best result in the end.

I hope that helps.

Thanks for reading, Dr Young

Dr Young specializes in Facial Cosmetic and Reconstructive Surgery and is located in Bellevue near Seattle, Washington

What is the best treatment for laugh lines? Fillers or Botox?

Monday, February 22nd, 2010

Juvederm is commonly used for laughl lines as well as botox.  It is important to know what you mean by laugh lines.  Many refer to these as the lines around the eyes, or crows feet.  Others mean when the say “laugh lines”, the lines around their mouths or nasolabial folds.  I have a blog that defines those areas if you are interested to know the terms.  But the nasolabial folds are the folds that run from the nose along the sides of the mouth. Whereas the lines below the mouth on the sides are commonly refered to as the marionette lines or puppet lines.  The crows feet can be improved by botox and they can also improve the nasolabial folds to some extent.    Fillers like juvederm can also fill in the nasolabial folds, marionette lines and also help with the crows feet.  In order to really understand how they work a visit to a facial plastic surgeon would be helpful.  Now the difference between fillers and botox is that fillers replace volume that is lossed during aging.  When you lose volume there is an excess amount of skin compared to the underlying tissues.  More skin for a set amount of volume leads to more folding of the skin and hence more wrinkles.  Fillers replace that volume and hence fill in the skin and thereby decrease the ability for the face to make wrinkles.  Botox, which is a neuromuscular agent can make the muscles less likely to contract.  Hence they are most beneficial for dynamic wrinkles, or the wrinkles that are caused by muscular activity.

I hope that helps.

Thanks for reading, Dr Young

Dr Young specializes in Facial Cosmetic and Reconstructive Surgery and is located in Bellevue near Seattle, Washington

Blepharoplasty / eyelift for a person in there 20’s

Thursday, February 18th, 2010

This is a question that I answered for a person who was thinking of an upper blepharoplasty / eyelift to decrease the puffiness in their upper eyes.  This is how I answered her questions:

This puffiness that you see is really actually what makes you look younger.  I think what you are looking for is a more sculpted look where you have less fat in your eyelids.  This can be done for you but I think you should really think about it before doing so.  You might need to also increase the height of your double eyelid crease so that more of your pretarsal show is present with your eyes open.  I have a blog that discusses pretarsal show with some diagrams if you are interested in reading that.  I don’t really think you have extra skin, I think you have normal puffiness that a young person has.  You can always discuss this in more detail with me during a phone consult if you are interested.  Asians typically have more periorbital eye fullness and fat.  This can give them a more puffy appearance but this is part of their ethnicity.  What you might be interested with what you are asking is more westernization of your eyelid which can be done.

I hope that helps.

Thanks for reading, Dr Young

Dr Young specializes in Facial Cosmetic and Reconstructive Surgery and is located in Bellevue near Seattle, Washington

Permalip Implants are another option for permanent lip augmentation

Tuesday, February 16th, 2010

Permalip (Dr Young uses this Lip Implant at his office in Bellevue Washington) is a relative new silicone lip implant that can permanently augment the lips.  There are 3 sizes for the permalip (silicone lip implant, silicone lip enhancement, silicone lip augmentation, silicone lip enhancement) small, medium and large and which very in width from 3, 4, and 5mm.  They are used to essentially give the lip more volume.  They are placed in incision in the red part of your lip and these can be varied and discussed with Dr Young during a consultation.  The great thing about these implants is that they last essentially permanently.  Silicone is very capatible with our tissues.  Silicone is located just under carbon on the atomic chart of all the atoms on earth.  So its elemental structure is very similar to carbon which is what humans are predominately made of.  Of all implants it is the most compatible.  Hundreds of thousands of people have had silicone implants and it is proven to be very safe, non carcinogenic, non toxic, etc meeting many of the characteristics of an ideal implant.  Bottom line is that there is no ideal implant but silicone possesses many of those characteristics.  If silicone implants are not something that you are totally comfortable with, other tissue can be substituted including different areas of your body like muscle covering, SMAS, and free fat grafts.  Other options include micro fat injections to the lip, VY advancements, and other lip lifts.  More temporary lip implants include restylane, juvederm, perlane, and the new juvederm xc which has lidocaine and has received some recent attention.

Here is a video showing a live demonstration of a Permalip Lip Augmentation Procedure.

Thanks for reading, Dr Young

Dr Young specializes in Facial Cosmetic and Reconstructive Surgery and is located in Bellevue near Seattle, Washington

Rejuvenating the Mouth Area through Fat grafting by Dr. Philip Young of Bellevue | Seattle

Saturday, February 13th, 2010

Rejuvenating the Mouth Area through Fat grafting by Dr. Philip Young of Bellevue | Seattle:

YoungVitalizer Before After Pictures

YoungVitalizer Before After Pictures

The mouth area undergoes a lot of changes that can contribute to nasolabial folds, marionette lines, smoker lip lines and a downturned mouth.  Volume loss plays a major role in these changes.  Replacing this volume can have a profound impact in rejuvenating the aging mouth and the YoungVitalizer is our approach to improving this area.  Fat injections are a great way to do this and other fillers can help as well.  Sculptra can help if fat is not available.  Fat and Sculptra are good options for permanent or semi-permanent effects.  By this, I mean results that last more than 1 year. The picture below shows the locations of the nasolabial folds, marionette lines, and prejowl volume loss.  All of these issues can find their origination from volume loss to a large degree.  For the nasolabial folds, there are studies that show specific fat pockets that when re volumized can play a major role in eliminating nasolabial folds.  Specifically the area lateral to the nose and immediately deep to the most medial and superior area of the nasolabial folds is the area where re volumizing can play a big role in reversing nasolabial folds.  Furthermore volumizing in the whole area inside the nasolabial folds and marionette lines can rejuvenate the peri oral and mouth area.  Volumizing in the area immediately medial to the marionette lines can diminish these lines.  Volume in the prejowl area will blend this area in a more pleasing way with the jowls and in turn make them seem less apparent.  This is in line with the whole idea of doing prejowl implants with facelifts to improve the jawline.  Also volumizing the chin can restore this whole area as well and give support for the other areas that are volumizing.  One important thing that I have learned is that volumizing other adjacent areas can help support other areas by aiding in the volume expansion.   An example is if you place on stake in the ground and place a very heavy tarp over this stake.  It is more likely that you will form a nice area under that tarp the more stakes you put under the tarp.  It is also more helpful the more stakes you spread out in the area to give the original stake support.  Volumizing the chin is analogous to this idea.  When you volumize the chin it supports the volume you put in the prejowl area as well.  More likely than not your chin has lost volume as well and volumizing deep to the chin will rejuvenate your lower third or lower mouth area.  Also people are likely to develop deep wrinkles in the labio mental sulcus which is the crease that is under the lower lip.  Volumizing deep in the chin just inferior to this crease will help to eliminate this crease.

Thanks for reading, Dr Young

Dr Young specializes in Facial Cosmetic and Reconstructive Surgery and is located in Bellevue near Seattle, Washington

Perioral Diagram

Why are my face and neck lifts different? by Dr. Philip Young Seattle | Bellevue Washington

Saturday, February 13th, 2010

Why are my face and neck lifts different? by Dr. Philip Young Seattle | Bellevue Washington: First. I have a lot of experience doing facelifts (Shows Dr Young’s Actual Patients).  I’ve done over 1200 and I’ve done almost every imaginable approach to facelifting.  Here is a video of me discussing the differences between a deep plane facelift and mini face lift:

What I’ve learned is that there are several ways to do this procedure and it really depends on the person and what he or she wants.  I do think that minilifts are not long lasting but could be good for the person who doesn’t want a big difference in the face and neck.  As I mentioned in another blog where I show the difference between the many variations of face and neck lifts, the minilift really just pulls up on the facial muscles with sutures. So you are depending a lot on the sutures and subsequent scarring that will hold the lift up.  This works for some people but not everybody. I think this lift works best in a patient that has lost a lot of weight and has a lot of skin and loose structures.  Also, I find that older patients typically haven loosen their anatomy enough to respond to a minilift more than other types of faces. I find that people that have a little bigger face tend to have stronger tissues that resist the minilift’s forces of pulling with just the sutures.  Younger patients also have tighter tissue that respond less to a minilift. If in doubt I think that more traditional approaches get way better release of the structures.  The reason for this is that there are many retaining ligaments in the face, see the picture below.  The zygomatic cutaneous ligaments are tough fibers that hold the cheek to the bone inferior and lateral to the eye.  The parotid masseteric ligaments hold the tissue in front of the parotid to the skin with a long row of fibers from the zygomatic arch to the jawline.  The mandibular ligaments hold the skin to the jawline.  All of the ligaments prevent the skin from going upward when you do a facelift and if you don’t break them up properly they resist most facelifting attempts and forces.  When you do a minilift, there are many times when you do lift the skin up far enough to break up these parotid and zygomatic ligaments.  And even if you do, the sutures that you use to pick up the tissues anterior to those ligaments are loose enough to come up and require a lot of force.  This is why many minilifts are more painful in actuality than traditional full facelifts.  In my experience doing more than 1200 facelifts I have definitely found that to be the case.  Most of the time, you really need to do traditional maneuvers to break up those ligaments and this is usually done through working under the facial muscles or the SMAS.  Also, knowing how to extend these sub SMAS facelifts over the smiling muscles is a vital technique that most surgeons don’t know how to do.  When these zygomatic ligaments are released you can lift up the middle part of the face, the area above the mouth folds (nasolabial folds), much easier.  When the parotid masseteric ligaments are properly released you can pull up the jowls and folds around the mouth much easier as well.  This more complicated facelift is typically called variations of the deep plane lift, composite lift and zygo-orbicularis lift.

One thing to realize is that not all neck lifts are done equally. Take it from me.  I have done hundreds of minilifts with mini neck lifts and there are more definitive ways to pull up the neck.  Find out more about necklifts here. There are many shortcuts that you can do that help but really don’t make a huge difference.  When I do a neck lift, I remove all of the fatty tissue in the neck by actually cauterizing it away.  On top of this, I also take the fat away underneath the chin in a deeper plane.  All of this takes time, and shortcuts don’t get to these areas and you are always left with neck laxity and loose skin and fat in the neck.  There are also other techniques I do to address the deeper muscles underneath the chin that most surgeons do not know how to do.  I have learned over doing so many neck lifts, that cutting the Platysma is not as beneficial as leaving it intact.  When you leave it intact you are able to tighten the neck better and I do a corset type of sewing to really tighten up all the neck muscles for a tighter neck.  This takes a lot of experience to do.

Thanks for reading, Dr Young

Dr Young specializes in Facial Cosmetic and Reconstructive Surgery and is located in Bellevue near Seattle, Washington

Come visit our website: Aesthetic Facial Plastic Surgery

Retaining Ligaments

I was invisible and now I feel people notice me – presented by Dr. Philip Young of Bellevue | Seattle

Friday, February 12th, 2010

I was invisible and now I feel people notice me – presented by Dr. Philip Young of Bellevue | Seattle:

That was what a women told me one day about her experience with aging.  My patient once told me that she used to be pretty.  When she was young people would look at her.  As she aged, she noticed that people began to not notice her as much.  The more she aged, the more and more she began to feel invisible.  Invisible, wow, what a word to describe how you used to feel.  I was moved by this comment.  I thought, how lonely would that feel if you were actually invisible to the world.  Aging really affected her.  She wanted to feel like someone special once more.  I  performed her facelift a couple of years ago and she said that this little transformation made her feel much less invisible and she told me that was a great feeling.  Although, facial rejuvenation may not be the one thing that can change you life in a little way. For her it did.  That made me feel really special, that I could somehow contribute to someone feeling less invisible.  That really made an impression on me.  Stories like this keep me going.  They keep me searching for better ways to improve my patients lives.  Stories like this push me to find how to attain beauty for people in a natural way. I love what I do! Here is a video on facelifts and how they help crowsfeet.

Thanks for reading, Dr Young

Dr Young specializes in Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and is located in Bellevue near Seattle, Washington

Glabellar frown lines – The lines between the eyebrows can be improved by these Options by Dr. Philip Young of Bellevue | Seattle

Thursday, February 11th, 2010

Glabellar frown lines – The lines between the eyebrows can be improved by these Options by Dr. Philip Young of Bellevue | Seattle:

Youngvitalizer incision less browlift

Youngvitalizer incision less browlift

What are the options to improve those angry lines in between the eyebrows. Well I will talk about the lease invasive type to the most invasive types.  To begin with skin care is a good place to start.  I would always start with a good skin care line. I would suggest a alpha hydroxy toner, gentle cleanser, alpha and beta hydroxy acid lotion, a retinoid and regular superficial peels.  The goal is to decrease the number of days the skin takes to turnover from the usual 28 days to 10-12 days.  This will help to freshen the skin, lighten brown spots, and decrease fine wrinkles.

The next progression is botox. This neuromuscular agent will keep the muscles from working in between the eyebrows and decrease the dynamic wrinkles.  Over time as your skin remodels, your static wrinkles can improve with continual use of botox on a regular basis. The drawback is the repeated treatments that are neccessary. The positives is the low invasive nature.

The next level is fillers. Restylane, Juvederm, Perlane, Radiesse, can decrease the wrinkles by volumizing the glabella and the area in between the eyebrows.  Volume loss plays a large part in this area.  As this area deflates, more skin in relation to the area leads to more wrinkling.  Also, the decrease in volume places the skin closer to the muscles in this area and allows the muscle to place more influence on the skin and hence more dynamic wrinkling.

Fat injections  is the next level in volumizing this area.  This increases the invasiveness but fat injections can be a more permanent option to filling this area and rejuvenating the glabellar area.
Our more permanent solution is called the YoungVitalizer the breakthrough incision less facelift alternative.

A browlift can also help  by elevating the eyebrows and increasing the distance between the eyebrows.  Also during a browlift the muscles that make the wrinkles in this area can also be resected and taken away from the area.  This debulking of the glabellar muscles can also be done from the eyelid incisions.  Another way of decreasing the action from these muscles is to cut the nerve to them through an eyelid incision.

One issue when taking the muscles from the glabellar area is that it can increase the volume loss to this area and lead to more relative extra skin.  This can lead to more static wrinkling to this area and when the muscles come back more dynamic wrinkling that can occur.

In my opinion fat injections to the whole forehead, and in between the eyebrows is the most natural way of rejuvenating this whole region. Also the fat injections with their stem cells can lead to skin rejuvenation.  The other effect of the fat is to increase the distance of the muscles from the skin which can decrease the influence of the muscles on the skin which can allow the skin to remodel on its own and improve static wrinkles.  This occurs because the skin has little cells in the skin layers that always remodel skin on a minute by minute, daily basis.

To change the surface of the skin, a chemical peel, dermabrasion, dermasanding, and laser resurfacing can decrease the wrinkles in the glabellar area.  I always suggest volumizing before resurfacing and reshaping through reductive type of procedures like browlifts, eyelifts, and facelifts.

Thanks for reading, Dr Young

Dr Young specializes in Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and is located in Bellevue near Seattle, Washington