Archive for the ‘Procedures’ Category

What is the difference between an endoscopic browlift and traditional browlifts / forehead lifts?

Friday, March 26th, 2010

An Endoscopic Browlift (Philip A Young MD, Seattle Washington) is a type of minimally invasive browlift that employs scopes to help with the dissection and lift.  The difference is that you have 5 smaller incisions with the endoscopic browlift as opposed to a very long incision all the way across your forehead from ear to ear in more traditional forehead lifts.  Very unique scopes are used with a camera and tv set up that allow the surgeon to look under your forehead.  This facilitates the visually approach to the area just under your eyebrow.  It helps the surgeon dissect this tricky area and avoid damaging nerves.  The benefits are that the incisions are smaller and recovery has been found to be slightly better.  Also, because you are not cutting through all layers of the skin from ear to ear, the sensation in the scalp can be preserved.  Some people feel that you don’t get as long of a lasting lift with the endoscopic browlift as you do with traditional browlifts.  This has prompted many surgeons to go back to the traditional browlift.  But if you only need a minimal to moderate amount of browlifting and would like to avoid really long incisions across your forehead the endoscopic browlift might be the best thing for you.  Nowadays,  endoscopes are not totally needed as many surgeons are adopting the “smart hand” technique where the surgeon is doing the dissection through feel and the knowledge of the anatomy.

I hope that was interesting for you!

Thanks for reading, Dr Young

Dr Young specializes in Facial Cosmetic and Reconstructive Surgery and is located in Bellevue near Seattle, Washington

Can I get Restylane injections if I have Autoimmune Thyroiditis?

Friday, March 26th, 2010

Autoimmune Thyroiditis can mean Hashimotos or Graves Disease among the ones that are most common.  Some conditions are viral induced or can occur through a variety of reasons.  I have personally injected dermal fillers (Dr Philip Young in Bellevue Washington) into many patients with Autoimmune Thyroiditis and have not had a problem.  I would wait until any acute attacks are resolved and that you are in a controlled condition.  But otherwise, there has not been any problems for me injecting dermal fillers, like restylane, juvederm, perlane in someone who has a history of this or other autoimmune condition that is controlled.

I hope that was interesting for you!

Thanks for reading, Dr Young

Dr Young specializes in Facial Cosmetic and Reconstructive Surgery and is located in Bellevue near Seattle, Washington

Rhinoplasty and the art

Friday, March 19th, 2010

Rhinoplasty (Dr Young Specializes in Facial Plastic Surgery and Rhinoplasties) is one of the hardest procedures that a facial plastic surgeon can do.  There are many steps in doing a Rhinoplasty and the steps you go through and the order is essential.  Many noses have a deviated component to it.  I usually try to make all noses straight first before doing additional work in the middle and lower part of the nose.   If you don’t make the nose straight all of the other moves that you do will further accentuate the deviation.  It starts with your septum.  You have to make sure that the septum is straight first before anything.  Sometimes this requires treating the nasal bones and shifting them to make them more in the middle as well.  Septum with all of these maneuvers the septum still doesn’t become straight. At this point, weakening the septum with 50% inferior cuts until it is allowed to come to the middle is needed.  In addition, sometimes it requires fracturing the septum higher up under the nasal bones to really weaken the septum and allow it to come into the middle.  Sometimes there are forces at the bottom of the septum near the tip that needs to be addressed including removing parts of the septum that are deviated or even shaping the spine that is at the bottom of the nose.  All of these things can be seen in the photo that is at the bottom of this blog.  Once the septum is straight then you can work on other things like the nasal tip, upper lateral cartilages to make the tip look the way you want.  I tend to do all of my rhinoplasties in the open approach and we have a picture of how that heals on our website.  This allows me to more accurately control things in the nose cutting down drastically my revision rate.  I also employ non destructive techniques for the best controlled long term solid results.  I never morselize, or weaken the cartilages to get results.  There is too much variables in healing that can lead to a bad result.  I hardly cut the cartilages and leave them to heal. They are always reconstituted and always done away from the tip area.  Sometimes in thin skin, I will crush cartilage to cover sharp edges on the tip areas or other areas to soften the results.  But the foundation is never crushed or morselized.  My order of rhinoplasty proceeds like this: markings, injections, open approach, address the nasal bridge first, if there is a deviation, treat the nasal bones through osteotomies to make the septum straight,  septal harvesting for grafts preserving 1.5cm of struts for ultimate support, septal restructuring to make sure that it is straight, further work on the nasal bridge, then proceeding to reconstituting the upper lateral cartilages to the septum,  then I start on the tip work including trimming the lateral crural cartilages, tip suturing (columnellar strut, medial crural sutures, transdomal sutures to narrow the tip domes, interdomal sutures to make the whole tip smaller, setting the tip’s projection, controlling the rotation through a tip rotation suture), then closure which includes closing the dead space.  Below is a picture of the anatomy of the nose.  The middle crura is in between the lateral and medial crura.  The middle crura cartilage and the junction with the lateral crura creates the tip highlight and the tip is mainly made up of the middle crura with the lateral and medial contributing to how the middle crura is presented on the nose.  The lateral process of the septal nasal cartilages are otherwise known as the upper lateral cartilages.  The lateral, middle and medial crura make up the lower lateral cartilages.

I hope that was interesting for you!

Thanks for reading, Dr Young

Dr Young specializes in Facial Cosmetic and Reconstructive Surgery and is located in Bellevue near Seattle, WashingtonNasal bones and anatomy

Lateral Canthoplasty is done the least after Double eyelid crease formation and medial epicanthoplasty

Friday, March 19th, 2010

This is a question that I answered for a patient regarding whether she should get a lateral epicanthoplasty along with a medial epicanthoplasty and double eyelid crease formation.  Lateral Canthoplasty is done the least after Double eyelid crease formation and medial epicanthoplasty.  The are good reasons for this.  The lateral canthal area is not the area that really defines the differences between an Asian and a Caucasian Eyelid.  The medial canthal area is the area where Asians mostly have a difference.  It is thought to be due to a lack of development of the nasal bridge or other arrested point.  When you are developing all people have epicanthal folds.  These folds disappear as you develop in the womb.  In Asians, approximately 40-70%, have a persistent fold and they are called epicanthal folds.  The lateral canthi don’t have major differences between the two groups.   Hence surgical correction of the medial epicanthal folds is where the most difference will be noticed.  That is also the reason why doing a lateral epicanthoplasty is a lot likely when one does Asian Blepharoplasty.  Another reason that the lateral epicanthoplasties are not done is because they can readhere back to the orginal shape and the success rate is also a lot lower than compared with the medial epicanthoplasty. From your pictures, you have a wide enough horizontal dimension.  I think a double eyelid crease procedure and a little medial epicanthoplasty will really improve the appearance of your eyes. Here is video on Asian Blepharoplasty and Medial epicanthoplasty.

I hope that was interesting for you!

Thanks for reading, Dr Young

Dr Young specializes in Facial Cosmetic and Reconstructive Surgery and is located in Bellevue near Seattle, Washington

I don’t want to have a surgical procedure for Asian Eyelift / Blepharoplasty what are my options?

Sunday, March 14th, 2010

Asian Blepharoplasty can be done with just sutures.  One thing to realize is that this method although less invasive is not as reliable and you may end up with the same thing where one side is more defined than the other just the reason that you want sometime done. The surgical method is still minimally invasive and can be done as an outpatient under local anesthesia with or without iv sedation. This method of opening up the eyelid and recreating the crease is more reliable and less likely to have differences between sides.  The one option is to do the suture method and see how your healing goes and if it is sufficient for you than that would be the best.  If not you might still have the option of opening the eyelid and creating the crease in a more definitive manner.

I hope that was interesting for you!

Thanks for reading, Dr Young

Dr Young specializes in Facial Cosmetic and Reconstructive Surgery and is located in Bellevue near Seattle, Washington

I am wondering if a brow lift, asian double eyelid crease procedure or a epicanthoplasty in the medial or lateral area would make my eyes look better.

Sunday, March 14th, 2010

This is a question that I answered for a patient:

A double eyelid and a medial epicanthoplasty would be fitting for you. In my opinion and the opinion of many of my colleagues a lateral epicanthoplasty usually leaves something less than desired for many people.  What distinguishes an Asian Eyelid from a caucasian eyelid is usually the medial canthus where an epicanthal fold is present in about 50-80% of Asians.  This has an effect of making the eyes smaller horizontally.  I see the hooded portion in the lateral part of your eye.  However, I believe that if you were to do a double eyelid crease formation that part of your eye would be tacked upward and will be markedly improved.  I do see that you have an extra fold in the medial part of your eye that is called the epicanthus. Because the picture shows that the fold covers that fleshy part of your eye in the middle part I would classify this as a type 3 epicanthal fold. If it was partially covering the fleshy part it would be classified as a type 2.  An epicanthoplasty would open up your eyes horizontally here a great deal.  I don’t think you need a brow lift. I think the distance from eyelid margin and your brows is long enough and a brow lift would make you look surprised. I really think that you need some fat in your eyelid or some type of filler there to volumize this area.  If you look at some pictures of you when your were a child you will see more fullness there where the volume could recreate some youth for you there. As for the lateral epicanthoplasty, you can always do that later but I really don’t think that it will ever enhance your appearance.

I hope that was interesting for you!

Thanks for reading, Dr Young

Dr Young specializes in Facial Cosmetic and Reconstructive Surgery and is located in Bellevue near Seattle, Washington

Does Asian Blepharoplasty and Double eyelid Surgery mean the same thing?

Sunday, March 14th, 2010

Asian Blepharoplasty and Double Eyelid Surgery is essentially the same thing.  Double eyelid surgery specifically means creating the crease in the upper eyelid.  Now this doesn’t have to be used only on Asians.  Caucasians can have this as well and can lose their double eyelid later on in life due to aging.  So this procedure of creating a double eyelid can be used for this group as well.  Most of the time when Asians want an eyelift they usually come in to discuss creating the double eyelid crease and in this instance when you are talking about an Asian Blepharoplasty, creating the double eyelid crease is usually a part of this procedure.  Sometimes though in older Asian patients who have a double eyelid already, Asian Blepharoplasty could just be a regular blepharoplasty that is applied to all races and could mean that a double eyelid crease creation may not be necessarily a part of the eyelift. Here is video on Asian Blepharoplasty and Medial epicanthoplasty.

I hope that was interesting for you!

Thanks for reading, Dr Young

Dr Young specializes in Facial Cosmetic and Reconstructive Surgery and is located in Bellevue near Seattle, Washington

I have small Asian eyes and is wondering if a double eyelid procedure will make my eyes look bigger because I don’t think it will.

Sunday, March 14th, 2010

This is a question I answered for someone who was interested in a double eyelid surgery for Asian eyes:

The double eyelid procedure will help to make your eyes look bigger. Based on the picture, it doesn’t look like you have any crease. Sometimes skin is allowed to override your eyelid margin which can make the eye opening look smaller.  Also by creating an eyelid crease, the shadowing contributes to the appearance that your eyes are bigger by creating the shadow the meets up with the dark part of your eyes.  Another procedure that can help open up your eyes is the medial epicanthoplasty that is done in the middle part of the eyes that will open the eyes up horizontally.  Lastly, you can do a procedure that tightens up the muscle that opens up your eyes but this is advanced, is not standardized or universally accepted to open up your eyes. Here is video on Asian Blepharoplasty and Medial epicanthoplasty.

I hope that was interesting for you!

Thanks for reading, Dr Young

Dr Young specializes in Facial Cosmetic and Reconstructive Surgery and is located in Bellevue near Seattle, Washington

I would like my crease to be higher but I’ve already had a double eyelid operation done for my Asian Eyes? Also I would like the corner’s of my eyes operated on for a larger looking eye.

Wednesday, March 10th, 2010

Double eyelid crease formation and epicanthoplasty can be done as a revision.  There are a few nuances that need to be considered in this situation.  Making a higher crease, will or may entail a higher incision and fixation at a higher point with also more skin excision.  It is usually easier than making a higher crease smaller.  When you mention opening the corner of your eyes, do you mean the inner or outer corners.  The inner corners are more likely the area that will open your eyes more than the outer corners from a congenital standpoint.  Asian epicanthal folds are in the medial or inner corners of the eyes. This is what distinguishes Asians from Caucasians in many Asian people and not the outer corner of the eyes.  I have seen many results from the outer corners being cut and they don’t make as much difference as when the procedure in the inner part of the eyes are done.  One thing to remember is that most Asian appearing eyes have a crease that is 3mm or less when the eyes are open.  When they are larger they begin to take on more of a western caucasian look.  There are studies that validate this assertion in the literature.  Here is video on Asian Blepharoplasty and Medial epicanthoplasty.

Thanks for reading, Dr Young

Dr Young specializes in Facial Cosmetic and Reconstructive Surgery and is located in Bellevue near Seattle, Washington

What are the best sutures to use to reduce scarring?

Wednesday, March 10th, 2010

The are a couple of things I adhere to in order to reduce scarring.  Sometimes scarring is hard to avoid when the person’s genetics are predisposing them to scarring.  But we take every effort to reduce scarring.  First we try to avoid tension to the skin closure.  This is done by decreasing the tension on the surface by cinching the deeper structures together.  Usually the goal is to have the skin be a little puckered in the above the rest of the areas.  This reduces tension the part of the incision that is most seen on the surface.  We also take face sutures out at 5-6 days and eye sutures out sometimes a little earlier depending on what I’m trying to accomplish.  The average is usually 7 days.  The reason why this is important is that the longer you leave the sutures in, the more train tracking or marks are left on the surface which can lead to more scarring and more marks on the skin indicating that an incision was made previously. So I err on the earlier side at 5-6 days.

We also use monofiliment sutures, like 5-0 and 6-0 prolene.  Monofiliment (sutures like nylon, ethilon, etc), means that the sutures is made out of one strand of suture material.  Polyfilament means that the sutures is made out of more than one strand.  When the suture is made out of more than one strand, the is an increase in the interstitial spaces between the strands.  This allows bacteria to hide from our white infection fighting cells and the results can be infection, more inflammation, and ultimately more scarring.  Prolene is not absorbed by the body and needs to be taken out.  It creates less inflammation than absorbable sutures (like vicryl, fast absorbing gut, chromic gut, biosyn, polysorb, etc) and thus can avoid more scarring.  There are many studies that support this notion on a clinical level (on the level of patient outcomes). Here is a video on Scar Revision.

These same principles are what I do for Scar Revision and scar improvement procedures.

Thanks for reading, Dr Young

Dr Young specializes in Facial Cosmetic and Reconstructive Surgery and is located in Bellevue near Seattle, Washington