Archive for the ‘Procedures’ Category

Can you inject botox and filler at the same time in the same area?

Thursday, May 6th, 2010

Injecting botox first and then to follow it immediately with a filler (Dr Young in Bellevue Washington) can risk problems with moving the botox around.  There is not sufficient scientific evidence documenting the safety of both at the same time.  It is not widely accepted.  If the botox and restylane are used in different places then it is more okay and accepted in my opinion.  I like assessing the results of the botox first and determining if the results of the botox is achieving the results that you or the client likes.  If more results are desired then you can consider the filler 2 weeks later.  This also allows the filler to stay longer because the muscles are not causing the dispersement of the filler and also the metabolism of the filler to be increased.

Thanks for reading, Dr Young

Dr Young specializes in Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and is located in Bellevue near Seattle, Washington

Can a diabetic get a microdermabrasion?

Friday, April 30th, 2010

Microdermabrasion should not lead to any issues in a diabetic.  You should be under good control however just to decrease any reaction or possible infection with the microdermabrasion.  Even if you sugars were not under total control the chance of something happening with superficial microdermabrasion is extremely small.  Microdermbrasion is a very superficial skin facial treatment and should not affect the skin’s water tight barrier to a great degree.  So introduction of foreign material, bacteria past the defences is much less likely with microdermabrasion as opposed to deeper chemical peels, laser resurfacing and dermabrasion.  Even with these deeper treatments, you can get them if you are a diabetic.  One thing to make sure is to have your sugars under control.  If this is not your current state, infections can be more risky for a diabetic with poor sugar control.

Thanks for reading, Dr Young

Dr Young specializes in Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and is located in Bellevue near Seattle, Washington

Buffalo Horn Lip Lifts can Improve Your Lips Appearance by Dr. Philip Young of Bellevue | Seattle

Friday, April 30th, 2010

Buffalo Horn Lip Lifts can Improve Your Lips Appearance by Dr. Philip Young of Bellevue | Seattle:

The Buffalo Horn Lip Lift is a lift that entails incising under the nose with corresponding excision of skin and possibly muscle to reduce the distance from the bottom of the nose to the upper lip.  Other names for this lip lift are Gull Wing Lip Lift or Under the Nose Lip Lift.  The question is when do we need to do this as opposed to other procedures.  Other procedures you can do our corner of the lip lifts, fat injections in the lips, silicone implants to the lips (Permalip), V-Y mucosal advancements, Temporary fillers to the lips.  What is the ideal lip in terms of aesthetics is a great question to start answering this.  The upper lip from the front should be about half the height of the lower lip.  The puckering of the lower lip should exaggerate a highlight that is 3 iris widths wide or the same distance of the width of the eyes to emphasize the association with the eyes.  I discussses facial aesthetics in my award winning facial beauty theory here: Theory on Facial Beauty. The puckering of the upper lip should be centered in the middle and should be one iris widths wide and 1/2 an iris width high.  The height of the lower lip should be one iris width in height.  The distance from the bottom of the nose to the upper lip border should be one iris width.   Other points of beauty should be that the teeth with the lip resting open should show at least 3mm of upper teeth and the lower teeth should not be visible much at all.  The upper lip should also protrude anteriorly beyond the lower lip by 1-2 mm.  When you look at beautiful models you will see something interesting.  All of the light that hits the lips is mostly concentrated on the lower lip.  The lower lip is the center of attention when you look at someone and not the upper lips. So you never want to make the upper lip the same size as the lower lip or this balance will be disrupted.    Based on these fundamentals of how the lip should look you can do one or a combination of the above procedures to achieve these ideals.  If the distance from the nose to the lip is greater than an iris width you can do a buffalo horn lip lift to shorten the distance.  A picture below shows in blue where the excision of skin takes place to shorten this distance.  The result of this will cause the upper lip to rise and also will tend to cause the upper lip to show more of the red portion which may or may not be beneficial.  If the lips are thin, that is less than 1/2 iris width for the upper and one iris width for the bottom and less than one iris width in puckering in the upper lip and less than 3 iris widths for the highlight puckering in the lower lip you could volumize the lips with fat injections, temporary fillers, or permalip or other silicone permanent lip implant.  You can also fill the lips with natural tissue implants from the temple or within the face (during a facelift for example) that can act just like the silicone lip implant.  Filling can be done to cause more of the red lip to show.  If there still requires more of the lip to show, you can do V-Y advancements to evert the lips more.  This is done be advancing the mucose or the lining inside the lips in a way that causes the lip to evert more.  You can read about these more here  Corner of the lip lifts do just that and raise the corners.  The drawbacks with that are that you need an external incision to lift the corners.  If you can accept an external scar this could be a good option.  We have other blogs that discuss that too.  Fat injections can fill the lips, evert the lips and volumize the whole mouth area to rejuvenate the whole mouth or perioral area.

Thanks for reading, Dr Young

Dr Young specializes in Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and is located in Bellevue near Seattle, Washington

Should I get a browlift or eyelift or both?

Saturday, April 24th, 2010

A browlift raises the eyebrows upward to improve droopy brows, while a blepharoplasty takes away extra eyelid skin.  When people age, the eyebrows tend to descend and create more tissue in the upper eyelid area.  Lifting the eyebrows can move this accumulated tissue away from the upper eyelid.  Sometimes removing tissue from the upper eyelid can enhance the total appearance of the eyebrow and upper eyelids.  How do you know what to do? Well your surgeon will help you with that.  But essentially your eyebrow should be above your eyelashes by about the width of the colored portion of your eye (or iris).  To have a more awake look, this can be a little more.  When it becomes more than 1 1/2 of an iris width a surprised look begins to be sensed by the viewer.  After determining the ideal height of the eyebrow, any extra eyelid skin can be removed to enhance the whole upper eyelid, eyebrow region.   In terms of numbers, the eyebrow should be at least 1.2cm away from the eyelashes and not more than 1.8cm away to avoid the surprised look.  If the eyebrow is already 1.2 to 1.8cm away from the eyelashes, an upper eyelift could be the only thing you need.  Even better, as you age, you really lose volume throughout your whole face.  Volumizing is a great alternative to the incisions that are necessary with browlifts and eyelifts.  Volumizing can be used to elevate the eyebrows, fill in the upper eyelids in a natural way with incisions, significant discomfort that is associated with older, traditional procedures like the eyebrow lift and eyelift / blepharoplasty.  This is where the YoungVolumizer can help.  The YoungVolumizer is a procedure I developed to volumize your face in a natural way with your own tissues and without incisions, and the discomfort of traditional, older procedures.

Thanks for reading, Dr Young

Dr Young specializes in Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and is located in Bellevue near Seattle, Washington

What is a pinch blepharoplasty? And what is a blepharoplasty done through a conjunctival route?

Saturday, April 24th, 2010

A pinch blepharoplasty is done through a minimally invasive incision under the eyelashes in the lower eyelid.  The incision usually heals really well. The transconjunctival route is through the inside of the eyelid and through this approach we are able to take out unwanted fat.  This route can avoid a skin incision in people who just have an accumulation of excess fat but not skin.

Thanks for reading, Dr Young

Dr Young specializes in Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and is located in Bellevue near Seattle, Washington

How many syringes do people use for certain areas on average when it comes to fillers in the face?

Tuesday, April 20th, 2010

There is no real standard for fillers (Aesthetic Facial Plastic Surgery, Dr Young Bellevue) in certain areas but a general idea is out there.  One thing to realize is that everybody is different.  But in general, for example, in the lips I usually start out with one syringe of restylane or juvederm.  For the nasolabial folds, I usually use at least two syringes of either one.  For the cheeks you can 2-4 syringes.  For the under eye area along the inferior orbital rim, I use one on each side to improve the hollows. For the upper eyes and the hollowing there I use 1-2 total.  For the marionette lines under the lateral part of the lips I will use 1-2 syringes.  The syringes range from 500-700 per syringe on average.  There are some reductions the more you do for most offices. Instead of fillers, options that I think are great include fat injections, or the YoungVolumizer which I developed.  With these options you can globally volumize the face and given a general rejuvenation.

Thanks for reading, Dr Young

Dr Young specializes in Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and is located in Bellevue near Seattle, Washington

How often are ear and rib cartilages used for rhinoplasties?

Tuesday, April 20th, 2010

Ear and rib cartilage grafts usually are less than 10% of primary rhinoplasties (Dr Phil Young of Seattle / Bellevue WA).  Usually there is enough cartilage from the nasal septum to use for rhinoplasties.  This also depends on what kind of practice the surgeon has.  If they have a good reputation and a lot of experience, Secondary rhinoplasties or rhinoplasties that are the second time around are more common.  In this situation cartilage grafts from the ear and rib are more common and it varies for all surgeons.  It also depends on the ethnicities of the person.  Caucasians usually have more prominence of the nose and usually request making the nose smaller.  This requires taking cartilage out and in this instance the less cartilage is needed.  For other races, cartilage is usually more of a shortage and thus requires more grafts and in this case either foreign implants, or grafts from the rib or ear are taken.  Since taking rib is such an undertaking, patients usually opt for implants such as silicone, med por, and goretex are used.   Ear cartilage can be used but given its pliabilty and curvature it is less than optimal for many grafting needs and are more used for tip grafts and grafts for the cartilage that make up the tips.

Thanks for reading, Dr Young

Dr Young specializes in Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and is located in Bellevue near Seattle, Washington

Can chemical peels lead to cold sores?

Tuesday, April 20th, 2010

A chemical peel (Dr Young of Bellevue Washington) can cause a reactivation of the herpes virus that leads to cold sores.  Some 90% of people are infected or have been infected by the Herpes Virus simplex 1 that cause oral herpes.  Chemical peels, resurfacing, dermabrasion all stimulate the skin that can reactivate the virus that usually resides in the sensory nerves (dorsal ganglion).  These peels or procedures stimulate the nerves, decrease barriers and active the virus to come down the nerves to the cause the cold sores.  They don’t actually lead to a new infection, they just reactivate the virus that has been there since childhood.  Usually if the peel is more than superficial, I will prescribe acyclovir, or vacyclovir as prophylaxis. I don’t always do that for superficial peels like glycolic, low strenght tricholoracetic acid, or jessner peels, etc.  Laser resurfacing, dermabrasion, and medium to deep depth chemical peels usually require prophylaxis.

Thanks for reading, Dr Young

Dr Young specializes in Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and is located in Bellevue near Seattle, Washington

I had 2 facelifts and my surgeon is suggesting fat grafting to my face for facial rejuvenation by Dr. Philip Young Bellevue | Seattle:

Tuesday, April 20th, 2010

I had 2 facelifts and my surgeon is suggesting fat grafting to my face for facial rejuvenation by Dr. Philip Young Bellevue | Seattle: Fat is a great option after multiple facelifts (Dr Phil Young Seattle / Bellevue Washington) to volumize the face.  Aging can be seen as a process of changing from a grape to a raisin for lack of a better descriptive scenario.  Facelifts essentially make the raisin into a smaller raisin. When in fact to look younger a lot of times looking like a fuller younger naturally looking grape is the better option.  This is where volumizing plays an important role.  Fat injections volumize the face to return the raisin to the grape that it used to be.   Given that you have had 2 facelifts, you likely have a reduced skin volume and hence you will be smaller than the grape you once were, unless you gained alot of weight during the years.  Volumizing would be excellent for you likely.  But it all depends on what you look like and this is a general comment.  At the age of 74, you can still get benefits from facial fat grafting.  I have done a lot of patients over this age. It all depends on your health.  Of course you need enough fat to do the procedure and your surgeon can tell you about that or assess this situation. Here is a youtube video showing fat injections into the cheek (Dr Young fat injections to the cheek)

Thanks for reading, Dr Young

Dr Young specializes in Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and is located in Bellevue near Seattle, Washington

Can lasers improve the turkey neck?

Monday, April 19th, 2010

Lasers can improve the Turkey Neck but to a minimal degree.  This is a good option for people that are not ready for surgery.  The laser can tighten the skin, improve the wrinkles and decrease the aging that occurs with sun damage.  One thing to consider that it is better to be safe than sorry in the neck.  The neck skin is thinner and has more potential for scarring and other healing issues.  So being conservative is vital in the neck area.  But to definitely treat the neck a traditional neck lift is the proven way to rejuvenate the neck.  Another option is fat injections and the YoungVolumizer for the neck. After all, a big part of aging in the neck area is a loss of volume under the skin. Here is a live demonstration of my use of a co2 laser and laser resurfacing.

Thanks for reading, Dr Young

Dr Young specializes in Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and is located in Bellevue near Seattle, Washington