Archive for the ‘Procedures’ Category

I have asymmetric eyes and I think a browlift could make them more equal. I’m young. What are the options?

Monday, November 15th, 2010

by Bellevue | Seattle’s Dr. Philip Young | Aesthetic Facial Plastic Surgery:

Browlift can improve your eyes asymmetry, but you may need work in your eyelid as well. Sometimes, the unequal appearance of your eyes could either be from the brows being asymmetric or it could be from your eyelids being asymmetric.  Sometimes your eyes can be smaller due to the eyelid being uneven.  A condition called ptosis can occur when the muscle that opens up the eye is affected by some process.  This could make one eye smaller than the other. The correction of this can be significantly more complicated.  The other options include fat injections, the YoungVitalizer, temporary fillers to the eye region or implants. Your physician can help you determine this.  But you should be knowledgeable of these things to be able to ask the right questions.  You can always write me if you have additional questions.

Click here for you Brow Forehead Lift YouTube Playlist

or our Brow Lift Before After Images

Cheers!, Dr Young

Dr Young specializes in Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and is located in Bellevue near Seattle, Washington

I have this bruise or hematoma collection in my eyelid under the crease area after asian double eyelid blepharoplasty. Is there some treatment for this or is this normal?

Monday, November 15th, 2010

by Bellevue | Seattle’s Dr. Philip Young | Aesthetic Facial Plastic Surgery:

This is a response to a question that I answered for a person who had a procedure by another doctor:

The dark purple color is actually normal after asian blepharoplasty. That occurs because of the inflammation and that brings more blood flow to that area.  Also because that area is thinner than most areas on the body, it tends to show colors more that show through the skin more (because of the thin nature of skin in this area). This will get better with time.  This is not a hematoma.  I think the result that you have is excellent.  I have seen many more issues from other surgeons that are much more significantly adverse. Your result is par for the course!! I would obviously verify this with your particular surgeon to make sure that your actual physical exam is consistent with what I see in the pictures.  Ultimately, you need a surgeon to really see what is going on face to face!



Cheers!, Dr Young

Dr Young specializes in Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and is located in Bellevue near Seattle, Washington

I had the double eyelid surgery and now I have a triple fold. How do I get it back to a double eyelid fold?

Friday, November 12th, 2010

by Bellevue | Seattle’s Dr. Philip Young | Aesthetic Facial Plastic Surgery:

This is a response to a question that I answered for a person who had a procedure by another doctor:

Yes you can recreate your double eyelid (Asian Double Eyelid Surgery) through tissue grafting.  The reason that this occured was because there was too much tissue / fat taken out of your eyelids. Basically you have to reset the crease to the new level and if it is lower you will most likely need to harvest tissue and graft in the area.  For a triple fold, you need to essentially fill the area of the triple fold with tissue. I have some asian double eyelid revision videos on my website that describes this. Here is our general youtube site where you can see many different plastic surgery videos for you to learn from.

Thanks for reading, Dr Young

Dr Young specializes in Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and is located in Bellevue near Seattle, Washington

My crease is too high 6 days later. Is there a way to lower it? Or will it lower on its own with time?

Friday, November 12th, 2010

by Bellevue | Seattle’s Dr. Philip Young | Aesthetic Facial Plastic Surgery:

This is a response to a question that I answered for a person who had a procedure by another doctor:

Your crease always look higher at first after asian double eyelid surgery, but I would mention this to your physician.  Only he will know how the procedure was done.  His experience will allow him to make that judgement.  Usually the crease will go down progressively over the next weeks to months. If your surgeon felt that it was too high he could release it at the one week point and reattach to a lower point.  If this were the case 6 month later than I would be a little more concerned.  There are ways to make the crease go down.  The limiting factor is the amount of skin taken during the original procedure.  If there is a lot of skin taken then it will present a more difficult scenario in terms of making the crease go to a lower point.



Thanks for reading, Dr Young

Dr Young specializes in Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and is located in Bellevue near Seattle, Washington

Is Dysport available in the United States?

Friday, November 12th, 2010

by Bellevue | Seattle’s Dr. Philip Young | Aesthetic Facial Plastic Surgery:

Dysport has been available since April of 2009. But has been used in other countries for much longer and has a proven safety record.  I have been using this in my office since April of 2009 as well.  General differences are that Dysport acts quicker getting max affects in around 4-5 days, while botox takes about a 1 1/2 -2 weeks.  They generally last about the same time around 3-4 months. Although Dysport has been approved by the FDA to last 4 months and Botox 3 months, I feel they are about the same.  Dysport seems to spread a little more and give more of a generally larger effect for each shot given than Botox.

Thanks for reading, Dr Young

Dr Young specializes in Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and is located in Bellevue near Seattle, Washington

Is is okay to repair a fractured nose during pregnancy?

Friday, November 12th, 2010

by Bellevue | Seattle’s Dr. Philip Young | Aesthetic Facial Plastic Surgery:

Generally, fixing a nose is a cosmetic undertaking and is not suggested during pregnancy. Especially if it is done under general anesthesia. General anesthesia is not recommended during pregnancy unless for almost life threatening situations let alone cosmetic purposes.  I would highly recommend postponing fixing your fractured nose until after pregnancy and breast feeding.  Another alternative is to do it under local anesthesia but this is rather a difficult option as it is hard to completely make the nose numb at times.



Thanks for reading, Dr Young

Dr Young specializes in Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and is located in Bellevue near Seattle, Washington

Vitalize Peel from SkinMedica

Wednesday, November 3rd, 2010

by Bellevue | Seattle’s Dr. Philip Young | Aesthetic Facial Plastic Surgery:

I had the Vitalize peel a couple of weeks ago and I must say that I LOOOVVVVEEEEE my skin afterward.  The Vitalize Peel is from SkinMedia and is indicated for people with mild to moderate conditions of pigmentation irregularities, fine lines, wrinkles, superficial scarring, and acne.  The best thing about this peel is that it is suitable for all skin types.  Generally, peeling will last for about 2-3 days.  When I had the peel, I stayed inside for 2 days because I was peeling so much.  My recommendation for people who are interested in getting this peel is that you do it on Thursday.  You’ll look fine on Friday and the peeling doesn’t occur until the second day.  Enjoy a nice weekend inside and look great on Monday.  When I had the peel, I did it on a Friday and I started peeling on Saturday night.  By Sunday afternoon, I think half of face peeled off.  Most of the peeling was done by Monday morning but you could seeing where the skin was peeling along the hairline and down underneath my chin/jaw.  Luckily for me, I’m short so the peeling along the jaw/chin wasn’t that noticeable by anyone and my hair was able to cover the peeling along the hairline.  All of the peeling was completely gone by Thursday night and my skin looked amazing by Friday morning. See our page on Skin Care and Intense Pulse Light.

To begin the peel, the skin should be clean of any makeup.  A prepping solution will be applied to the skin (which has a strong smell of acetone to it so just a warning for noses in advance).  The solution which causes the peeling will then be applied to the skin for a couple of minutes.  A neutralizing solution will be placed afterwards.  You might experiencing a slight stinking sensation but using the fan will really help!  That’s pretty much it, quick and easy…

A couple of things to keep in mind:

– Since retinoic acid was used during the treatment, your skin will have this yellow tint to it.  This will fade in about 1-2 hours.  Remember not to wash your face until the yellow tint is gone or wait until the evening (usually this is about 3-4 hours later).

– The solution applied to the skin has a time releasing component to it, which means that it will not start to peel until about 48 hours later.

– Use SPF 30 or above for about a week and avoid direct sunlight.  Since we’re in the Great Seattle area and it’s almost winter now, you don’t have to worry so much about the direct sunlight.  Just remember to wear SPF 30.  Try getting into the habit of always wear SPF, it protects the skin.  You’re investing time and energy for beautiful skin so don’t ingore this very important step in your skin regiment.

– You’re skin will be a little bit red during this time which is normal.

– DO NOT PICK OR PULL AT THE SKIN.  I will not lie and admit that I am guilty of doing this a couple of times but try to reframe from yourself from doing this.  Just let the peel do its job.  You’ll have fabulous skin in no time. =)

SkinMedic has two other peels, a lighter one and a deeper one compared to the Vitalize Peel.  I recently tried the deeper one and I must say I don’t think I like it as much as the Vitalize Peel.  I peeled wayyyy tooooo much.  I think the deeper one is good for doing a maintenance peel every couple of months but doing this peel after the Vitalize Peel was too much for me personally.  My skin has slight pigmentation and acne scarring.   However, keep in mind that everyone has different skin so just because I say that it was too much for me, it could be different for you.  Darci is our wonderful esthetician and she can help you determine which route/course of treatment is better for you.

Thanks for reading, Dr Young

Dr Young specializes in Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and is located in Bellevue near Seattle, Washington

Botox vs Dysport

Tuesday, October 12th, 2010

by Bellevue | Seattle’s Dr. Philip Young | Aesthetic Facial Plastic Surgery:

I have had a few people ask me what the difference between Botox and Dysport.  Botox and Dysport are very similiar, kind of Coke and Pepsi.  Both of these products are meant to relax the muscle  to decrease wrinkle and frown lines.  They are made up of pretty much the same thing so they act fairly the same.  Below is a table to quickly compare the two products.



– Takes about 5-7 days to start working – Takes about 2-3 days to start working
– On average, last 3-4 months – Last 3-4 months, however studies that are out shows that Dysport might last longer than this

– 1 unit of Botox = 2.5 units of Dysport

– Max effect can take about 2 weeks – Max effect can take about a week
– Been around for 20+ years in the US – On the US market since 2009, but Europe and other countries have been using it  for several years over there


The above video on Dysport / Botox can be found towards the bottom of the page. Just scroll down.

In my opinion, both Botox and Dysport are excellent treatments.  If you trying to get rid of those lines sooner, consider Dysport since studies have shown that it only takes 2-3 days to take effect as oppose to 5-6 days for Botox.  Botox has been around longer than Dysport so for some people, there might be a sense of loyalty there.

For more information, check out the link on the right side to read more on Botox and Dysport from Dr. Young.

Thanks for reading, Dr Young

Dr Young specializes in Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and is located in Bellevue near Seattle, Washington

Tips for making your IV insertion a somewhat pleasant one…

Thursday, September 30th, 2010

Did you know that drinking Gatorade (or any type of electrolyte drink) will helps your veins stand out when it’s time to start that IV for the surgery?  Being off of fluids 6 hours prior to your surgery (if you’re having IV sedation) causes your body to be somewhat dehydrated which in turns cause the veins to constrict and shrink.  Gatorade contains electrolytes and has a slight bit of glucose in them which can really carry a lot of volume into the veins.  In other words, REMEMBER TO DRINK YOUR GATORADE THE NIGHT BEFORE!

There was a patient that came in last week that was I had the hardest time getting an IV in and so I’m dedicating this blog to that person.  A couple of other things you can keep in mind to make it easier for the IV start:

1. Stay warm – Warmth helps dilate the veins and promote blood flow.  If you’re like me, you get cold super fast so wear a nice warm jacket on the day of the procedure.  Even if you have change into a gown, you can continue to wear it until we bring you back for surgery.  Once in the operating room, you can request a blanket to keep you warm.  A heating pad can always be applied to the area to help dilate the veins some more.

2. Beat the vein then beat it some more – Doing this causes a localized release of histamine, which causes vasodilation.

3.  Tell your nurse which vein(s) has worked in the past for you.  I always ask this question before I start the IV.  If it works, why do try something else?

4.  Lay back and relax.  I know this might sound like an oxymoron when it comes to IV but do try.  It really works!

In other news, there is currently a special at our office for people that would like to get Botox, Dysport, or fillers with me.  Call our office for details.  Space are limited, I think I’m down to 2 available openings in the month of October.

Thanks for reading =)


Botox is good for dynamic smile lines, filler and resurfacing can help static lines

Friday, September 17th, 2010

Restylane and Juvederm (or Perlane)  are both great options for filling and improving static lines and dynamic to a degree.  Ipl will, in my opinion, have little effect on the wrinkles. Glycolic peels can help to a minimal degree on fine lines and improving your general skin appearance. Resurfacing is another way to improve your wrinkles on your face by approaching from the outer skin side.  Whereas fillers approach the wrinkles from inside.

Botox is good for dynamic smile and facial  lines, in contrast filler and resurfacing can help static lines. Botox is a neuromuscular agent that blocks the action of muscles by acting on the nerves that innervate muscles.  The way you can tell if botox will work for you is to identify whether your smile lines or wrinkles are accentuated or increased by the act of smiling or the muscles that move your face when you smile.  Botox is good for the wrinkles that increase in appearance with muscle movement.  If it is the wrinkles that are present when you are not moving a part of the face, botox will have less of an effect.  But botox will have an effect on those wrinkles getting deeper when you move your face.  But when your face is at rest the wrinkles that are there will not noticeably improve with botox.  One thing to realize is that if you use botox for a long time, your static wrinkles can improve but this takes a while.  Your cells in your skin have to remodel your skin where the static wrinkles are in order to improve those wrinkles which could take months and years.  Part of what makes wrinkles deeper are the the loss of volume within your face.  This places the skin closer to your muscles and thus when you move your muscles to smile or talk, there actions begin to have more effect on your skin and the effects are wrinkles with the movement.  The volume loss can help this situation by increasing the distance of your skin to your facial muscles.  Fillers are a temporary solution (anywhere from 6 months to a year) and Fat injections are more of a long term solution.  The YoungVolumizer is a great way to volumize your face in a natural way with no incisions, and no general anesthesia.

Thanks for reading, Dr Young

Dr Young specializes in Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and is located in Bellevue near Seattle, Washington