Archive for the ‘Procedures’ Category

Accutane is generally a contraindication to any resurfacing

Wednesday, December 29th, 2010

by Bellevue | Seattle’s Dr. Philip Young | Aesthetic Facial Plastic Surgery:

This is a question that I answered for someone concerned that their doctor was going to put them on Accutane and then employ dermarolling to improve some acne scars. Here is a quick answer that I gave them:

Accutane is generally a contraindication to any laser resurfacing. However derma rolling is a form of fractionated type of resurfacing which may not have as significant risks.  This would be highly dependent on your surgeons experience. There are other ways to control your acne including hormonal control, antibiotics, chemical peels, directed skin care.

If you click on the picture below you can see a very informative laser resurfacing video:


Hope that helps!

Thanks for reading, Dr Young

Dr Young specializes in Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and is located in Bellevue near Seattle, Washington

My chin is weak and my mouth seems always to be open. Can corrective surgery fix this and what about chin augmentation with implants.

Wednesday, December 15th, 2010

by Bellevue | Seattle’s Dr. Philip Young | Aesthetic Facial Plastic Surgery:

Corrective Jaw Surgery can Correct most of those concerns but the surgery is pretty extensive. The procedure involves cutting through the upper jaw and lower jaw and  moving the complete segment of your jaws and many times you need your jaws wired shut for awhile, sometimes as long as a month or more.  You can determine if you need some chin augmentation through this discussion:

Here is the link:

To get a full description you can look up my blog and there are pictures there to explain the above.

If you look up my theory on facial aesthetics you can get an understanding of how your face should be proportioned.  The theory is called the Circles of Prominence.

Here is a before and after chin augmentation with a silicone chin implant:

Hope that helps!

Thanks for reading, Dr Young

Dr Young specializes in Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and is located in Bellevue near Seattle, Washington

Since you inject radiesse deeper do you have less bruising than compared to restylane?

Wednesday, December 15th, 2010

by Dr. Philip Young | Aesthetic Facial Plastic Surgery:

Bruising with radiesse and restylane really depends on the technique. Yes if things are placed deeper, there is less visibility for the most part. Since radiesse is in general placed deeper it seems to have less bruising.  But it really depends on a lot of factors like genetics of the patient, whether they have been on blood thinners, whether local anesthesia was used which can increase the bruising.

Facial Fillers

Restylane For Under The Eyes


Thanks!, Dr Young

Dr Young specializes in Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and is located in Bellevue near Seattle, Washington

Can you lose the function of your of your eye with double eyelid surgery or routine blepharoplasty?

Wednesday, December 15th, 2010

by Bellevue | Seattle’s Dr. Philip Young | Aesthetic Facial Plastic Surgery:

If done correctly there should be no loss of function of your eye after Asian Double Eyelid Surgery. There are very important functional things in your eye that are manipulated during the creation of the Asian double eyelid crease.  It is quite a bit more complicated than when doing a blepharoplasty for other cosmetic reasons, such as for extra skin and tissue.  Almost anything could happen if your surgeon is not careful from having complications with eye sight function to eyelid opening function. You can read more about Asian Double Eyelid Crease Formation on my website and here in my blog. You can click on the picture below to see a video on Asian Blepharoplasty:

Cheers!, Dr Young

Dr Young specializes in Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and is located in Bellevue near Seattle, Washington

Fillers 2 days after Jessner’s Peel. Is this okay. Is it better to do fillers or peels first?

Wednesday, December 15th, 2010

by Bellevue | Seattle’s Dr. Philip Young | Aesthetic Facial Plastic Surgery:

This is a question that I answered for a patient that was being cared for by another surgeon:

It should be okay but to be safe I would wait at least 1-2 weeks to do fillers after Jessner peel. I think it takes about 4-7 days for a Jessner’s to fully heal.  Most of the time it takes only a couple of days.  So generally, I like to wait for the healing to take affect before I do fillers. I usually like to do fillers before peels.  The reason is that with fillers the wrinkles becomes better effaced and this can allow the peel to get into the crevices of the wrinkle better and have a better result.

Here is a video showing Restylane being injected under the eyes (Restylane For Under The Eyes):

Cheers!, Dr Young

Dr Young specializes in Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and is located in Bellevue near Seattle, Washington

I had a sliding genioplasty 5 days ago and I look acromegalic or cave manish

Wednesday, December 15th, 2010

by Bellevue | Seattle’s Dr. Philip Young | Aesthetic Facial Plastic Surgery:

This is a question that I answered for a patient that had a surgery done a while ago by another surgeon:

5 days is too early to judge your results after genioplasty. Right now you are going to have a tremendous amount of swelling.  You have to wait at least a week and up to a month for it to really look good.  Generally, I tell people that you will have 60% of your healing at 6 weeks, 80% at 6 months and the rest occurs up to 2 years later.  So be patient. It will get better and most of the time things can be changed back to the way they were or altered a bit.  I personally prefer chin augmentation to genioplasty.  Chin augmentation is generally, through many studies, associated with less complications than genioplasty.  These complications can include, nerve damage, a step off deformity, bone loss, problems with the implants or titanium plates and screws used for the fixation of the chin implant or the genioplasty segment that is advanced.

Facial Implants

Cheers!, Dr Young

Dr Young specializes in Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and is located in Bellevue near Seattle, Washington

I have a tip that is too projecting and a bump at the top of my nose after rhinplasty 4 weeks after.

Wednesday, December 15th, 2010

by Bellevue | Seattle’s Dr. Philip Young | Aesthetic Facial Plastic Surgery:

This is a question that I answered for a patient that had surgery from another surgeon who had a tip that was protruding and a bump at the top of the nose:

Results are hard to judge early after a Rhinoplasty. During the first month, swelling that occurs differentially over the nose can present results that are less than desirable.  This can occur due to multiple reasons.  Bleeding in one area over the nose more than others can lead to contour changes that will most of the time resolve. Manual shaping can be important part of the post operative care for the rhinoplasty patient. This can also make the nose look less straight as well from the front as well as the side.  Your surgeon should know the best.  The crooked nose or deviated nose is one of the most complicated procedures to do in rhinoplasty and requires most all of the skills in rhinoplasty that your surgeon will need to have in his skill set. The small hump at the top could be a localized area of swelling from bleeding and could use some massage. Your physician should help you through this stage.

Here is a before and after of a person who had a small hump and also a tip that was too projecting and turned down.  You can see more Rhinoplasty Before and Afters here.



Cheers!, Dr Young

Dr Young specializes in Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and is located in Bellevue near Seattle, Washington

Choosing a Rhinoplasty Surgeon should be taken from multiple different approaches

Wednesday, December 15th, 2010

by Bellevue | Seattle’s Dr. Philip Young | Aesthetic Facial Plastic Surgery:

Choosing a Rhinoplasty Surgeon should be taken from multiple different approaches. I think research over the internet is a good place to start. This is a way to get to know the rhinoplasty surgeon and to see if you get the right feel from this initial experience.  I would look up the doctors credentials. Look for things that set him apart from the competitors.  How are the before and afters? This is vital.  I wouldn’t necessarily go by reputation.  You want to find someone that will take care of you personally and will pay attention to your needs.  If you go to someone that is really busy they may not spend enough time during your consultation or during your procedure. Look for testimonials.  Ask for references.  Get multiple opinions, any good doctor / surgeon will tell you to do this (if they are confident). I would at least see 3 different surgeons to get the right feel that you are looking for.  How accesible is the doctor. Can you get a hold of him via email, phone etc? Hope this helps!

Below is a Rhinoplasty consult that could help you during your consultation with your Rhinoplasty Surgeon.

Hope this helps!

Dr Young

Dr Young specializes in Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and is located in Bellevue near Seattle, Washington

My chin implant in the spring has made my face look boxy from the oval I used to have. What can I do?

Wednesday, November 17th, 2010

by Bellevue | Seattle’s Dr. Philip Young | Aesthetic Facial Plastic Surgery:

This is a response to a question that I answered for a person who had a procedure by another doctor:

Chin implants can have a tremendous impact on your looks. Because it is placed in the lower third of your face it will have the most impact in this area. But overall, it can change the appearance of your face as a whole to a great degree.  The changes to a box like appearance instead of an oval can definitely happen.  It might improve a little more over the next couple of months since you had it in the spring and right now it is fall going on winter. Your Physician will know the best on what to do.  But you can replace the implant. Work with the implant that you have in there by sculpting it.  It will most likely entail either a smaller implant, a more tapered implant and still you might need further tailoring of the implant to have it fit your face better. During the procedure, I will often assess the appearance of the implant and do contouring of the implant and the bone around the chin to help with this tapered look. Most surgeons just place the implant in and get results that will approximate what you want. Sometimes it takes a little extra time to shape the area and implant to achieve the best results. Here is a link to chin implant videos for you to learn more about this procedure.



Cheers!, Dr Young

Dr Young specializes in Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and is located in Bellevue near Seattle, Washington

I have numbness in the forehead and the eyebrow on that side is lifted. Is everything okay:

Tuesday, November 16th, 2010

by Bellevue | Seattle’s Dr. Philip Young | Aesthetic Facial Plastic Surgery:

This is a response to a question that I answered for a person who had a procedure by another doctor:

Numbness in the forehead can take some time to resolve after a browlift. Nerves often get stimulated and this can lead to dysfunction for a variable amount of time.  At 10.5 months, this would start to get me thinking though.  Nerves can grow about 1mm a day and you can calculate how long that will take to regenerate.  At 10 months this seems long enough time for the nerves to grow back.  Tingling would indicate that the nerves are starting to come back as well. Nerve regeneration can take up to a year or more.  The longer it takes the less complete the regeneration will be in my experience and others.  The swelling should be examined by your physician.  Sometimes this could be scarring, nerve regeneration aberation, etc. When you mention that the brow is slightly lifted at that side my first reaction is that this is what you want. I assume you mean that it is asymmetric to the other side.  It can take a while for things to settle.  After 6 months to a year, you could consider revising the lift and either lower the side that you are discussing or elevating the other side to match. One thing to realize is that every is different on each side of their face.




Click here for our BrowLift Muscle Excision Video

or our Brow lift Forehead Wrinkle Treatment Page

Cheers!, Dr Young

Dr Young specializes in Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and is located in Bellevue near Seattle, Washington