Archive for the ‘Procedures’ Category

Neck folds | Neck Skin Laxity and addressing it with a Neck Lift or Facelift by Dr. Young Bellevue | Seattle

Monday, June 6th, 2011

Neck folds | Neck Skin Laxity and addressing it with a Neck Lift or Facelift by Dr. Young Bellevue | Seattle:

Questions: I don’t like my neck folds and laxity of my skin there do I need a facelift to address this or could I just get a neck lift? A face lift is good for reducing extra skin, elevating the jowls, and softening the naso labial folds wrinkles. A necklift is good for tightening up the neck banding and platysmal banding, removing fat within the neck, and sculpting the whole neck region. I opine that they are totally different operations that can be combined together  The face lift can improve the neck to a subtle degree and less so the other way around (neck lift does not improve the face that much at all).  In this particular situation where you have more concerns with the neck than the face, you could do just a neck lift and avoid the face lift.  This could also save you some money as well and less complications. This webpage goes over this subject and what a face lift does and what a neck lift does: Improving the Neck Through a Face Lift. You can read more about the Neck Lift Procedure and follow the links that describe certain subjects on the neck lift.


Thanks for reading, Dr Young

Dr Young specializes in Facial Cosmetic and Reconstructive Surgery and is located in Bellevue near Seattle, Washington

Dermabrasion for dark complexion and option for acne scarring by Dr. Young of Seattle | Bellevue

Monday, June 6th, 2011

Dermabrasion for dark complexion and option for acne scarring by Dr. Young of Seattle | Bellevue:

Dermabrasion for Acne Scar Treatment can help with Acne Scars but their are other alternatives that should be discussed for more improvement. I opine that  fat grafting / Young Volumizer is one way of improving your acne condition. It does this be breaking up the scars underneath and allowing them to rise, giving your skin more vascularity (more blood flow to the skin) to heal from future procedures.  Excisions and cutting out some of the scars can help.  Subcision is another way of getting the scars to heal in a less depressed fashion, fat grafting is an extension of this idea.  After these procedures, I think resurfacing is then best done next and after all of the significant cutting out of the lesions is done. I have more information on my website and other pages. The question about getting max dermabrasion for dark complexion can be done.  I think the only group that could have a detrimental affect are african americans and darker indian asian groups.  In your case, I think you can have the maximum in terms of resurfacing / dermabrasion / laser resurfacing. We have a great new option for Acne Scar treatment called the Acne Scar Vitalizer Treatment.

acne scar treatment, acne scar reduction

Thanks for reading, Dr Young

Dr Young specializes in Facial Cosmetic and Reconstructive Surgery and is located in Bellevue near Seattle, Washington

Come visit our website

Earlobe Stretching | Gauging and will they close on their own by Dr. Philip Young of Bellevue Seattle:

Monday, June 6th, 2011

Earlobe Stretching | Gauging and will they close on their own by Dr. Philip Young of Bellevue Seattle:

Question: Earlobe Stretching and will they close on their own and do I need surgery for this?

Stretched earlobes will not shrink and close on their own but earlobe plastic surgery will correct it. This depends on what was done and how long and how much the earlobe was stretched.  It is very small like 1-2mm wide it could.  But most likely you will need some surgical repair of the earlobe to make a difference. I prefer to close the hole completely and then repierce the ear at a later date, 3-6 months later. The surgery can be done under local or oral or IV sedation. We have a live video demo below and more information on our website!

gauged earlobe repair

Thanks for reading, Dr Young

Dr. Philip Young specializes in Facial Cosmetic and Reconstructive Surgery and is located in Bellevue near Seattle, Washington

Asian Eyelid Surgery through Incision or Partial Incision Techniques. Which is the better technique? by Philip Young MD of Bellevue | Seattle:

Sunday, June 5th, 2011

Asian Eyelid Surgery through Incision or Partial Incision Techniques. Which is the better technique? by Philip Young MD of Bellevue | Seattle: Incisional Asian Eyelid Surgery is more accurate and longer lasting than partial and no incision approaches.  The incisional approach allows the surgeon to see the structures that need to be adjusted to create the crease. This, in turn, allows the surgeon to directly work with these structures instead of doing it blind through partial and no incision techniques.  The incisional technique also allows the surgeon to expose the structures that need to be cleared of tissue to allow the crease to be more definitely formed.  Also with partial and no incision techniques, because of the blind approach, are more likely to have discontinuous creases, loss of the crease, and asymmetric results.

asian double eyelid before and after pictures

Thanks for reading, Dr Young

Dr Philip Young specializes in Facial Cosmetic and Reconstructive Surgery and is located in Bellevue near Seattle, Washington

Self Induced White Scars on Arm and Treatment Options by Dr. Philip Young of Bellevue | Seattle Washington

Sunday, June 5th, 2011

Self Induced White Scars on Arm and Treatment Options by Dr. Philip Young of Bellevue | Seattle Washington:

Question: I have White scars on my arm from self induced trauma and have tried dermarolling with little results, what are my other options for these scars?

Dermabrasion, co2 laser resurfacing, dermarolling,  chemical peels, and other resurfacing techniques can improve scars through scar treatment.  When I’m asked how much improvement they will receive, I typically tell people in the lower percentage range, like 10-30%. To get even better results, a form of excision and then resurfacing can get you better results. I usually tell people when you do this stage approach you have the possibility of getting higher percentage improvement hopefully in the 50-70 to 80% range.  But this depends on many things including how a person heals, the techniques used to improve the scars, and the skill of the surgeon, etc. I have taken care of many of these self-induced scars. Geometric line closures are one approach that I would use for your Scar Treatment.

sca rtreatment geometric line closure

Thanks for reading, Dr Young

Dr. Philip Young specializes in Facial Cosmetic and Reconstructive Surgery and is located in Bellevue near Seattle, Washington

Treatment of Malar Bags and the different options by Dr. Philip Young of Seattle | Bellevue:

Sunday, June 5th, 2011

Treatment of Malar Bags and the different options by Dr. Philip Young of Seattle | Bellevue: The Treatment for malar / cheek bags can be: 1. Direct excision of the malar bags; 2. Fat injections / transfer ; 3. Young Volumizer; 4. Lower eyelid Lift lower eyelid blepharoplasty. The advantages of the Direct Excision is that you can improve the area directly but there is the negative association of having an incision right on the bag area.  Fat injections / graftingare perhaps the most natural way to improve this area. The Young volumizer is like fat injections but done and developed by Dr. Young based on his theory on facial beauty. Lower eyelift can lift the extra skin and take away the fat under the lower eyelid. For your particular issue, I would recommend fat injections or the Young volumizer. Below is a link to a video on Direct Excision of Malar Bags We have other videos that are related to the other options that we discussed previously.

malar bag excision video

Thanks for reading, Dr Young

Dr. Philip Young specializes in Facial Cosmetic and Reconstructive Surgery and is located in Bellevue near Seattle, Washington

Restylane Injections: Questions on pain and anesthesia by Dr. Philip Young of Bellevue | Seattle

Saturday, June 4th, 2011

Restylane Injections: Questions on pain and anesthesia by Dr. Philip Young of Bellevue | Seattle:

Question: Do Restylane injections hurt? Can you get anesthesia or some type of sedation if you have a fear of needles? You can have restylane injections with some sedation but this is not a very common request.  Oral sedation is a consideration. The question of whether it hurts is “yes” there are variable amounts of discomfort and this is dependent on the approach, the type of local / regional anesthesia, how it is done, whether the filler has local anesthesia contained within it, whether the doctor uses topical anesthesia as well. On our webpage that can be found under procedures > facial fillers > fillers learn more. We cover the different types of anesthesia for fillers choices that you can choose from.

restylane under eyes

Thanks for reading, Dr Young

Dr Young specializes in Facial Cosmetic and Reconstructive Surgery and is located in Bellevue near Seattle, Washington

Come visit our website at

Asymmetric eyelid folds options for treatment by Dr. Philip Young of Seattle

Saturday, June 4th, 2011

Asymmetric eyelid folds options for treatment by of Seattle:  Asymmetry is found in all of our faces.  Around the eyes and periorbital region, differences are much more apparent.  This is some of the reason why Revision Asian Blepharoplasty Double eyelid surgery is so difficult.   There are ways to make the eyes look more symmetric.  You can excise more skin. You can reset the crease at a higher or more inferior position. You can set the crease more laterally and medially to make things more symmetric. You can fat graft one or both of the eyelids or remove fat to make them more symmetric.   The options and the process on how you do it can be endless and infinite.

revision asian double eyelid surgery

Thanks for reading, Dr Young

Dr. Philip Young specializes in Facial Cosmetic and Reconstructive Surgery and is located in Bellevue near Seattle, Washington

Asian Double Eye Lid Surgery and Swollen Crease one year later? presented by Dr. Philip Young of Bellevue | Seattle:

Saturday, June 4th, 2011

Asian Double Eye Lid Surgery and Swollen Crease one year later? presented by Dr. Philip Young of Bellevue | Seattle: One year is a little lengthy after Asian Double Eyelid Crease Surgery. Ultimately, I would need to visualize your images or in person. It is possible that this swelling / induration / thickening could be from scar tissue, it could be due to the crease being set too high / too inferior,  it could be due to the crease  not being set deep enough and some thicker tissue that was incorporated into the crease. Sometimes the swelling  is related to the thicker brow tissue being pulled over the crease. All reasons necessitate different methods of correction. You are welcome to email me pictures and I can do a phone or video consult. I have people from all over the world carry out consults with me remotely! I look forward to hearing from you. You can also read more at our Asian Cosmetic Surgery WebPage.

asian double eyelid medial canthoplasty surgery before after

Thanks for reading, Dr Young

Dr. Philip Young specializes in Facial Cosmetic and Reconstructive Surgery and is located in Bellevue near Seattle, Washington

Neck lift asymmetry what are the other options by Dr. Philip Young of Bellevue | Seattle

Saturday, June 4th, 2011

Neck lift asymmetry what are the other options by Dr. Philip Young of Bellevue | Seattle: There are many alternative in this situation after a neck lift. It depends on how long it was done additionally.  Some of this can go down over weeks, months and even years sometimes.  If this thickening persists at this location are the options: 1. you can inject steroids very carefully to decrease the volume and thickness of the skin; 2. You can think about doing more liposuction to reduce the volume and thickening as well; 3. You can carry out another neck lift to excise the scar directly; 4. You can augment the other side to match (through fat and fillers); 5. You can consider mesotherapy to reduce the fat on the bigger side to match the other side.

neck lift before after images

Thanks for reading, Dr Young

Dr. Young specializes in Facial Plastic Surgery and is located in Bellevue near Seattle, Washington