Archive for the ‘Procedures’ Category

Asian rhinoplasty for a hump and an area that could use an implant. How to make it harmonious with my forehead.

Tuesday, June 7th, 2011

Asian rhinoplasty for a hump and an area that could use an implant. How to make it harmonious with my forehead Dr. Philip Young. Asian rhinoplasty is a unique procedure all in itself within the realm of Asian Cosmetic Surgery.  You have a bridge which is not as common as an Asian person that needs a bridge.  You also need a bridge above the hump area.  Ultimately, you should have this discussion with your doctor so he can tailor a procedure for you. What this is probably going to entail is reduction of the hump area and an addition of a graft above it.  Alternatively, you could just need augmentation to camouflage the hump. There is a way to avoid making your nose bridge look weird after augmentation. There are standards for the Asian nose. typically the nose bridge starts below that of a Caucasian. Although I think that, in all races, there is an ideal to where the nasal bridge starts. A Caucasian nose normally starts at the eyelid crease or eyelid margin or somewhere between the two points.  I have theory on beauty that has helped me decide exactly where the nasal bridge should start.  I have a unique techinque with Asian Rhinoplasty that you can read about on my website.

asian rhinoplasty before after images

Thanks for reading, Dr Young

Dr Young specializes in Facial Cosmetic and Reconstructive Surgery and is located in Bellevue near Seattle, Washington

Come Visit our main procedure page for

Difference between Asian Rhinoplasty and Western Caucasian Rhinoplasty

Tuesday, June 7th, 2011

Difference between Asian Rhinoplasty and Western Caucasian Rhinoplasty by Dr. Philip Young: Asian Rhinoplasty is different from rhinoplasty done for a Caucasian. Caucasians usually require reductive rhinoplasty. This entails making the nose smaller or “reducing’ the size of the nose. Asian rhinoplasty is typically an augmentation type of rhinoplasty where parts of the nose are actually made bigger like the tip and nasal bridge. The Asian rhinoplasty necessitates placing grafts from rib, ear, nasal septal and foreign material like silicone, medpor, and goretex. I have a unique approach to the Asian Nose that you can read about on my website. I have a video below and you can see more on my website.

Thanks for reading, Dr Young

Dr Young specializes in Facial Cosmetic and Reconstructive Surgery and is located in Bellevue near Seattle, Washington

Come visit our main website:

Crusting 4 months after asian eyelid crease surgery. This is my 4th revision the first couple dropped?

Tuesday, June 7th, 2011

Crusting 4 months after asian eyelid crease surgery. This is my 4th revision the first couple dropped?  A discussion presented by Dr. Philip Young: Crusting after Asian Double Eyelid Surgery should not last more than 1-2 weeks. If the crusting lasts more than that, you may get scarring and difficult healing. I would have your facial plastic surgeon look at this situation as soon as possible. Otherwise, you might have a bad appearance from the scarring that could occur here.  The dropping of the eyelid can occur more commonly with non-incision techniques.  Also the skin to levator approach is dependent on scar tissue that can last and maintain the crease in a variable way. Meaning, the crease could last and persist differently in the eyes or asymmetrically in the eyes.  This is due to the fact that these crease forming procedures are based on scarring to hold the crease.  I carry out the Asian Eyelid Procedure in a unique way that lasts a long time. My procedure that I do is difficult, but once mastered makes a huge difference in terms of longevity. The procedure is uniquely called the orbicularis levator fixation technique. Below is the anatomy of the upper eyelid and will help you understand this technique once you follow the links to get to that page. This technique would be great for you because if you have a tendency to drop this technique actually leaves sutures inside your eyelid to hold your crease. These sutures stay in there permanently and this assures that the crease stays put and holds for the long run.

asian double eyelid anatomy

Thanks for reading, Dr Young

Dr Young specializes in Facial Cosmetic and Reconstructive Surgery and is located in Bellevue near Seattle, Washington

My eyelid crease is too high 3 days after Asian Double Eyelid Crease Surgery? What can I do?

Tuesday, June 7th, 2011

My eyelid crease is too high 3 days after Asian Double Eyelid Crease Surgery? What can I do? A Case Presentation by Dr. Philip Young: Asian Eyelid Surgery: Early on the crease is much higher than will be the final result. The eyelid crease always looks much higher early on after Asian Double Eyelid Crease Formation. The swelling tends to take up the space of the skin that would normally fold over the crease. You don’t want to do anything at this early point in time. Your doctor will know best.  The earliest that any Asian Eyelid Surgeon Specialist would do something would be at 2 weeks’ time. Don’t worry this will settle.  You always have the option of making the crease lower if you desired or higher if you desired. There are many options.

Thanks for reading, Dr Young

Dr Young specializes in Facial Cosmetic and Reconstructive Surgery and is located in Bellevue near Seattle, Washington

Excision and its role in acne scar treatment by Dr. Philip Young:

Tuesday, June 7th, 2011

Excision and its role in acne scar treatment by Dr. Philip Young: I think that people with acne tend to have healing issues more so than the general population because their skin’s vascularity is compromised and hence the tissue and closure of the skin heal in a less than desirable manner. The way to combat this situation is to do fat grafting, in my opinion. Fat grafting as a procedure that starts off the whole process can really help the situation. It does this by freeing up the scars, increasing the vascularity to the skin, stretching out the skin so that the scars are not as deep, etc. Also there are stem cells in the fat that may contribute to healing the skin as well. The healthier skin after fat injections can have a significant impact in healing when future procedures are done. Frankly, there are some scars that will only respond most favorably when excision is the major method that is used. Here is a video on excision of acne scars.

acne scar treatment with excision

Excision is an important technique in Acne Scar Treatment. There are some scars (many of them actually) that will benefit most from excisional methods The outcomes are variable depending on your genes, the degree of your scar, location, healing, procedure preparation (how you prepare for the procedure), etc.  One person / client may have more of an issue with healing because of reactions that they may have to the suture used. I have had many patients whose bodies are just not as compatible with some of the absorbable sutures that we use to close incisions. Their bodies react to the sutures and the healing can be very difficult. In this situation, I use more permanent less reactive sutures to close the incision. The skill, consideration, and experience of the surgeon / doctor can have a major impact (among many other variables). I think that people with acne tend to have healing issues more so than the general population because their skin’s vascularity is compromised and hence the tissue and closure of the skin heal in a less than desirable manner. The way to combat this situation is to do fat grafting, in my opinion. Fat grafting as a procedure that starts off the whole process can really help the situation. It does this by freeing up the scars, increasing the vascularity to the skin, stretching out the skin so that the scars are not as deep, etc. Also there are stem cells in the fat that may contribute to healing the skin as well. The healthier skin after fat injections can have a significant impact in healing when future procedures are done. Frankly, there are some scars that will only respond most favorably when excision is the major method that is used.

Thanks for reading, Dr Young

Dr Young specializes in Facial Cosmetic and Reconstructive Surgery and is located in Bellevue near Seattle, Washington

come visit our main website at

Are TCA Peels good for acne scarring, ice pick scars, etc by Dr. Philip Young?

Tuesday, June 7th, 2011

Are TCA Peels good for acne scarring, ice pick scars, etc by Dr. Philip Young? TCA peels can be used for full face resurfacing or spot treatments for acne scar treatment. For Full face chemical peeling, you can improve ice pick scars and box scars. I typically add dermabrasion to medium depth TCA peels for more benefit. Also, I use stronger strength TCA (trichloroacetic acid) peels for ice pick scars to help them raise up. I like to also incorporate fat injections, subcision to elevate depressed scars. I think fat injections are a step up from subcision which adds a layer of tissue under the scars for more benefit, more vascularity to help your scars heal, and to elevate scars, etc. I have many videos for you to watch and pages to read on our website. Here is a specific video on the TCA CROSS Method. You have to scroll down to where the videos are and it will be the first one. Here is the link to the YouTube Video on TCA CROSS Method by Dr Philip Young. One of the exciting new approaches that we would like to talk about is our new Acne Scar Vitalizer Treatment. This multilayered approach could transform this segment of medicine that treats acne scars.

ice pick scars tca cross

Thanks for reading, Dr Young

Dr Young specializes in Facial Cosmetic and Reconstructive Surgery and is located in Bellevue near Seattle, Washington

come visit our website

What is Subcision and how does it help Acne by Dr. Young of Bellevue?

Tuesday, June 7th, 2011

What is Subcision and how does it help Acne by Dr. Young of Bellevue? Subcision elevates acne scarring to improve  your appearance. This is carried in a couple of different ways. One method is to use a needle that is worked underneath the skin from multiple entry sites. The needle is worked back & forth to stimulate the tissue underneath the scars. This causes a layer of tissue to grow under the scars that helps to release the scars and to allow the scars to rise up.  Another form of subcision is by way of incising around scars that are then elevated and sewn to the surrounding areas.  This is another way of elevating depressed scars. We have some wonderful videos on acne scar treatment with before and after photos. Here is a link to an acne subcision video. Even better than subcision is our new approach to acne scarring called the Acne Scar Vitalizer Treatment.

acne subcision video

Thanks for reading, Dr Young

Dr Young specializes in Facial Cosmetic and Reconstructive Surgery and is located in Bellevue near Seattle, Washington

Come visit our webpage here: Aesthetic Facial Plastic Surgery

active fx and its help with reducing skin cancer by Philip Young MD of Bellevue

Monday, June 6th, 2011

Active fx and its help with reducing skin cancer by Philip Young MD of Bellevue: Active fx may reduce your recurrence rate for skin cancer. However, you should know that active fx is a fractionated approach and will get a percentage of your affected cells. Most of the studies on reducing the recurrence of skin cancer are based on complete resurfacing through either chemical peels or laser resurfacing. So, if you really want to reduce your risk of skin cancer I would suggest more complete chemical peels or laser resurfacing.  For Active fx, the term would be max fx and this would be more traditional resurfacing and riskier in some sense but safe in qualified hands and a person with experience.  We have a tremendous amount of information on our website on these subjects with a photo diary of someone who underwent this procedure. Here is a link to our Laser Resurfacing Photo Diary of Healing.

laser resurfacing healing diary

Thanks for reading, Dr Young

Dr Young specializes in Facial Cosmetic and Reconstructive Surgery and is located in Bellevue near Seattle, Washington

Residual neck bands and neck skin by Dr. Young of Bellevue

Monday, June 6th, 2011

Residual neck bands and neck skin by Dr. Young of Bellevue: A Neck lift will help the banding your neck, but additional fat grafting / transer could also be needed in the future. This basic suggestion / opinion is from knowledge gained from doing nearly 1300 face and necklifts.  I don’t think a face lift revision will lead to a complete resolution to your issues unless you definitely approach the neck area with a neck lift. In my opinion, these are two different techniques (the face and neck lift).  The neck lift will markedly improve the neck bands and then after this you may still need to graft fat.  Based on the images, the neck probably is in need of some fat in some areas.  But I would wait to see how the neck lift improves your current status.  You may not need fat grafting at all. Only time will tell. You may also want to look at our new procedure called the YoungVitalizer.

neck lift before after pictures

Thanks for reading, Dr Young

Dr Young specializes in Facial Cosmetic and Reconstructive Surgery and is located in Bellevue near Seattle, Washington

Come visit our website at

Earring Hole Adjustment Procedure Question presented by Dr. Philip Young of Bellevue | Seattle

Monday, June 6th, 2011

Earring Hole Adjustment Procedure Question presented by Dr. Philip Young of Bellevue | Seattle:

Question | issue: I have a hole in my right earlobe from piercing that is lower than the left. I don’t want closure but just to move the hole up higher is that possible? Stretched earlobes and thinning skin can be repaired with Earlobe Plastic Surgery. With an earlobe hole that is moved lower from stretching, the best way to repair this is by excising and then closing it following this with another piercing.  Otherwise to move it upward will require some type of incising and closing.  Without fully closing it, you will need to do some flaps that could be more complicated than just closing it completely. Below is a video demonstrating a earlobe repair for a earlobe that was gauged over time. The closure and movment of the ear lobe piercing would be a lot simpler than what the video will show but his is an example of how we approach working with the earlobe.

Ear Plastic Surgery

Thanks for reading, Dr Young

Dr Young specializes in Facial Cosmetic and Reconstructive Surgery and is located in Bellevue near Seattle, Washington

come visit Dr. Young and Aesthetic Facial Plastic Surgery website