Archive for the ‘Midface Lift’ Category
Friday, June 24th, 2016
Avoiding the Unnatural Look with Facelifts:
This is our post on how to avoid the unnatural looking facelift. (Click here to learn more about Facelifts)Why do people look unnatural with a facelift The biggest problem is likely found in our understanding of Aging. Previous thought has centered around the face dropping and hence pulling the face back has always been the solution. However, nowadays aging has been thought to be played or is due to more of a volume loss. And hence the volume loss to the face always makes the tissues of the face move in and down. But facelifts and traditional procedures have always pulled the face upwards and backwards which is the reversal of the Descent which is good. But it does not create the outward protrusion that is needed to more accurately reverse aging.
Facelifts are good at pulling back the jowls and creating a more v-shaped look in the face and it can improve the nasal labial folds and marionette lines to a degree. But to fully rejuvenate the face and some volumizing should be done throughout the whole face to get a more well rounded and more natural look. Here is more information on Facelifts Explanations and Options.
Here is a picture of a face and neck lift
This person looks great and this can help you if your jowls and neck are bad and you want to reverse the square look. To rejuvenate this person’s face more, we would suggest filling like this person. This person had the YoungVitalizer, The Incision Less Facial Rejuvenation:
Posted in Facelift / Face Lift / S lift / Mini Lift / Weekend Face Lift / Quick Lift / Image Lift, Fat Transfer / Fat Injections, Midface Lift, Necklift / Neck Lift / Platysmaplasty / Turkey Gobblers / Neck Bands, YoungVitalizer | Comments Off on Avoiding the Unnatural Look with Facelifts
Sunday, March 10th, 2013
Nasolabial Folds Treatment by Dr. Philip Young Seattle | Bellevue, Options and New Ways of Approaching this Area: Treating the nasolabial folds seems like a very specific issue and separate from all the rest of the face. This approach has been used in the past. We did facelift to pull the fold up. Implants to the Nasolabial Fold: we used tissue to fill in the crease with fascia, alloderm, implants of silicone, goretex etc. We have used Mid face lift to pull the cheek upwards to help this area. Fillers have been commonly used to approach this fold with a minimally invasive thought. Facial Implants have been used to fill in the space under the fold with some success. All of these approaches seem to work to some degree, with fillers have a more temporary duration and Solid Implants having more of a longer lasting effect. Perhaps the better way of looking into the nasolabial folds is to address them from a global perspective and approach them as being a part of the general advancement of aging of the face as a whole.
The nasolabial folds as an indication of the face aging as a whole: The aging of the face can be thought of as a general loss of volume sort of like how a grape changes into a raisin. The grape is much larger than a raisin and has a lot less folding than a raisin does. Filling in the nasolabial folds is like filling in a small area of depression or crevice in a raisin. The raisin may look good but may not look completely regenerated like a grape would look. It is our opinion and the opinion of the YoungVitalizer Team that to more appropriately address the nasolabial folds, you need to address the whole face, or at least the larger area around the nasolabial folds to get the best result. We feel to better address the nasolabial folds you need to shape the whole part of the face around the folds. This means that you should rejuvenate the cheek, the mouth, the nose and the general area around the nasolabial folds. You can read more about the YoungVitalizer by clicking the logo of the YoungVitalizer below. Also here is link that discusses nasolabial folds and how to treat them:
Here is a before and after of the YoungVitalizer.

Posted in Facelift / Face Lift / S lift / Mini Lift / Weekend Face Lift / Quick Lift / Image Lift, Facial Implants, Fat Transfer / Fat Injections, Fillers / Facial Fillers, Midface Lift, Minimally invasive facial plastic surgery, Mouth Shaping / Perioral Enhancement / Marionette lines, My Journey to Find and Attain Beauty, YoungVitalizer | Comments Off on Nasolabial Folds Treatment by Dr Philip Young Seattle | Bellevue : Options and New Ways of Approaching this Area
Sunday, November 13th, 2011
The YoungVitalizer can be a substitute for many traditional procedures like a face lift, mid face lift / cheek lift, lip augmentation, eye lift, etc by Dr. Philip Young Seattle. The YoungVitalizer can be a substitute for many traditional procedures like a face lift, mid face lift / cheek lift, lip augmentation, eye lift, etcWhy is that? Well a big part of the aging process is a volume loss and if you had a way to replace the volume in the face, doing so in special areas can make you look incredibly younger. It is our secret on how to do this. But there are ways to volumize the eyes, forehead, temple, lower eyes, cheeks and mouth area to substitute and replace face lifts, mid face lifts / cheek lifts, upper eyelifts, lower eyelifts, cheek implants, jaw implants, chin implants, brow lifts, temple lifts, etc with the YoungVitalizer. That is why we call the YoungVitalizer, the Breakthrough Incision Less Face Lift. The idea of cutting away tissue is becoming an older idea. Cutting away changes the face. The only situation that cutting away tissue can come into play is if your face changed dramatically since when you were younger. Aging is like a grape changing into a raisin. Traditional procedures tended to make that raisin into a smaller raisin. This action and process would make the raisin contorted. Because now you are trying to shape the raisin into a smaller volume. Some of the skin of the raisin will just not conform to the smaller volume you now have because you lost it from the transformation from a grape to a raisin. Replacing this volume will play a huge part in making the raisin back into the grape again. See this introduction video to the YoungVitalizer.
Thanks for reading,
Dr Young
#plasticsurgery #facelift #plasticsurgeon #medispa #skincare
Posted in Chin Surgery, Facial Implants, Fat Transfer / Fat Injections, Fillers / Facial Fillers, Juvederm, Lip Augmentation / Lip Fillers / Lip Injections / Lip Reduction / Lip Grafts / Lip Advancements / Fat Injections of the Lip, Midface Lift, My Journey to Find and Attain Beauty, YoungVolumizer | Comments Off on The YoungVitalizer can be a substitute for many traditional procedures like a face lift, mid face lift / cheek lift, lip augmentation, eye lift, etc by Dr. Philip Young Seattle.
Sunday, November 13th, 2011
We are excited to release our new website by Dr. Young Seattle Facial Plastic Surgeon. The Young Vitalizer is a Breakthrough Incision Less Face Lift. This minimally invasive procedure can rejuvenate your face in a natural way making you look up to and sometimes more than 10 years younger. It can be a minimally invasive substitute for a mid face lift, face lift, cheek implants, facial implants, lip augmentation, brow lift, eye lift upper / lower, etc. You can learn more about the YoungVitalizer with this introductory video, An Introduction to the YoungVitalizer. The YoungVitalizer was founded by me because I discovered some important things when I was training in Los Angeles under the tutelage of very famous plastic surgeons including Paul Nassif, Mark Berman, Stephen Pincus, etc. What I was noticing among the stars was that these people with access and all the money and fame in the world were still looking strange after plastic surgery. In my mind, there had to be something wrong with this picture. So I sought out to find out why. This idea ultimately culminated in me discovering my theory on facial beauty called the Circles of Prominence. This theory was the foundation of improving facial aesthetics and it is the source of energy and ideas that have developed our technique, The YoungVitalizer. If you watch your video on the Introduction it will expand your mind. You can also learn more on our sister website and look under our philosophy page to read about Dr. Young’s theory.
I have been so busy that I haven’t been able to blog very much lately. But I’m resuming this as a new goal. Write me anytime at any of our website’s contact pages:
Contact us today!
We look forward to hearing your thoughts!
Thanks for reading,
Dr Young
#plasticsurgery #facelift #plasticsurgeon #medispa #skincare
Posted in Facelift / Face Lift / S lift / Mini Lift / Weekend Face Lift / Quick Lift / Image Lift, Fat Transfer / Fat Injections, Midface Lift, My Journey to Find and Attain Beauty, YoungVolumizer | Comments Off on We are releasing our new website by Dr. Young Seattle Facial Plastic Surgeon
Thursday, June 9th, 2011
Can you remove cheek implants and what are some things to think about? Will my cheek drop? by Dr. Philip Young of Bellevue Seattle Washington: You can remove them and then carry out fat injections or put smaller ones in. Sometimes when you remove large cheek implants you can get contracture that will cause your cheek to ball up. This phenomenon occurs in chin implants as well. The other alternative is to take out the implants and plan on fat injections to restore some of this volume. This can be done as early as one month. Although, I have done it as early as 2 weeks. Taking out cheek implants can make your cheek drop with the decrease in volume to avoid this you can replace the volume with another cheek implant. But in this case you can carry fat injections to avoid the dropping from the loss of volume. A facelift or midface lift is another way of removing the extra tissue. But volume replacement is the most natural way to rejuvenate the face in this area.

Thanks for reading, Dr Young
Dr Young specializes in Facial Cosmetic and Reconstructive Surgery and is located in Bellevue near Seattle, Washington
come visit our website
Posted in Cheek Augmentation, Facelift / Face Lift / S lift / Mini Lift / Weekend Face Lift / Quick Lift / Image Lift, Midface Lift | Comments Off on Can you remove cheek implants and what are some things to think about? Will my cheek drop?
Sunday, June 5th, 2011
Treatment of Malar Bags and the different options by Dr. Philip Young of Seattle | Bellevue: The Treatment for malar / cheek bags can be: 1. Direct excision of the malar bags; 2. Fat injections / transfer ; 3. Young Volumizer; 4. Lower eyelid Lift lower eyelid blepharoplasty. The advantages of the Direct Excision is that you can improve the area directly but there is the negative association of having an incision right on the bag area. Fat injections / graftingare perhaps the most natural way to improve this area. The Young volumizer is like fat injections but done and developed by Dr. Young based on his theory on facial beauty. Lower eyelift can lift the extra skin and take away the fat under the lower eyelid. For your particular issue, I would recommend fat injections or the Young volumizer. Below is a link to a video on Direct Excision of Malar Bags We have other videos that are related to the other options that we discussed previously.

Thanks for reading, Dr Young
Dr. Philip Young specializes in Facial Cosmetic and Reconstructive Surgery and is located in Bellevue near Seattle, Washington
Posted in Cheek Augmentation, Fat Transfer / Fat Injections, Midface Lift | Comments Off on Treatment of Malar Bags and the different options by Dr. Philip Young of Seattle | Bellevue:
Saturday, May 8th, 2010
One overlooked solution to sunken cheeks and nasolabial folds are perinasal implants (Dr Young specializes only in the face and neck and is located in Bellevue Washington) that you can insert next to the nose. A lot of what creates nasolabial folds is the volume loss in the cheek next to the nose. This can be a natural occurence for people or can result from aging. A perinasal implant are most commonly silicone and medpor. They can be inserted from the nose along the floor or within the mouth through really small incisions. The other to do this is through fat injections or the YoungVolumizer which I developed. All options serve to plump up the perinasal area to decrease the nasolabial fold deep characteristic. For the nasolabial folds you may also need some superficial volumization through fillers. The perinasal implant can also volumize this area to give the medial cheek more prominence. This tends to highlight the central face where you want the most attention.
Thanks for reading, Dr Young
Dr Young specializes in Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and is located in Bellevue near Seattle, Washington
Posted in Cheek Augmentation, Fat Transfer / Fat Injections, Midface Lift, YoungVolumizer | Comments Off on Perinasal implants for sunken cheeks and nasolabial folds
Wednesday, July 15th, 2009
The suture suspension lift most likely refers to a midface lift and there are many ways to do this. You can do it in a minimally invasive way through incisions in the scalp by the temple area. All is needed are very tiny incision near your nasolabial folds to allow the sutures to pull up the middle part of the face. Data on how long this lasts is not sufficient. Most surgeons believe that effect is not as long lasting as other procedures. A midface lift that is done traditionally can be done through incisions in the lower eyelid. This requires the middle part of the face to be released from the bone and then suspended to more superior structures. This can help the nasolabial folds and elevate the midface cheek fat. The results from this, in my opinion, are modest. The reason for this is that the midface issue is really mostly a problem of volume. Fat injections placed in the midface is a good option but not entirely perfect. Implants can give the sufficient volume that is needed to replace what is lost in the midface area. But you have to feel comfortable with implants in your face. The deep plane smas lift is very difficult to do and if you go to someone that doesn’t have a lot of experience with this it could be dangerous. When done correctly, you can get a lot of release and pull on the nasolabial fold area and this can lift the midface in a more lateral and superior direction then just superior. Most surgeons believe that the deep plane facelift will last longer than any suture only facelift 2-5 vs 8-10 year or more respectively for the suture lifts vs the deep plane. These numbers are a pure estimation though but are somewhat supported by scientific review.
I refined an amazing volumizing procedure called “the YoungLift”. This is an innovative technique that volumizes your face to bring out the younger and natural you without looking like you had something done. This is not a facelift and requires no incisions. Only pinpoint puncture sites are used and these heal imperceptibly. The YoungLift can be done without general anesthesia and without drains, and large bandages. You also have a lot less downtime and discomfort compared with traditional facelift procedures. I employ the very best techniques from around the world into one volumizing procedure and he uses his internationally acclaimed understanding of facial beauty to create the youthful volume you once had. The YoungLift techniques can help with filling up the lips as well. You can great results with fat injections in the lips.
Dr Young is located in Bellevue near Seattle, Washington
Posted in Facelift / Face Lift / S lift / Mini Lift / Weekend Face Lift / Quick Lift / Image Lift, Midface Lift, YoungVolumizer | Comments Off on Approach to the midface and questions regarding the longevity of midface suture lifts and deep plane smas lifts
Monday, June 29th, 2009
Volumizing for the midface is one of the best ways to rejuvenate this area. Facial Fillers and Fat Transfer procedures can markedly bring youth to this area in a natural way. Dermal fillers are a non surgical way to do this without long incisions but the effect is short lived lasting from 6 months to a year or more, depending on the product. Fat injections are another option that also requires no incisions just small puncture holes to achieve beautiful results that can last years up to 10 years or more. Volumizing is a great alternative to midface rejuvenation.
I refined an amazing volumizing procedure called “the YoungLift”. This is an innovative technique that volumizes your face to bring out the younger and natural you without looking like you had something done. This is not a facelift and requires no incisions. Only pinpoint puncture sites are used and these heal imperceptibly. The YoungLift can be done without general anesthesia and without drains, and large bandages. You also have a lot less downtime and discomfort compared with traditional facelift procedures. Dr Young employs the very best techniques from around the world into one volumizing procedure and he uses his internationally acclaimed understanding of facial beauty to create the youthful volume you once had.
Dr Young is located in Bellevue near Seattle, Washington
Posted in Cheek Augmentation, Fat Transfer / Fat Injections, Fillers / Facial Fillers, Midface Lift, YoungVolumizer | Comments Off on Non Surgical way to rejuvenate the midface
Saturday, June 27th, 2009
Fat transfer could be your answer. Many times, the cheek area and lower eyelids appear the way that they do secondary to a loss of volume in those areas. Fat transfer is the best thing to make the area look natural. It’s not magic, but when done right and with enough attention, it can seem like magic.
A midface lift, in my opinion, results in less than optimal improvement of the area. You can’t really take that much skin from a midface lift. Also, with a midface lift you can end up with eyelids that are pulled down like a hound dog. It also doesn’t look natural and you often get bunching in the lateral eyelid area. I think that a midface lift is only beneficial when you need to improve the lower eyelid when there is a problem with the lower eyelid function. Once you plump up your midface with fat, you can concentrate on improving the acne scars with different types of procedures including resurfacing and excision of your scars.
Facial Implants can help restore loss volume. They require small incisions in the mouth or other ares but mostly for the midface the implants can be placed through the mouth and sometimes through the lower eyelid area. Silicone implants through Implantech are the types that I usually place. These implants have a long history of success with low rejection and reactions.
I refined an amazing volumizing procedure called “the YoungLift”. This is an innovative technique that volumizes your face to bring out the younger and natural you without looking like you had something done. This is not a facelift and requires no incisions. Only pinpoint puncture sites are used and these heal imperceptibly. The YoungLift can be done without general anesthesia and without drains, and large bandages. You also have a lot less downtime and discomfort compared with traditional facelift procedures. I employsthe very best techniques from around the world into one volumizing procedure and he uses his internationally acclaimed understanding of facial beauty to create the youthful volume you once had. The YoungLift can also be used to volumize the midface area to bring out the younger and natural you.
Dr Young is located in Bellevue near Seattle, Washington
Posted in Cheek Augmentation, Fat Transfer / Fat Injections, Midface Lift, YoungVolumizer | Comments Off on Mid face lift or other options for a tired looking face, nasolabial folds and under eye hollowing