Archive for the ‘Browlift / Eyebrow Lift / Brow Lift’ Category
Monday, November 15th, 2010
by Bellevue | Seattle’s Dr. Philip Young | Aesthetic Facial Plastic Surgery:
Browlift can improve your eyes asymmetry, but you may need work in your eyelid as well. Sometimes, the unequal appearance of your eyes could either be from the brows being asymmetric or it could be from your eyelids being asymmetric. Sometimes your eyes can be smaller due to the eyelid being uneven. A condition called ptosis can occur when the muscle that opens up the eye is affected by some process. This could make one eye smaller than the other. The correction of this can be significantly more complicated. The other options include fat injections, the YoungVitalizer, temporary fillers to the eye region or implants. Your physician can help you determine this. But you should be knowledgeable of these things to be able to ask the right questions. You can always write me if you have additional questions.

Click here for you Brow Forehead Lift YouTube Playlist
or our Brow Lift Before After Images
Cheers!, Dr Young
Dr Young specializes in Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and is located in Bellevue near Seattle, Washington
Posted in Browlift / Eyebrow Lift / Brow Lift, YoungVolumizer | Comments Off on I have asymmetric eyes and I think a browlift could make them more equal. I’m young. What are the options?
Wednesday, July 14th, 2010
Botox would be an excellent option to help you with your arch in your eyebrows. Whereever the arch is more exaggerated you can place a small amount of botox like 1-5 units to to lower the arch. It could require more than one shot over each arch depending on how the arch is shaped. I would start conservative and find the right amount for you. For a more permanent solution, you can do a brow lift in a differential way to shape the eyebrows. It could entail elevating the lower portion or lowering the arched portion.
Thanks for reading, Dr Young
Dr Young specializes in Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and is located in Bellevue near Seattle, Washington
Posted in Botox, Dysport, Botulinum, Browlift / Eyebrow Lift / Brow Lift | Comments Off on Botox or a Browlift would be an excellent option to help you with your arch in your eyebrows.
Thursday, July 1st, 2010
A picture is important to analyze your appearance when you consider a browlift. Droopy eyebrows can be found in younger people based on their own individual anatomy. Droopy eyebrows can give your a stern appearance. And appearances can mean everything. I have a theory on facial beauty that explains this to a degree as well as a blog. If you eyebrow is one iris width away from your eyelid margin you are near the ideal height. Being a little higher can make you look more awake. But anything more than 1 1/2 iris widths can give you a surprising look. Sometimes volume under the eyebrow can brighten your eyes by increasing your eyes highlights. You should send me some pictures. For older people, volumizing the forehead can be beneficial. Here is a video of me volumizing the forehead.
Thanks for reading, Dr Young
Dr Young specializes in Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and is located in Bellevue near Seattle, Washington
Posted in Browlift / Eyebrow Lift / Brow Lift, Fat Transfer / Fat Injections, YoungVolumizer | Comments Off on Is a browlift too early in someone that is in there 20’s?
Sunday, June 6th, 2010
This is a question that I answered for a patient that was wondering if there is a skin lift in the temporal areas that could lift the eyes and eyebrows for a more exotic look. She was able to create this look by pulling her hairback like putting it into a ponytail type fashion:
There are temporal lifts (Philip Young MD, Bellevue near Seattle, Washington) that can elevate the lateral parts of your eyebrow and eye. These lifts do entail excising, or cutting, skin. But they also entail lifting the muscle or some form of plicating the muscle like a pleat to lift the muscle. The elevation of the muscle gives the lift some longevity. I understand the question that you are asking. But from the answers of the doctors, I can see that they are interpretating your question literally and that might be limiting their answer. Yes you can lift the skin, but with the lift in order to ensure that you can create some longevity, you should also work on the muscle. These lifts can lift your lateral eyebrow and also lift the corner of your eye as well (although this can be more difficult and complicated. Also there are special lifts that pull up on the muscles on the sides of your eyes that can help with the overall lift. This procedure is not as well known to plastic surgeons. This can improve crows feet.
Thanks for reading,
Dr Young
Dr Young specializes in Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and is located in Bellevue near Seattle, Washington
Posted in Browlift / Eyebrow Lift / Brow Lift | Comments Off on There are temporal lifts that can elevate the lateral parts of your eyebrow and eye.
Thursday, May 20th, 2010
There are many reasons for browlifting (Dr Young specializes in Browlifts and Facial Plastic Surgery) and working with the upper third of the face. One of the main reasons is to lift the brows when they are drooping. In this case, raising the eyebrows can open up the eyelids and reduce the upper lid skin laxity. This can be done through open approaches, through the eyelid and through minimally invasive means through small incisions behind the hairline. What can also be done is removing the muscles between the eyes that causes the frowning. This can reduce your needs for botox markedly to not having to need botox at all. Some people also have significant brow prominence that can be reduced by burring the bone down. this can be done through an eyelid incision or through an open approach which requires an incision from ear to ear. Although the incision from ear to ear sounds daunting, the incision actually heals really well when you close it accurately. Also through an open approach you are more likely to get longer lasting results. Reducing the brow bone can reduce the stern and masculine look that some women have. Hairline lowering is something that can also be done for people with high hairlines. This is done through an incision right at the hairline. This combination of procedures, browlift, brow bone reduction, hairline lowering, and brow bone muscle reduction is much more commonly done for certain patients that want to have more of a feminine appearance. This typically is more common among my transgender patient. Below is a picture of a just such a patient. Although we have done this for many women. Most of the women we have are more conservative in showing their pictures on our website. Notice in the pictures that his brow bone is less prominent and his eyebrows are elevated to his desired height that we discussed prior to the procedure. Other procedures that he has were a chin reduction, rhinoplasty, and permalip implants.
Thanks for reading, Dr Young
Dr Young specializes in Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and is located in Bellevue near Seattle, Washington




Posted in Botox, Dysport, Botulinum, Browlift / Eyebrow Lift / Brow Lift, Transgender or Facial Feminization / MasculinizationSurgery, Wrinkle Treatment | Comments Off on Browlifting with Brow Bone Reduction, Hairline Lowering, and Removal of Frown Muscles can Markedly Improve Your Appearance
Friday, May 7th, 2010
Facial plastic surgeons are excellent physicians to lower your hairline and reduce your brow bone prominence which is done through a traditional browlift (Dr Young specializes in Facial Plastic Surgery near Seattle, WA) approach. This is usually done through an incision just in the front of your hairline. It requires some release of the hair behind it and advancing the hair line forward by tacking the hairline to the bone anteriorly and in a more forward position. A brow lift can then be done in conjunction with removing of some of the muscles that make you frown. And during this time, you can bur the bone down to reduce the prominence. I often do this for my transgender population and for my female patients that have a more prominent brow. Reducing the brow bone can also be done through an eyelid incision as well as removing the muscles that cause frowning. Another option for lowering the hairline can be through hair transplantation to the front of the hairline by taking hair from the back of the scalp.
Thanks for reading, Dr Young
Dr Young specializes in Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and is located in Bellevue near Seattle, Washington
Posted in Browlift / Eyebrow Lift / Brow Lift, Transgender or Facial Feminization / MasculinizationSurgery | Comments Off on Who are the best physicians to lower the hairline, elevate the eyebrows, and reduce the brow bone?
Friday, March 26th, 2010
An Endoscopic Browlift (Philip A Young MD, Seattle Washington) is a type of minimally invasive browlift that employs scopes to help with the dissection and lift. The difference is that you have 5 smaller incisions with the endoscopic browlift as opposed to a very long incision all the way across your forehead from ear to ear in more traditional forehead lifts. Very unique scopes are used with a camera and tv set up that allow the surgeon to look under your forehead. This facilitates the visually approach to the area just under your eyebrow. It helps the surgeon dissect this tricky area and avoid damaging nerves. The benefits are that the incisions are smaller and recovery has been found to be slightly better. Also, because you are not cutting through all layers of the skin from ear to ear, the sensation in the scalp can be preserved. Some people feel that you don’t get as long of a lasting lift with the endoscopic browlift as you do with traditional browlifts. This has prompted many surgeons to go back to the traditional browlift. But if you only need a minimal to moderate amount of browlifting and would like to avoid really long incisions across your forehead the endoscopic browlift might be the best thing for you. Nowadays, endoscopes are not totally needed as many surgeons are adopting the “smart hand” technique where the surgeon is doing the dissection through feel and the knowledge of the anatomy.
I hope that was interesting for you!
Thanks for reading, Dr Young
Dr Young specializes in Facial Cosmetic and Reconstructive Surgery and is located in Bellevue near Seattle, Washington
Posted in Browlift / Eyebrow Lift / Brow Lift | Comments Off on What is the difference between an endoscopic browlift and traditional browlifts / forehead lifts?
Saturday, March 6th, 2010
Browlifts (Dr Philip Young Seattle Washington) are usually done through an incision behind the hairline in traditional methods. This allows the eyebrows to be elevated and the muscles in between the eye to be resected or modified to keep the eyebrows from creating the “elevens” wrinkles or the wrinkles in between the eyes that create an angry look. Resecting the muscle makes it so that making an angry look becomes much harder. The incision behind the hairline can be used to elevate the eyebrows but this often can lead to an even higher forehead or more posterior hairline that is sometimes unwanted in someone who already has a high forehead. This can be avoided by making the incision within the front of the hairline so the hairline is not pulled back. The minor drawback is the incision within the front of the hairline. But the incision can be adjusted so that the hair can grow through the incision to hide it better. Limited incision browlifts can also be done to avoid a long incision across the scalp but these tend to also elevate the hairline.
I hope that was interesting for you!
Thanks for reading, Dr Young
Dr Young specializes in Facial Cosmetic and Reconstructive Surgery and is located in Bellevue near Seattle, Washington
Posted in Browlift / Eyebrow Lift / Brow Lift | Comments Off on Browlifts in someone with a High Forehead
Saturday, March 6th, 2010
If you have a high forehead there are options for you. Lowering your hairline is an option that can be done. Hair transplants are one way of doing this. This approach is highly technique dependent and requires a lot of time to do this. Another way of doing this is to lower the hairline through a procedure that requires an incision within the front of the hairline that is a variation of a Brow Lift. Then what is needed in elevation of the hair posteriorly and a little bit anteriorly. Release of the scalp’s tension is then sometimes needed to allow the hairline to come forward. Anchoring the hairline in a lower position is then done by fixing the hairline to the bone of the forehead. A browlift can also be done in concurrence if needed. Further elevation done to the orbital bones is required for a browlift and after the release of the eyebrows you can then elevate the eyebrows to the desired position. A look at myFacial Beautycan help one to figure out how high the forehead should be.
I hope that was interesting for you!
Thanks for reading, Dr Young
Dr Young specializes in Facial Cosmetic and Reconstructive Surgery and is located in Bellevue near Seattle, Washington
Posted in Browlift / Eyebrow Lift / Brow Lift, Transgender or Facial Feminization / MasculinizationSurgery | Comments Off on High Hairline and options for Improving this Masculine Look.
Friday, February 5th, 2010
How do you get rid of the Angry Look? But what if you are one that doesn’t want to come in for Botox several times in a year to keep the results. Botox is great, but a browlift or volumizing followed by laser resurfacing are options. A browlift that pulls up our eyebrows and then with additional work to take out the muscles that are causing that frowning can be an option to improve this furrow. I think volumizing this area can also be a good option. Loss of volume in the forehead and in between the eyes can lead to more skin relative to the tissues underneath. This leads to more skin folding and a closer position of the skin to the muscles that are creating the wrinkles. Volumizing takes up the extra skin and also separates the skin from the muscles more and decreases the muscles effect on the skin, ie wirnkles. After both a volumizing procedure and a browlift either/or, you can resurface the face to decrease the wrinkles and also to subtly shrink the skin. The YoungVitalizer (Dr Young in Seattle) is a great option for this area.
Thanks for reading, Dr Young
Dr Young specializes in Facial Cosmetic and Reconstructive Surgery and is located in Bellevue near Seattle, Washington
Posted in Botox, Dysport, Botulinum, Browlift / Eyebrow Lift / Brow Lift, Laser Resurfacing, YoungVolumizer | Comments Off on How do you get rid of the Angry Look?