Archive for the ‘Botox, Dysport, Botulinum’ Category
Friday, July 3rd, 2009
You didn’t mention what was most bothersome but I’m assuming its the banding in your neck. Botox can help improve this banding and will last 3-6 months. Another way of doing this is by doing a minimally invasive nullconcentrating in the neck area along with doing some work under the chin to release the bands. This approach is more invasive and another way of improving the way your neck looks is by grafting fat throughout your neck. You have to have enough fat to graft into the area. Usually the abdomen or stomach area is the best area to get this fat.
Dr Young is located in Bellevue near Seattle, Washington
Posted in Botox, Dysport, Botulinum, Fat Transfer / Fat Injections, Necklift / Neck Lift / Platysmaplasty / Turkey Gobblers / Neck Bands | Comments Off on What to do about the neck bands a questions I answered for a patient who had things done by another doctor
Sunday, June 28th, 2009
The glabellar area looks the way it does when you lose volume in this area as you age. Botox is a temporary fix to paralyze the muscles for a 3-6month period. This keeps the muscles from working and creating and deepening the wrinkles in this area. Botox doesn’t improve the volume loss. If you look at infants and children you will notice that the glabellar area is quite a bit fuller than the older individual and really the whole forehead is much more volumized in youth.
Facial Fillersand Fat Transfer are a great way to improve the glabellar region and the lines that form in this area. The filling removes the muscles from the skin and makes it harder for the muscle to actually create the wrinkles. Fat injections also help break up the fibrous tissue that can sometimes hold down the wrinkles in their current wrinkled state.
I refined an amazing volumizing procedure called “the YoungLift”. This is an innovative technique that volumizes your face to bring out the younger and natural you without looking like you had something done. This is not a facelift and requires no incisions. Only pinpoint puncture sites are used and these heal imperceptibly. The YoungLift can be done without general anesthesia and without drains, and large bandages. You also have a lot less downtime and discomfort compared with traditional facelift procedures. Dr Young employs the very best techniques from around the world into one volumizing procedure and he uses his internationally acclaimed understanding of facial beauty to create the youthful volume you once had.
Dr Young is located in Bellevue near Seattle, Washington
Posted in Botox, Dysport, Botulinum, Fat Transfer / Fat Injections, Fillers / Facial Fillers, Wrinkle Treatment, YoungVolumizer | Comments Off on Improving Glabellar lines with botox and fillers
Sunday, June 28th, 2009
There are many factors that will determine and affect your recovery from dermal fillers or botox / Dysport.
Generally, Botox is much less involved and typically you will have small mosquitoe bites for about an hour. Bruising is less common with botox as opposed to dermal fillers. Facial Fillersrequire even distribution for even, smooth results. And if you are to do that you need to layer the filler every where in the area that you are augmenting many times. This usually means that you need to go in and out with the needle multiple times.
Each time you do this you increase your chance of disrupting a blood vessel. Bruising in my experience is more common in the eye region. This is because of the thin skin in this area and the greater vascularity that is located here. Avoiding blood thinners is really important and icing can really help.
Your age and genetics play a factor as well. As you age, your blood vessels are more fragile and your clotting can also be less robust. Genetically, you might be more prone to bleeding as well. Ice and local anesthesia are things that can help along with judicious use of pressure in certain areas.
Dr Young is located in Bellevue near Seattle, Washington
Posted in Botox, Dysport, Botulinum, Fillers / Facial Fillers, Juvederm, Perlane, Radiesse, Restylane, Wrinkle Treatment | Comments Off on Recovery from botox and other fillers like restylane, juvederm, radiesse, perlane, etc.
Saturday, June 27th, 2009
Botox from Allergan or Dysport from Medicis, Facial Fillers, are all products that have a long safety profile and have been used throughout the United States in a safe manner by many doctors. They are proven safe in the right hands.
Going to a doctor that is board certified is a starter. Then you need to see the doctor’s results or possibly talk to people who have had it done by the particular doctor. These are ways to ensure that you have the right doctor doing the procedure. The doctor’s academic performance can also be an indicator. You should be able to research your doctor on their website as well. With all of these pieces of information, you will be able to come up with a bigger picture of whether you would like a paricular doctor to be the one to do your procedure.
Dr Young is located in Bellevue near Seattle, Washington
Posted in Botox, Dysport, Botulinum, Fillers / Facial Fillers | Comments Off on How to Make sure that an injectible is safe
Friday, June 26th, 2009
A liquid facelift has not been clearly defined, just like a mini facelift and a full facelift and all the types of facelifting. All of these terms can mean different things to different surgeons around the world. What I have been exposed to, in regards to a liquid facelift, includes using a combination of Botox and dermal fillers.
Botox or Dysport can be used in certain areas of the face to allow your facial muscles to lift the face in a subtle way. When botox is applied to the eye and forehead area, you can subtly elevate the eyebrows. When Botox is used around the eyes and closer to the smiling muscles you can prevent the smiling muscles from elevating the mouth when a person smiles in such a way that the folds around the mouth will not be as prominent and crows feet also will be lessened.
Dermal fillers can be used to fill up the lost volume in the face, which can reverse the signs of aging within the face. A liquid facelift will only subtly change the face and will not be as dramatic as a facelift as it is done in the traditional way.
Another way of lifting the face through liquids is through facial fat transfer in the same way that dermal fillers can fill up the face. But facial fat transfer can be a way to more dramatically revolumize the face and reverse aging.
I refined an amazing volumizing procedure called “the YoungLift”. This is an innovative technique that volumizes your face to bring out the younger and natural you without looking like you had something done. This is not a facelift and requires no incisions. Only pinpoint puncture sites are used and these heal imperceptibly. The YoungLift can be done without general anesthesia and without drains, and large bandages. You also have a lot less downtime and discomfort compared with traditional facelift procedures. Dr Young employs the very best techniques from around the world into one volumizing procedure and he uses his internationally acclaimed understanding of facial beauty to create the youthful volume you once had.
Dr Young is located in Bellevue near Seattle, Washington
Posted in Botox, Dysport, Botulinum, Fat Transfer / Fat Injections, Fillers / Facial Fillers, YoungVolumizer | Comments Off on What is a liquid facelift?
Wednesday, June 24th, 2009
Botox Cosmetic weakens the muscle that pulls your eyebrows down. This allows your muscles that elevate your eyebrows to work with less inhibition. This is how the Botulinum Neurotoxin or a Botox brow lift works. Botox weakens the muscles between your eyes and around your eyes to allow the frontalis muscle to lift the eyebrows up more. It takes experience to do this but knowing where to put the botox can make a huge difference with the results. Dysport is a new product that works just like botox and has been shown by some to last longer and take less time to actually work.
Dr Young is located in Bellevue near Seattle, Washington
Posted in Botox, Dysport, Botulinum, Browlift / Eyebrow Lift / Brow Lift | Comments Off on How does botox elevate your eyebrow?
Wednesday, June 24th, 2009
This is a question that I answered for someone who had a procedure by another physician.
This is directed to a question regarding botox that caused her mouth to droop and how long it will last. The person also had a history of bells palsy.
Botox typically lasts anywhere from 3-6 months. Although certain high movement areas are more likely to get better faster, your current situation could last up to or longer than 3 months.
The key is knowing the particular person’s state. People with Bell’s palsy are likely to react to Botox more than someone who doesn’t have this. The reason for this is that people with Bell’s Palsy have lost some functioning nerves from the condition and hence when it comes to a neurotoxin they are going to be more sensitive to Botox’s effects.
In this situation, you have to start at a much lower dose and have the patient come back in 2 weeks to see what the effects are. Botox typically starts to work at 4 days and has its maximum effect at 2 weeks.
Posted in Botox, Dysport, Botulinum | Comments Off on Botox and Mouth drooping?
Wednesday, June 24th, 2009
Browlifts can elevate the eyebrow and also can be used to treat the muscles so that they don’t work as well. When the muscles don’t work as well, they are less likely to form wrinkles. It really depends on what indication you are using the Botox and where. If its for wrinkles, you will still have them after a browlift but just less of them.
It also depends on where the wrinkles are located. If they are in between the eyes, then a browlift with muscle altering ancillary procedures can be incorporated to weaken the muscles in between your eyes and lessen the wrinkles from being recreated. If they are in your forehead then this is a little more difficult.
More recently, surgeons are leaving alone the muscle that lifts your brows. Doing so allows this muscle to elevate your brows and avoid the eyebrows from drooping into your eyes, which can give you a tired look.
Volumizing the forehead area can also help with improving the wrinkles. It is like recreating the grape from a raisin. Once the volume has been restored resurfacing can improve the area with the wrinkles that are still etched into the skin but has improved through the volumizing. The YoungLift is a great way to volumize the face and forehead area to decrease wrinkles and create a more youthful appearance.
Consulting a board certified Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon would be something that I would highly recommend. We specialize in the face and neck so we are ideally suited to help you in this area.
Posted in Botox, Dysport, Botulinum, Browlift / Eyebrow Lift / Brow Lift, Fillers / Facial Fillers | Comments Off on Botox after a browlift?
Wednesday, June 24th, 2009
Fillers like Restylane and Juvederm are really for filling up your lips. Botox can give a little element of filling by relaxing the lip muscles to allow them to volumize through the relaxation. But this effect is subtle. If you really want to volumize your lips, go with a filler. One thing you should know is that botox can again relax the lip muscles, but a benefit includes decreasing the lip lines through the muscle relaxation.
Another way of augmenting or plumping up the lips is to fill them with fat through fat injections. Once the fat survives it can last for years. I have a unique way of volumizing areas of the face through what I call the YoungVitalizer. I incorporate my theory on aesthetics to bring out the best results for my patients for the most natural appearance without the Hollywood look.
Consulting a Board Certified Facial Plastic Surgeon would be something that I would recommend. We specialize in the face and are highly qualified to help you with this.
Posted in Botox, Dysport, Botulinum, Fat Transfer / Fat Injections, Fillers / Facial Fillers | Comments Off on Can botox plump up the lips or what is the best lip plumper?
Wednesday, June 24th, 2009
Getting rid of forehead wrinkles can be challenging. There are many options. Botox can prevent your muscles from working and can prevent the wrinkles from getting deeper and in the long run can decrease the appearance of the wrinkles.
A forehead / browlift can pull up your brows so that you don’t have to raise them yourself to increase your visual space and this can eleviate some wrinkles as well. The wrinkles in between your eyes can be improved with botox and as well as manipulating the nerve that makes them work. This second procedure can be done through an incision in your eyelid crease and can last much longer than Botox.
Also, various approaches through a brow lift / forehead lift can take away the muscles that work in between your eyes and weaken them so they don’t keep producing wrinkles there. The prolem with taking away muscles is that it can cause a depression there that already exists from losing volume naturally there through aging. This increased loss of volume can sometimes make your appear more aged in some instances.
One way to also improve the wrinkles in the forehead area is to consider volumizing the area. What this does is create a space that used to be there when you were younger that exists between your muscles and the skin. This puts the muscles further away from the skin and hence less action to create the wrinkles. Volumizing is a very natural way to improve the wrinkles in your forehead. Volumizing can be done through fat injections. I developed a new way of volumizing the face by using a person’s own tissue that called the YoungLift. This is an amazing procedure that I also incorporate my new theory on facial aesthetics to get thebest and most natural results.
Posted in Botox, Dysport, Botulinum, Browlift / Eyebrow Lift / Brow Lift | Comments Off on Improving the wrinkles on your Forehead