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Facial Fillers| Injectibles Testimonials | Reviews for Dr. Philip Young & Aesthetic Facial Plastic Surgery

Tuesday, March 26th, 2013

Facial Fillers| Injectibles Testimonials | Reviews for Dr. Philip Young & Aesthetic Facial Plastic Surgery. Click here to read more: Dr Philip Young Bellevue Seattle Testimonials | Reviews For Facial Fillers.

see below for before and afters and a brief discussion on facial fillers:

What are facial fillers? Facial Fillers are products that are usually made up of natural substances that are chemically modified to allow them to last longer in our body. Restylane, Juvederm, Perlane are hyaluronic acids made by bacteria. The hyaluronic acid in some bacteria is chemically unchanged in humans. Meaning we have the same hyaluronic acid as bacteria. Fillers essentially give volume to our face in certain areas to make us look younger because aging is caused in large part by a volume loss.

Here at Aesthetic Facial Plastic Surgery, we tend to use natural products that are safe. We would use all of the products and procedures here for our own family and friends. Also we’ll make sure that you are happy with your results. We usually give your results about 1-2 weeks to settle in and if there are not in any way what you were expecting we will help in every way to make sure to get the results you want. With Restylane we can fill it in more or take some filler out to make it look better. All you have to do is just let us know how you would like it. You can always reach us through our contact page here: Aesthetic Facial Plastic Surgery Contact Page.


You can read more about our Facial Fillers by following this link.

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Dr. Young from Aesthetic Facial Plastic Surgery.


Face Neck Lift Testimonials | Reviews for Dr. Philip Young & Aesthetic Facial Plastic Surgery

Tuesday, March 26th, 2013

Face Neck Lift Testimonials | Reviews for Dr. Philip Young & Aesthetic Facial Plastic Surgery: Click here to read more: Dr Philip Young Bellevue Seattle Testimonials | Reviews Face Neck Lift:

Scroll down for more before and afters and for a short discussion of face neck lifts:

Face and Neck Lift and what are they best used for? We tend to suggest Face lifts for jowls | marionette lines and less so for nasolabial folds. Neck lifts are used for the neck banding | turkey gobbler | neck laxity and double chin in this area. For everything else we tend to suggest the YoungVitalizer which is our incision less approach to rejuvenate the face.  Browlifts are rarely done even though we have a lot of experience doing this procedure.  If you look at this discussion, you can see why browlifts may not be the best option for rejuvenating the face: How the YoungVitalizer helps with the Brow | Temple | Forehead Area.  By shaping the forehead and temple area, you can subtly lift the eyebrows into a better position in a more natural way.  Our incision less approach can help you with your neck a little bit but if you really want your neck bands, turkey gobbler, neck laxity, and double chin improved a neck lift is the better choice.

What is the recovery from a neck lift face lift? The first week is the most challenging part. You will have most of your discomfort during this week. We usually say that you will need a week to recover. The sutures are removed at 6-7 days and many times we will have drains in place to help speed up your healing and we usually take this out 3-5 days later.  We keep really close follow up with our patients. In fact, most of the time, our doctors will give you their cell phone to allow you to contact us at anytime. Dr. Young likes you to send in photos of your healing every day. This way, Dr. Young can monitor you more closely..

Where are the incisions for a face and neck lift? The incisions usually run in front  and behind the ear. You can click here to Learn More about Face Lifts (Explanation and Options). Depending on what you would like improved, the incision can vary in length and shape.

You can read more about Face Neck Lifts by following this link.

Thanks for reading and visiting our blog

Dr. Young from Aesthetic Facial Plastic Surgery.


Chin Implant Testimonials | Reviews for Dr. Philip Young Seattle | Bellevue

Tuesday, March 26th, 2013

Chin Implant Testimonials | Reviews for Dr. Philip Young Seattle | Bellevue.  Click here to read more: Dr Philip Young Seattle Bellevue Testimonials | Reviews Chin Implant


You can read more about Chin Implants by following this link.

Thanks for reading and visiting our blog

Dr. Young from Aesthetic Facial Plastic Surgery.


Cheek Implants Testimonials | Reviews for Dr. Philip Young of Bellevue | Seattle

Tuesday, March 26th, 2013

Cheek Implants Testimonials | Reviews for Dr. Philip Young of Bellevue | Seattle. Click here to read more: Dr Philip Young Bellevue Seattle Testimonials | Reviews Cheek Implant


You can read more about  Cheek Implants by following this link.

Thanks for reading and visiting our blog

Dr. Young from Aesthetic Facial Plastic Surgery.


Brow Lift | Forehead Lift Testimonials | Reviews for Dr. Philip Young of Bellevue | Seattle

Tuesday, March 26th, 2013

Brow Lift | Forehead Lift Testimonials | Reviews for Dr. Philip Young of Bellevue | Seattle. Click here to read more: Dr Philip Young Testimonials | Reviews for Brow Lift

You can read more about Brow Lifts by following this link.

Thanks for reading and visiting our blog

Dr. Young from Aesthetic Facial Plastic Surgery.


Asian Plastic Surgery Testimonials | Reviews for Dr. Philip Young & Aesthetic Facial Plastic Surgery

Tuesday, March 26th, 2013

Asian Plastic Surgery Testimonials | Reviews for Dr. Philip Young & Aesthetic Facial Plastic Surgery. Click here to read more: Bellevue Dr Philip Young Testimonials | Reviews Asian Plastic Surgery.

Asian Plastic | Cosmetic Surgery is the art of science of Plastic Surgery that concentrates on the Asian Population. Perhaps the areas most unique to this category of plastic surgery is the double eyelid surgery and asian rhinoplasty. The double eyelid surgery is unique in that it requires more complex approaches than traditional straight forward blepharoplasty | eyelift that is done for the aging eye. Essentially, the double eyelid surgery entails attaching the skin and the components of the skin, to the levator muscle or the muscle that elevated the eyelid. We have a nice diagram and discussion of this procedure here: Asian Double Eyelid Crease Formation Surgery.

You can read more about our Asian Plastic Surgery by following this link.

Thanks for reading and visiting our blog

Dr. Young from Aesthetic Facial Plastic Surgery.

Just want to say thank you!

Tuesday, March 26th, 2013

Aesthetic Facial Plastic Surgery and Dr. Philip Young would like to say “Thank You for being one of our patients”. We’ve had some of the best patients a surgery office could ask for. We really look forward to each and everyone of you and your unique stories! Everyday is a chance for us to help someone new. We look forward to meeting you!

We appreciate all the nice comments, here’s a look at our testimonial page.




Acne Scar Treatment Testimonials | Reviews for Dr. Philip Young and Aesthetic Facial Plastic Surgery of Bellevue, Washington

Tuesday, March 26th, 2013

Acne Scar Treatment Testimonials | Reviews for Dr. Philip Young and Aesthetic Facial Plastic Surgery of Bellevue, Washington. Click here to read more: Dr Philip Young Testimonials | Reviews Acne Scar Treatment.

You can read more about our exciting technique to treat acne scars called the Acne Scar Vitalizer Treatment by following this link.

Thanks for reading and visiting our blog

Dr. Young from Aesthetic Facial Plastic Surgery.

Dr Philip Young Reviews | Complaints Seattle | Bellevue Aesthetic Facial Plastic Surgery

Tuesday, March 12th, 2013

Dr. Philip Young Reviews  | Complaints Seattle | Bellevue Aesthetic Facial Plastic Surgery:

Here at Aesthetic Facial Plastic Surgery, Dr. Philip Young, Dr. Eric Waterman and the rest of our great staff and team want the best for you. Our Mission is Provide Unwavering Quality Care to Improve People’s Lives through Facial Plastic Surgery and the YoungVitalizer. We would like to hear from you to and there are many ways that you can do this. Our Aesthetic Facial Plastic Surgery Contact Page is the main way to do that. But you can also fill out a Quality Care Questionaire Form and let us know more specifically which area of our office we can improve. Constructive Criticism is always something we value highly. We look forward to hearing from you soon!

You can come see our general review page for our website as well by following this link: Reviews Dr Philip Young Seattle | Bellevue Aesthetic Facial Plastic Surgery

Thanks for reading and visiting our blog

Dr. Young from Aesthetic Facial Plastic Surgery.

Rhinoplasty Reviews Seattle | Bellevue Dr. Philip Young Aesthetic Facial Plastic Surgery

Tuesday, March 12th, 2013

Rhinoplasty Reviews Seattle | Bellevue Dr. Philip Young Aesthetic Facial Plastic Surgery:

Rhinoplasty Reviews Dr. Philip Young

Rhinoplasty Reviews Dr. Philip Young

Rhinoplasty is the art and science of the shaping of the nose through surgical and non surgical means. We can shape your nose to more closely match what you are desiring or have been thinking of. What we usually do during your connsultation is take a few photos that we can morph to better get an understanding of what you are looking for. We use a computer morphing program called United Imaging. We actually do this 2-3 times at least before your procedure to really get an understanding of what you want. In general, you will have at least 2 appointments before your procedure. 2 weeks before we bring you in for an pre procedure appointment to review your health again and prepare for you for your procedure in more detail.

How is a rhinoplasty done? We usually do our rhinoplasties in an open fashion. This entails making a very small incision at the bottom of your nose in the area between the nostrils. This usually heals imperceptibly like this:

Rhinoplasty Open Approach Incision Dr. Philip Young

Rhinoplasty Open Approach Incision Dr. Philip Young

Why the Open Approach to Rhinoplasty? This is the newer way of doing Rhinoplasty. It is the feeling of many (to most) surgeons that the open approach is better for improved visualization of the structures and the ease of changing the structures and getting what you want through Rhinoplasty. Doing a Rhinoplasty closed hinders the view and makes it harder to make the changes necessary to get you the best results.

How do you change the nose through Rhinoplasty? If you take a look at the picture below you can better understand what we are about to say. To make the tip smaller, we usually trim and shape the lower lateral cartilages. Many people are born with lower lateral cartilages that are bigger than others. Sometimes these cartilages are shaped in a way that makes the tip look bigger. When the lower lateral cartilages and more bowed out and less straight this can contribute to the bulbous look. We just trim the cartilages make them smaller and then make them straighter too. If you have a hump, we will take down the hump by shaving the top of the septal cartilage down and also by rasping or shaving the nasal bones and bridge down to match the computer imaging. You can read more here: Rhinoplasty Learn More.

Nasal bones and anatomy

Nasal bones and anatomy

Come see our Rhinoplasty Review Page for Dr. Philip Young of Seattle | Bellevue

Thanks for reading and visiting our blog

Dr. Young from Aesthetic Facial Plastic Surgery.