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Correction of the nose bleeds is possible after rhinoplasty.

Thursday, July 15th, 2010

Correction of the nose bleeds is possible after rhinoplasty (Dr Young from Bellevue near Seattle). Based on what you said, the ENT doctor might have diagnosed what is called Ozena which is when the nostril passages are so open, the mucosa dries out which can lead to crust formation, bacterial overgrowth and bleeding.  You would need a thorough exam to evaluate why you are bleeding.  You could have prominent vessels that is causing the bleeding that could be taken care of.  If it is ozena, you can reconstruct your nose to prevent this drying through controlled narrowing of the nose, mucosal grafts, flaps into the nasal cavity, etc.  Exposure of cartilage, grafts, stithces, or implants could all be possibilities that could be the cause.  Get multiple opinions, is my best suggestion also.

Thanks for reading, Dr Young

Dr Young specializes in Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and is located in Bellevue near Seattle, Washington

Button Chin Implant Can Make Your Chin Look More Prominent and Your Jowls Also More Prominent.

Thursday, July 15th, 2010

I had a patient that had a chin implant (Dr Young is located in Bellevue Washington) placed by another physician near by.  The patient said to me that he felt his chin stuck out too much and that he had indents by his chin.  This was grafted with fat but the fat just couldn’t fill in all of the discrepancy.  We elected to look into his chin implant and replace it with an implant that has more lateral extension.  This was the thought after examining his chin.  When we went into the chin area the implant was indeed a “button” type of implant that just augmented the central part of the chin. This “button” type of chin implant is really rarely used for this reason.  I hardly ever put these in.  They accentuate the chin and make it look too big and also make the prejowl area deeper making the jowls look bigger.  Our answer was to put in a new implant that had more lateral extension and we choose the med por extended chin implant.  Here is a picture of the chin implant that we used:

The chin implant that he had look like this:

What might not be apparent in the picture right above is that the anatomical chin implant lacks the lateral projections for a more even transition to the jawline. The person’s implant that we did surgery however had even less lateral projection.  After removing the implant we tailored the extended chin implant because we thought it was too big and we then screwed in the implant to improve its “take” in this region.  Screwing the implant can decrease unwanted increase in size of the augmentation, prevent fluid accumulating deep to the implant that could cause infection, it also fixes the implant so that the implant doesn’t move.  Here is a video showing this patient’s implant and what we plan on putting in to replace their implant.

Thanks for reading, Dr Young

Dr Young specializes in Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and is located in Bellevue near Seattle, Washington

Botox or a Browlift would be an excellent option to help you with your arch in your eyebrows.

Wednesday, July 14th, 2010

Botox would be an excellent option to help you with your arch in your eyebrows.  Whereever the arch is more exaggerated you can place a small amount of botox like 1-5 units to to lower the arch.  It could require more than one shot over each arch depending on how the arch is shaped.  I would start conservative and find the right amount for you.  For a more permanent solution, you can do a brow lift in a differential way to shape the eyebrows.  It could entail elevating the lower portion or lowering the arched portion.

Thanks for reading, Dr Young

Dr Young specializes in Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and is located in Bellevue near Seattle, Washington

Rhinoplasty when you are having a cold can increase your risk of complications

Wednesday, July 14th, 2010

Rhinoplasty (Dr Young Aesthetic Facial Plastic Surgery 1810 116th Ave NE #102, Bellevue, WA) when you are having a cold can increase your risk of complications.  There are always variables though that can increase or decrease this relative risk.  But with a cold, you can be more likely to have a cough after the procedure that could increase your risk of causing bleeding after your procedure.  Also if you are getting general anesthesia, the cold can increase your risk of having airway issues such as laryngospasm.  Most anesthesiologists will cancel a case if the person has a significant cold and with fever.

Thanks for reading, Dr Young

Dr Young specializes in Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and is located in Bellevue near Seattle, Washington

Can fillers like restylane cause blindness if injected into the tear trough?

Wednesday, July 14th, 2010

Fillers (like restylane, perlane, radiesse, juvederm by Dr Young in Bellevue near Seattle, WA) in the tear trough can theoretically lead to blindness but there are precautions that you can take to prevent it.  The veins around your eyes and nose and center of the face are valveless and do not prevent particles from traveling back into the deeper tissues like your eyes and brain.  It is possible to cause the particles that are injected with fillers to go back into the eye to cause blindness.  But this is extremely rare.  You can take some precautions to prevent this though.  When you inject, you should not apply to much pressure with injecting.  Also when you inject it you should never be in one place and your needle should always be moving and distributing the filler evenly.  This prevents a load of filler being place in one spot and in the case that you are near a vessel the one spot is not being filler aggressively and possibly back into deeper structures like your eye. Also local anesthesia prevents the vessels from being injected by constricting the vessels so that it is less likely for the filler to get into the vessels. This is a video on fillers around the eyes.

Thanks for reading, Dr Young

Dr Young specializes in Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and is located in Bellevue near Seattle, Washington

Things I ask during a rhinoplasty consultation.

Wednesday, July 14th, 2010

There are many things that I ask to assess whether a patient is a good candidate for a rhinoplasty. One of the things that I want to make sure of is whether rhinoplasty is the right procedure for the patient.  I always ask what the patient is desiring from the rhinoplasty procedure as well to find out if what they are asking is possible with rhinoplasty.  I want to find out if their expectations are realistic and that the procedure will be able to achieve these realistic goals.  The one thing to remember is that perfection is not possible but we try to attain it as much as humanly possible.  I ask patient what they expect the surgery will do for them, if it will change their whole life, etc.  I also want them to see if I can be the right surgeon for them as well.  I get a sense during my conversation if this person will fit well in our practice in terms of coming back for follow ups and if their personality gels well with our staff.  My staff usually has a good sense of whether they will fit in and handle the post operative period and recovery well. The best situations are when the patients know what they want. The most difficult patients are those that are not able convey what they don’t like about their nose or the ones that demand a certain look. I usually ask them about the 2-3 things that they would like accomplished. I also put these in order. Understanding what the patients want is more than half the battle and is really the most important thing to find out. I try to find out also why they want surgery at this time. Some of the patients that I get worried about are the overly narcissistic person, the perfectionist, the person concentrating on a minor element but wants major improvements, and someone I don’t think will be happy no matter what the outcome. Rhinoplasty won’t change your life, but it can improve it. If you think it will change your life then you might consider something else in your ire. This is a video on Rhinoplasty.

Thanks for reading, Dr Young

Dr Young specializes in Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and is located in Bellevue near Seattle, Washington

Chin implant versus Genioplasty, How does this change the Profile views and Frontal view?

Tuesday, July 13th, 2010

Chin implant’s (Dr Young, Aesthetic Facial Plastic Surgery in Bellevue, near Seattle, WA) can enhance your profile and are much easier to recover from compared to a genioplasty.  A sliding genioplasty involves cutting through your chin bone and advancing it.  This can lead to issues such as longer recovery, nerve injury chances are increased, step off deformities can occur, there is much more pain with it, and the advanced bone segment can loss volume. It is harder to demonstrate the changes from the frontal view.  It requires your doctor changing the way the light hits the chin to show the changes.  For women, the chin implants always need to be done in a conservative way.  Generally, there are many options for augmenting your jaw including where on your jaw (location) and how much. There are many different types of implants that you can choose from. Also, there are different types of material and I generally prefer to implant silicone or medpor (porous polyethylene). Silicone is a the most common option. It is soft, does not get incorporated within your tissues but has a capsule formed around it. The advantage is that it can easily be removed and replaced with a bigger or smaller implant with relative ease. Medpor is stiff, and grainy to the touch and gets incoporated into your tissues. The incorporation makes the medpor implant more resilient to infection. But this incorporation makes it harder to remove the implant if you want to change it. Here is a video on chin implants.

Thanks for reading, Dr Young

Dr Young specializes in Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and is located in Bellevue near Seattle, Washington

Will it be hard to close your eyes after Eyelift / Blepharoplasty / Eyelid Surgery?

Tuesday, July 13th, 2010

Sometimes after Eyelid Surgery / Eyelift / Blepharoplasty it can be hard to close your eyes. This can be due to the local anesthesia that can numb the muscles that close your eyes. Also the swelling around the eyes can make it difficult to close the eyes depending on where the swelling is located. Oftentimes, you have eyelid skin that is taken with an eyelift / Blepharoplasty.  This decreased amount of skin will also lead to the decreased ability to close your eyes right after the procedure. Your physician should make sure not to take to much skin.  It is always better to be on the more conservative side of skin removal.

Thanks for reading, Dr Young

Dr Young specializes in Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and is located in Bellevue near Seattle, Washington

Does Rhinoplasty involve “Breaking” the Nose?

Tuesday, July 13th, 2010

This was a question that I answered for someone that was worried about the common perception that when you get a rhinonplasty you have to “Break” the nose. This is how I answered rhinoplasty (Aesthetic Facial Plastic Surgeyr and Dr Young is in Bellevue Washington) does not need “breaking” of the nose but a controlled shaping of the nose to be effective.  It is all in the way that you say things I would say.  Breaking the nose sounds very uncontrolled and unrefined.  Rhinoplasty couldn’t be further from this.  This procedure is the most intricate and detailed that a plastic surgeon can do.  The nasal bones often have to be shaped to take on the new form.  And breaking is not accurately used to depict what is going on during the procedure in my opinion.  The shaping of the nasal bones does require separating the nasal bones from the surrounding facial bones.  This is done with fine osteotomes that are sometimes as small as one millimeter.  This separation is done in an extremely controlled fashion and not like what is done when you break your nose in an accident that commonly can occur in many situations. This is a video on Rhinoplasty, scroll down to view.

Thanks for reading, Dr Young

Dr Young specializes in Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and is located in Bellevue near Seattle, Washington

My nose is getting bigger as I age can rhinoplasty correct these concerns?

Tuesday, July 13th, 2010

This is a question that I answered for a patient that had a hump, and a wider nose but felt that it has gotten worse as she aged. She wondered if a rhinoplasty could correct those elements in her nose.  This is how I answered her questions:

Your Nose can grow as you age and rhinoplasty (Aesthetic Facial Plastic Surgeyr and Dr Young is in Bellevue Washington) can correct this and other anatomical characterisitics.  When you age, your skin can enlarge over time which can create the appearance of a larger nose.  Also as you lose volume in your face, the nose can take on a larger role.  Also as ligaments in your nose loosen your nose has a tendency to lengthen further creating the illusion that your nose is getting longer.  Many of these elements can be corrected with a rhinoplasty.  The hump that you have will appear larger because your tip will descend as you age.  This descent also brings your nose closer to your face which makes it look wider. This is a video on Rhinoplasty., scroll down to view.

Thanks for reading, Dr Young

Dr Young specializes in Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and is located in Bellevue near Seattle, Washington