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Benefits of Plastic Surgery by Dr. Young of Seattle | Bellevue

Monday, November 28th, 2011

plastic surgery benefitsBenefits of Plastic Surgery by Dr. Young of Seattle | Bellevue:

I recently came across this positive article regarding the benefits of plastic surgery. Often plastic surgery is looked at in a negative way but who are we to tell someone they cannot be happy with the way they look.

Plastic surgery is currently experiencing unprecedented popularity with continuing advancements of technologies for the diverse array of procedures. This has inevitably led to superior results with reduced complications and side effects, leading to a higher degree of customer satisfaction. Consequently more and more people are feeling the immense benefits from improving their image through plastic surgery.

Unique Prerequisites

Whether a person opts to have plastic surgery on their face, hips, breasts or thighs the aim is to sculpt the body in a way that looks natural, the physical and external benefits of plastic surgery can be multi-faceted. Surgeons aim to correct this by taking each individual’s body into consideration before deciding on a desired result.

Many find that they are more outgoing, personable and confident when they become accustomed to their transformation and this heightened sense of self-esteem can be a benefit that lasts a lifetime.

The first thing that many people notice after plastic surgery is that their bodies seem more proportional or balanced. Often a nose may appear too large for a particular person’s face, or a bust that is too large or too small can blur all an individual’s other features making them seem disproportionate.


Aging and sun-exposure can also takes it toll on men and women, sometimes making an individual seem older than they actually are. Facial rejuvenation procedures like facelift, facial implants, dermabrasion, chemical peels, and Botox injections can restore your once youthful appearance, and replenishing your vitality.

The physical and external benefits of plastic surgery can be multi-faceted. Surgeons aim to correct this by taking each individual’s body into consideration before deciding on a desired result.


The wonderful thing about plastic surgery is that the direct benefit is external, but more importantly it will greatly improve your external condition – your inner beauty will be magnified with your newfound self-esteem, confidence and assurance.

Water Ripple Effects

The physical result of plastic surgery produces a healthier look and the ramifications are immense, as this healthy look will often permeate to the patient’s entire lifestyle. People who have surgeries like liposuction and breast reduction usually feel more comfortable in their clothes, that their new bodies allow them to participate in physical activities that they wouldn’t have considered before surgery. Plastic surgery can open new doors to people who have previously lived their lives sheltered. They find themselves participating in activities they never would have in the past such as swimming or aerobics, due to their renewed confidence.

The wonderful thing about plastic surgery is that the direct benefit is external, but more importantly it will greatly improve your external condition – your inner beauty will be magnified with your newfound self-esteem, confidence and assurance.

Heightened Sense Of Self-Esteem That Lasts A Lifetime

Whether a person chooses to undergo plastic surgery to improve their lifestyle or to improve their look, there will always be emotional benefits when a person is finally able to feel comfortable in their body. Many people find that they are more outgoing, personable and confident when they become accustomed to their transformation and this heightened sense of self-esteem can be a benefit that lasts a lifetime.


The YoungVitalizer the Breakthrough Incision Less Face Lift

We are releasing a new co2 laser resurfacing live video demonstration by Dr. Philip Young of Bellevue | Seattle

Sunday, November 20th, 2011

We are releasing a new co2 laser resurfacing live video demonstration by Dr. Philip Young of Bellevue | Seattle. Come see our new video and learn more about cO2 laser resurfacing. We also have very informative pages on laser resurfacing if you are planning to have this with your doctor that would be helpful in preparing for the pre procedure time period and after the procedure.

Laser resurfacing involves using a laser monochromatic light (co2, erbium) to remove the top layers of your skin. This action leaves the remaining skin cells located within the hair follicles to “resurface” the areas that have been removed from the laser resurfacing process. In that process you get a renewal of brand new skin over the treated areas. The healing that takes place (under cover) over the next year, leads to an increase in collagen production under the skin cells that tightens the skin layer and reduces fine wrinkles. This gives you an overall improvement to your skin. The lasering of the top layers also removes unwanted skin pigmentation issues, DNA damaged skin cells in the more superficial layers, and other damaged cells and tissue elements. The end results that is achieved is fresh renewed skin with more even pigmentation, decreased fine wrinkles, and more even texture.

Thanks for reading

Our team at Aesthetic Facial Plastic Surgery!

Diary of a Facial Plastic Surgery Surgical Technician

Thursday, November 17th, 2011

We are introducing our blog category Diary of a Facial Plastic Surgery Surgical Technician. This blog category will concentrate on what our surgical technician experiences are and the things they have learned. We will cover topics like wound care, pictures of wound care, follow up care, the process of preparing for our services etc.  Let us know your thoughts. We and Dr. Philip Young would love to hear them and learn how we can improve here at Aesthetic Facial Plastic Surgery!

Thanks for reading

Our team at Aesthetic Facial Plastic Surgery!

I’m excited to learn about Fillers this week.

Tuesday, November 15th, 2011

This week we are having a special on fillers here at Dr. Philip Young | Aesthetic Facial Plastic Surgery.  Purchase one filler and get one complimentary on us. I did some dermal filler on my mom and she was so happy. I didn’t see how much it could improve someone’s looks until I did it on my mother. I have been able to follow my mother’s results and witness first hand the benefits of fillers. Not only did it improve her wrinkles, it made a big improvement on a scar on her face. I didn’t know she was so self conscious about her scar until we did this for her.  She feels a lot more confident since the filler for the scar.

Thanks for reading,

Hannah, RN

Natural Skin Lighteners by Dr. Philip Young Seattle

Monday, November 14th, 2011

Natural Skin Lighteners by Dr. Philip Young Seattle: Kojic acid and Arbutin are becoming more recognized as improving skin conditions such as Melasma, hyperpigmentation or “sun spots”.  How do they work?  They both inhibit Tyrosinase enzymes that produce melanin, thus controlling hyperpigmentation.  Kojic Acid is derived from Mushroom extract and also is a powerful anti-bacterial, antimicrobial, and has antibiotic properties.  Arbutin can be found in wheat, pears, bearberries, blueberries and cranberries.  Arbutin is also a great antioxidant and skin conditioner! We have several peels and products that have these amazing ingredients in them.  Call us today for further information at

The YoungVitalizer can be a substitute for many traditional procedures like a face lift, mid face lift / cheek lift, lip augmentation, eye lift, etc by Dr. Philip Young Seattle.

Sunday, November 13th, 2011

The YoungVitalizer can be a substitute for many traditional procedures like a face lift, mid face lift / cheek lift, lip augmentation, eye lift, etc by Dr. Philip Young Seattle. The YoungVitalizer can be a substitute for many traditional procedures like a face lift, mid face lift / cheek lift, lip augmentation, eye lift, etcWhy is that? Well a big part of the aging process is a volume loss and if you had a way to replace the volume in the face, doing so in special areas can make you look incredibly younger. It is our secret on how to do this. But there are ways to volumize the eyes, forehead, temple, lower eyes, cheeks and mouth area to substitute and replace face lifts, mid face lifts / cheek lifts, upper eyelifts, lower eyelifts, cheek implants, jaw implants, chin implants, brow lifts, temple lifts, etc with the YoungVitalizer.  That is why we call the YoungVitalizer, the Breakthrough Incision Less Face Lift. The idea of cutting away tissue is becoming an older idea. Cutting away changes the face.  The only situation that cutting away tissue can come into play is if your face changed dramatically since when you were younger.  Aging is like a grape changing into a raisin.  Traditional procedures tended to make that raisin into a smaller raisin. This action and process would make the raisin contorted. Because now you are trying to shape the raisin into a smaller volume. Some of the skin of the raisin will just not conform to the smaller volume you now have because you lost it from the transformation from a grape to a raisin. Replacing this volume will play a huge part in making the raisin back into the grape again.  See this introduction video to the YoungVitalizer.

Thanks for reading,

Dr Young

#plasticsurgery #facelift #plasticsurgeon #medispa #skincare

Jaw Augmentation by Dr. Young releasing his new video on this subject

Sunday, November 13th, 2011

Jaw Augmentation by Dr. Philip Young releasing his new video on this subject: We have made some new videos for you to watch on our Seattle Facial Plastic Surgeon Page. Tell us what you think about all of these new and informative pages. One page that we  would like to talk about is our Jaw Augmentation Video. This is a live video demonstration of us doing this procedure and discussing how Jaw Augmentation can beautify the face. We bring in our ideas on facial beauty and how that ties in with Jaw Augmentation.  You can visit our website and look up Our Philosophy Page to read more about our theory on Facial Beauty.jaw augmentation videoWe also discuss how we do the procedure for anyone interested in this. Jaw Augmentation can markedly can the shape of your face. It can masculinize the face for people who wish to become more masculine. We have a large population of people that wish to have their gender changed and part of this is feminization or masculinization of the face.  Others just want to maintain their sexual identity but just enhance it.  You can do this and still maintain your femininity as well.  For masculinization, you can put in a larger implant.  For maintaining your feminine appearance you can place a smaller implant that will fill the face and yet maintain your feminine looks. These are some of the things we will be talking about with you in more detail when you consult with us.

We look forward to hearing your thoughts!

Thanks for reading,

Dr Young

our website is

#plasticsurgery #facelift #plasticsurgeon #medispa #skincare

We are releasing our new website by Dr. Young Seattle Facial Plastic Surgeon

Sunday, November 13th, 2011

We are excited to release our new website by Dr. Young Seattle Facial Plastic Surgeon. The Young Vitalizer is a Breakthrough Incision Less Face Lift. This minimally invasive procedure can rejuvenate your face in a natural way making you look up to and sometimes more than 10 years younger. It can be a minimally invasive substitute for a mid face lift, face lift, cheek implants, facial implants, lip augmentation, brow lift, eye lift upper / lower, etc. You can learn more about the YoungVitalizer with this introductory video, An Introduction to the YoungVitalizer.  The YoungVitalizer was founded by me because I discovered some important things when I was training in Los Angeles under the tutelage of very famous plastic surgeons including Paul Nassif, Mark Berman, Stephen Pincus, etc.  What I was noticing among the stars was that these people with access and all the money and fame in the world were still looking strange after plastic surgery. In my mind, there had to be something wrong with this picture. So I sought out to find out why. This idea ultimately culminated in me discovering my theory on facial beauty called the Circles of Prominence. This theory was the foundation of improving facial aesthetics and it is the source of energy and ideas that have developed our technique, The YoungVitalizer.  If you watch your video on the Introduction it will expand your mind. You can also learn more on our sister website and look under our philosophy page to read about Dr. Young’s theory.

I have been so busy that I haven’t been able to blog very much lately. But I’m resuming this as a new goal.  Write me anytime at any of our website’s contact pages:

Contact us today!

We look forward to hearing your thoughts!

Thanks for reading,

Dr Young

#plasticsurgery #facelift #plasticsurgeon #medispa #skincare

Ice picks scars and why I like subcision / fat grafting / with chemical peels question and answers Dr. Young of Seattle:

Wednesday, September 28th, 2011

Ice picks scars and subcision, fat grafting, with chemical peels Dr. Young of Seattle:

This is what I wrote someone on Sept 28,2011:


Dr. Young,

Patient: I wanted to thank you again for your personable consultation the other day.  It’s never easy talking to a stranger about one’s insecurities, but you certainly made it comfortable enough that I am considering your recommendations.  Just a few questions I first need to ask.

Dr. Young: It was my pleasure.

Patient: Why did you choose the subcision with the chemical peel over other procedures? .

Dr. Young: I think that laser resurfacing may not fully cause those ice picks scars to come up to the level of the rest of your skin.  They (laser resurfacing / dermabrasion / Dermasanding) are better when the surfaces are more closely aligned. and leveled.  The chemical peel will get the ice picks to come up and the subcision will make them rise by stimulating from below.  Alternatively you can add fat grafting with the subcision for more of an effect. I would do the subcision / fat grafting first and then 1-2 weeks later do the chemical peels so that your skin is not too traumatized.

Patient: What are the alternatives?  And do they offer similar or less satisfactory results?

Dr. Young: You can cut around the ice picks and then raise them. This could help. They are more work though. You can add filler underneath them. You can excise a group of ice pick scars that are oriented in a pattern. You can do Dermabrasion but again resurfacing would be the last step. You can laser just the ice pick scars to get them to rise up (not as effective in my experience)

Patient: What are the side effects of these procedures?

Dr. Young: The side effects are mostly swelling, bruising.  Sometimes if you are too aggressive the scars could get wider but flatter. That is why I stage the subcision and chemical peels sometimes if the scars are deep and prominent and numerous.

Patient: How long is the procedure, and is it performed at the same clinic?  Do you schedule surgery on Fridays?

Dr. Young: The procedure will take about 1-2 hours. We can do Friday’s. We do the procedures here. We are AAAHC certified  here is a link to our plastic surgery AAAHC certification page

You can see more of our Acne Scar Revision Before and Afters here.

ice pick scars tca cross


Thanks for Reading Dr. Young

Learn more on our website

Luxurious benefits of Lactic Acid by Dr Philip Young of Bellevue

Tuesday, September 20th, 2011

Luxurious benefits of Lactic Acid by Dr. Philip Young of Bellevue: Lactic acid is an alpha hydroxy acid naturally found in milk and sugars.  It breaks down bonds (called demosomes) between cells to allow for easier exfoliation of dead surface cells and hydrates the skin. Just like glycolic acid, another popular AHA, lactic acid is very effective in reducing fine lines, wrinkles, age spots and hyperpigmentation.  Here at Aesthetic Facial Plastic Surgery, we have two different strengths of lactic acid peels which combine the benefits of TCA (Trichloroacetic Acid, another acid commonly used in peels) and other key ingredients like Vitaminc C, Kojic Acid, Azelaic Acid and more! The Sensi Peel has 12% Lactic acid and the Ultra Peel 1 which has 20% Lactic acid. For more information regarding our peels:

Chemical Peels at Aesthetic Facial Plastic Surgery