Acne Scar Treatment Photo Directory Dr. Philip Young Bellevue | Seattle Aesthetic Facial Plastic Surgery
We are making a new photo directory of different type of scars that you might have. This will allow you to pick out the scars you are concerned about to learn more about how to approach each scar. We have the following captions | scar types | techniques for you to pick from. We will try to grow the list a little more without overwhelming you:
- Acne Scar Vitalizer Treatment
- Acne Skin Care Before and After Pictures
- Box Car Acne Scar Treatment
- Depressed White Acne Scar Mark Treatment
- Elevated White Hypopigmented Acne Scars
- Pock Mark Acne Scar Treatment
- TCA CROSS treatment with Subcision
- Linear Depressed Straight Scar Geometric Line Closure