Healthy skin is beautiful skin by Dr. Young of Bellevue’s Aesthetic Facial Plastic Surgery

Healthy skin is beautiful skin by Dr. Young of Bellevue’s Aesthetic Facial Plastic Surgery: As the body’s largest organ, the skin is the biggest sign of inner health.  The same poor lifestyle choices we make on a daily basis can damage the strength and health of our skin.  Smoking, consumption of too many carbonated or alcoholic beverages, sleep deprivation can decrease the amount of blood, oxygen and nutrients that your skin needs to stay beautiful.  The result can be premature wrinkling, dull and unbalanced skin. And who wants that? Vitamins play a huge role in reversing that affect.   Here are some basic Vitamins found in most products today.  The amount will vary per product line and the higher concentrations will always be found in clinical-strength products sold at higher retailers or your physician’s office.

beautiful face

  • Vitamin A minimizes the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles
  • Vitamin B3 stimulates the metabolism in the skin
  • Vitamin B5 acts as a humectant while promoting healthy cell regeneration
  • Vitamin C naturally lightens, brightens and tightens the skin
  • Vitamin E works as an antioxidant and helps protect the lipids in the body, including cell membranes from oxidation.
  • Vitamin K can minimize the appearance of broken capillaries

If you have questions regarding your current products, please feel free to call our office anytime.

Happy New Year and hope you have a year of clean, balanced and beautiful skin!

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