Rhinoplasty Revision only one month after for nose too far away from my face presented by Dr. Philip Young of Bellevue | Seattle

Rhinoplasty Revision only one month after for nose too far away from my face presented by Dr. Philip Young of Bellevue | Seattle: There are many options to reduce the height of your tip and nose through rhinoplasty revision.  This is reliant on many factors.  Your nasal anatomy is vital and what you are specifically conversing  about. I would need to see pictures to fully give the correct or best answer. When you say that your nose is  “too high from my face”, it suggests to me that the tip and nasal structures in general from your face is too far away.  This is termed excessive tip and nasal projection. There are many alternatives to decrease this situation.  You can excise the cartilages and set them backward. Just the approach to rhinoplasty will often release some ligaments that hold your nasal tips away from your face.  Cutting the attachments from your tip cartilages to the upper parts of your nose will often also break up forces that are holding your nose away from your face. Your septal cartilage also has a big impact on the overall projection and reducing the height of the septum will also decrease your projection.
One month is too early.  Most surgeons suggest and believe, in general as a group, that 6 months is the earliest.  If there is something obvious some surgeons will elect to do a minor revision as early as 2 weeks in some rare situations. Your surgeon or a surgeon that is familiar with your previous procedure (through communication with your original surgeon) can best determine what to do.  You don’t have to wait a year in my opinion.


Thanks for reading, Dr Young

Dr Young specializes in Facial Cosmetic and Reconstructive Surgery and is located in Bellevue near Seattle, Washington

Come visit our website at www.drphilipyoung.com


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