Neck folds | Neck Skin Laxity and addressing it with a Neck Lift or Facelift by Dr. Young Bellevue | Seattle

Neck folds | Neck Skin Laxity and addressing it with a Neck Lift or Facelift by Dr. Young Bellevue | Seattle:

Questions: I don’t like my neck folds and laxity of my skin there do I need a facelift to address this or could I just get a neck lift? A face lift is good for reducing extra skin, elevating the jowls, and softening the naso labial folds wrinkles. A necklift is good for tightening up the neck banding and platysmal banding, removing fat within the neck, and sculpting the whole neck region. I opine that they are totally different operations that can be combined together  The face lift can improve the neck to a subtle degree and less so the other way around (neck lift does not improve the face that much at all).  In this particular situation where you have more concerns with the neck than the face, you could do just a neck lift and avoid the face lift.  This could also save you some money as well and less complications. This webpage goes over this subject and what a face lift does and what a neck lift does: Improving the Neck Through a Face Lift. You can read more about the Neck Lift Procedure and follow the links that describe certain subjects on the neck lift.


Thanks for reading, Dr Young

Dr Young specializes in Facial Cosmetic and Reconstructive Surgery and is located in Bellevue near Seattle, Washington

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