A Mini Facelift for Acne Scars by Dr. Philip Young of Bellevue | Seattle: A minilift (Dr Young has extensive experience in facelift and has done over 1200 facelift and is located in Bellevue, WA) could help remove some extra skin and Fat injections are great for the Hollows under the Eyes. I have many patients that I have done a minilift for acne scars. My patients seem very pleased with the results for this reason. It is not a common application for a minilift to improve acne scars but some people find it very useful. Fat injectons under the eyes are a great way to improve the volume loss there and the dark circles, and baggy look in this area. Fillers can also be done here as a temporary measure. Fat injections, if all variables are positive, can last years in this area. Volumizing in this area is the most natural and, in my opinion, is better than any type of lower eyelid lift or cheek lift. Fat injections are also great for acne. A thin layer under a bed of acne scars will improve their appearance, rejuvenate the skin and elevate some depressed scars to a degree. I think volumizing your whole cheek could really help your appearance.
Thanks for reading, Dr Young
Dr Young specializes in Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and is located in Bellevue near Seattle, Washington