There are many options for treating your scars from Acne Scar Treatment (Acne scar treatment, acne scar reduction, acne scar removal, acne scar revision, scar revision). A lot of the techniques used are based on what they look like. Acne scars can be 1. elevated 2. depressed 3. come in different shapes 4. different colors 5. different locations 6. different sizes. Elevated scars can be excised then followed up with excision 6-8 weeks after the excision. Depressed scars can also go through that same process. In addition, you can carry subcision for depressed scars instead of completely cutting out the scars. This entails cutting around the circumference of the scar and elevating it to the rest of the level of the skin. This usually requires suturing the newly elevated skin. Linear scars that are longer than 7mm may need to be broken up into different directions or shapes to camouflage the straight line better. People tend to see lines that are greater than 7mm in length. Scars can be excised or resurfaced if they are different colors. Resurfacing entails taking away the top layers of the skin to allow deeper skin cells (that reside in the hair follicles that are a lot deeper) to resurface the layers of skin that were taken away by laser, chemical peels, or dermabrasion. Depending on the location, there are different issues to think of in order to allow the scar to heal in the best possible way. Depending on the size, other techniques could be considered. Recruitment of tissue is sometimes necessary to get the best possible result. Local tissue that is next to the scar can be used. Regional tissue that can be rotated in based on definitive blood flow and sources. Free tissue that is totally removed from the source and reimplanted into the scarred area by connecting blood vessels is needed on the more extreme end of cases. Here is a live demonstration video of an Acne Treatment Procedure.
An example here shows elevated scars that were excised at the first stage, closed in different patterns for camouflage, and then resurfaced with a co2 laser(total/max/active/deep fx).
Thanks for reading, Dr Young
Dr Young specializes in Facial Cosmetic and Reconstructive Surgery and is located in Bellevue near Seattle, Washington

Before Acne Scar Treatment

After Acne Scar Excision / Camouflage Techniques

After Acne Scar co2 Laser Treatment