Radiofrequency & Microneedling for Acne Scar Treatment for Acne Scarring in Plastic Surgery
My experience in Plastic Surgery with microneedling & radio frequency is that some of the results have been less than satisfactory on the patients that I’ve seen and that have received this type of treatment for Acne Scarring and Acne Scar Treatment. I personally do not do radio frequency because I have yet to be convinced of the results. I usually wait at least 5 years for new technology to figure it self out, to get a sense for the effectiveness by the general public, and to see whether the hard data shows that it works. This is something that I learned from colleagues. It seems that many patients say that microneedling can help to a mild degree but I have had some patients say that microneedling creates additional scarring. They have come to me with bumps from a micro needling procedure. I have corrected micro needling scars like that many times before. This requires the same approach that I use to treat elevated scars and moles. My approach to acne scarring entail’s treating all the layers of the skin including building up the subcutaneous layer, the dermis as well as working from the top layers. You have to use multiple different types of treatments. I tend to group them all together in a combined approach that takes five to seven steps that’s done in about 2 hours. We call it the Acne Scar Vitalizer Treatment.
Here is a before and After our Acne Scar Vitalizer Treatment:

#acnescartreatment #beforeandafter
Dr Philip Young and our Team at Aesthetic Facial Body Plastic Surgery